What can a novice shop owner do to increase the source and traffic of the website?

The editor believes that when everyone builds their own exclusive online store website, the biggest worry in the next step is how to increase the number of visitors and improve the interaction between the guests and the website. 6 ways

1. Promote through social platforms

If a new website wants to attract targets and attract customers, the easiest and most direct way is through social platforms, and we are most familiar with Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. Due to the large number of people originally using these platforms, it is most suitable to publish the latest news of the website. For example, you can promote the style information of some websites, the update of products, and the promotion offers on the platform. Because the information on social platforms, through the sharing of users, messages can be continuously spread on the platform, so that people around friends will also receive this information. This is definitely the fastest way to increase the exposure rate of the website, so everyone must not ignore it. These useful and free promotion platforms! !

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is very important for a website, because it will directly affect whether your website can be directly searched by search engines when they perform the action of "Search". If the SEO of your website is set well, it means that your website ranking will improve, it will be searched by more visitors, and you will find more potential customers from it.

3. Take the initiative

In addition to using social media or platforms to promote, you can also make use of your existing circle of friends and the groups you have joined, through your address book, on some communication software such as Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, or the latest email distribution website. information. These will be your tools for publicity. In addition, you can post your own website links in major forums, related groups, and related websites to let more people know. In no time, your first customer base can accumulate.

4. Frequently update online store content

The traffic of a website depends to a large extent on the activity of the website, so you can diligently update the products on the website, so that customers feel that new products are often launched on the website. If you have a lot of products on the shelves, don't put the products on the shelves at once, you can upload them in several rounds, so that you can create the illusion that the website is frequently updated, thereby attracting customers to come back to your website.

5. Write articles related to the brand image of the online store

The editor also found a new trend today, and I strongly suggest that you can regularly write some articles related to brand image on the website. Articles have a lot of space for publicity, and you can also promote your products in the article, intentionally or unintentionally, and you can also attract a group of readers who like to read your article. While reading the article, there is an opportunity to attract readers to pay attention to other information and products on the website. And continuing to publish articles can also make the site richer.

6. Provide website exclusive discounts

To entice visitors to keep browsing your website. The easiest way is to promote offers that can only be used when you place an order on the website. For example, you can use the form of a discount code that customers can enter and use when shopping on the website. The editor believes that in order to get discounts, customers will go to the website without hesitation, and even learn the trading method of your website, and get a win-win effect.

The above is a small summary of the small skills, I hope to help you! !

Article transfer: Orangebox Japan and South Korea wholesale platform


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