"Hey! Listen to you as a writer on Ghost Island" 85 Do you want to be popular for writing novels? Find your inner theme!

In the field of novels, following the trend means "market" > "individual". Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is actually a matter of opinion.

I was discussing the subject matter with a friend before.

Some people think that in order to be more easily seen, they should write about popular topics, such as "Cross-theme Rebellion" and "President's Rebellion" that happened in major charts and bookstores before. The bookshelf is full of works on similar themes.

Of course, it will cause the popularity of this theme, of course, because it has a certain charm, but if it appears in a large number in a short period of time, it will be counterproductive, but I will not mention this today.

Putting the focus back on the topic, for example, posting articles on the Internet, as far as possible, posting articles that cater to everyone's tastes or current popular keywords, it will be easier to get traffic.

Simply put, it is "following the trend", not only in the field of novels, but also in many creations such as drawings, memes, diaries, videos, etc.

It is also on social media. Because a certain topic is still hot, even on the Google keyword rankings, more people will be interested in searching, and it is normal to increase the click-through rate. This strategy wants to be achieved in the short term Pay attention, there is indeed a better chance.

In the field of fiction, following the trend means "market" > "individual" . Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing is actually a matter of opinion. Individuals still prefer to "write what they want to write", unless this "market theme" is just right I also resonate with myself. Otherwise, writing something I don’t feel very much about may turn into a long ordeal.

However, I personally think that if you want to write moving works, you must first move yourself, so for me, a complete market orientation is a waste of energy.

Having said that, commercial works basically have certain "standards". It is what I try to achieve to achieve a balance between this "standard" and "self". After the middle, of course, the chance of being spotted by the employer will increase.

Therefore, I personally prefer to write a theme that resonates with me rather than chasing the market trend. After all, who knows that "following the trend" will take one or two years after you finish writing your work, wait for submission, and publish the schedule. When it came out, was the theme still on the waves?

Of course, my thoughts are rooted in the feeling of "I want to operate writing for a long time". I manage myself as an IP, and only focus on pursuing the integrity of my work, and I don't care if it is adopted or not.

Because it is not adopted now, it does not mean that it will not be used in the future, and even in the future, it may be used for self-editing or adaptation in the future, so try to continue to create the works you want to write XD

But of course, this personal opinion is not necessarily applicable to newcomers now. After all, there are more and more things that are vying for attention. In this era, if newcomers want to increase their chances of being seen, in addition to practicing their writing and storytelling skills to a certain extent , the more important thing is to "choose the theme".

However, the subject matter does not mean to write whatever the subject matter is popular on the market today, but to write about what you see, the aspect you care about, or the thing with special features and value, etc. Take these materials and dig out the A unique "theme", infuse your emotions and opinions into it, and complete it.

By integrating "theme" into "self", there may be an opportunity to create works that are topical and personal.

The works of the minority do not mean that they will not become the trend. Instead of following the trend, it is better to create the trend.

What do you think?

The following works will be broadcast live at 9:30 am on 7/2 (Sat)

Readers and authors, as well as creators from all walks of life, are welcome to play together~

The following is the review works:

"Struggle! The "offspring" whose life is derailed still wants to save the world of Bad Guy" Snow Mouse

"Battlefield Red Flower" Dong Yu

"Sunflowers Blooming in the Morning Light" Yingying

"The Day of Tanabata" Chiyue

"Stiltlake Girls" UXI

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鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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