We roll over into the sea, looking for a poem

To leave my body leave me / It's been growing upside down all my life.

"Summer Poem"

A wave of heat rolls

under the shelter of an electric fan

We roll over into the sea

trying to find a poem

It hides in a network with only one signal

Hiding and appearing, like the tail of a fish

It's unseasonably cool in summer

Only half the size of a watermelon in the fridge

When there are guests, they are eaten one by one

"The Barbed Life"

For more than 20 years, it has grown desperately

More buds sticking out from the sides of the nail

Desperate to get out of my body, get out of me

As if to repay the betrayal day after day

I've been tearing up those stubborn shoots countless times

The fangs and claws that cut it from the roots are stubborn

But in the end it keeps growing

Spring, summer, autumn and winter never stop

To leave my body leave me

It grows upside down all its life

"Time is tangible"

Day 6 or Day 7

Anyway, on the day when God rests

Time is buried in that huge pit downstairs

Looking down from the fifteenth floor window

It's a pitted scar

The excavator that starts to fade is sucking day after day

When it's not raining it dries up and clumps up

like dead

But when the rain comes

The creatures hiding in its heart and lungs are revived together

wandering around to prove

Time that never ends is tangible


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