Diary Page 3: Time Dominated

Because of the epidemic, we have started online classes for the third week, and I have already started preparing for the exam. As a resident student, the time at my disposal is very limited, and the time at my disposal is very limited. I cherish this time at home, so I want to share with you my recent life and insights, pure sharing, no intention to offend anyone's thoughts

After I started living in school, I became more and more aware of my life. Rather than passively studying, I chose to actively strive for what I wanted, read books I liked, and live a life that I thought was fulfilling.

Because of the class time, my first class was at 6:00 in the morning. It is impossible for me to go to bed late at such a ridiculous time. Usually, the bedtime is strictly stipulated in school, but there is no such restriction when I go home. I was able to eat less than five hours of sleep a day. The second week I was not so lucky. I started to be late. I slept through all the class time. The rosacea dermatitis caused by the weakening of the immune system, at this time, I knew that it would be impossible to continue like this...

Do people really use more time effectively?

I watched an episode of the mainland debate program [Qi Hua Shuo] before, the title was: "If there is a sleeping pill that doesn't require you to take it, would you take it?"

I didn't want to say yes or no. I just saw a problem that everyone ignored. Everyone seems to be using time to prove that they are working hard, but the important thing is that I used the shortest time to create the greatest benefit for myself or the group? , time should be spent researching new ways and living your life well

I guess this is an illusion brought to us by education. Since childhood, teachers have told us that you should do well in exams. This is a benefit. How to do well in exams is nothing more than talent and intelligence or diligence. It's not up to you to decide, and everyone thinks they're clumsy, they keep putting their time on things that they are 80% sure about, and they keep hoping that they can reach 100% before they are willing to act.

The 100 points the teacher wants, is useless in completing most of the learning

For example, in the mid-term exam, I kept studying mathematics, just because I didn't think I was sure, I didn't take any other subjects, I failed all of them, and I didn't get enough sleep, and I didn't perform properly in mathematics.

This is actually a concept I've heard before. We can't exert 100 points of action every day, but we definitely have 80 points of physical strength to do our work well, and we really have other energy and time to do it better. it is good

Of course, I can't generalize. For certain occupations that require 100% completion, we can't use this method. I won't talk about it if I don't touch it

So really effective use of time should be, but evaluate efficiency according to your own ability, find ways to improve work efficiency, and leave the rest of the time for your love and trivial life, instead of living in uncertain exams and endless During overtime.


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暖昧一個不太聰明女孩的平凡故事,慢慢認識高敏感的社恐女孩 IG:comical.fei
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