The module synthesizer power box ushered in a substantial innovation — NANO Modules CAIXA 104 Chinese introduction

存在指南 Way To Exist
The entry threshold for modular synthesizers is relatively high. Just buying a power box and adding some necessary modules requires a lot of expenses. Fortunately, Spanish synthesizer maker Nano Modules has a definitive solution to this problem.
Nano Modules module synthesizer power box Caixa 104 Chinese introduction

One of the reasons why modular synthesizers attract people is that they can be changed, added or subtracted at will—today you need an LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator), just buy one you like, connect it to the power supply, lock the screws, and your modular synthesizer system has another way of playing, a tool for kneading and shaping sounds.

However, it cannot be denied that the cost of entry into a modular synthesizer is relatively high. It will cost a lot of money just to purchase a sufficient size and indispensable power box, plus some modules that will definitely be used.

Nano Modules, a synthesizer manufacturer from Spain, proposed a clear solution to this disturbing problem last year (2022): a small power box that is suitable for portability and pre- loaded with several functional modules on top of it. The customizable space is 104 HP.

Nano Modules Caixa 104 Official Introduction Video

What attracted the attention of this CAIXA 104 at first was not the changes on the case, but the promotional video it produced. It got rid of the simple or weird product introductions that the module synthesizer manufacturers are accustomed to. NANO Modules successfully combined the mysterious and treacherous atmosphere with the sense of technology, making this power box look more attractive.


As mentioned in the preface, when building your own synthesizer system, you often need to spend a lot of money to buy some necessary functional modules (Utility Modules). CAIXA 104 installs these commonly used functions directly on top of it in the form of 1U, which is a bit similar to the Palette produced by Intellijel.

The following will introduce what functions are pre-prepared for users on the fuselage.

Caixa 104 Appearance

On the front panel, from left to right are:

Balanced Inputs

Caixa 104 Balanced Inputs

Any audio source can be input into CAIXA 104, and because the audio signal in the modular synthesizer is higher than the Line Level, an AMP with a gain of up to 20 dB is equipped here, so that users can smoothly input audio sources such as Drum Machine / Sampler or other independent synthesizers, and there are signal indicators and clipping warning lights.


Caixa104 Buffered Multiples

It is not a Passive Multiple, but a Buffered Multiple, which can reproduce the signal stably. There are two groups in total, and a total of 6 outputs.


Caixa104 Precision Adder

The X and Y inputs are summed with the voltage Switcher (-2 — +5V) on the right, and both outputs are Sum. Adder is a very useful tool in a modular synthesizer, and how to use it depends on the user's creativity. For example: change the Octave of VCOs, change the CV Offset, so as to change the operating form of Modulate, etc.

two LFOs

Caixa 104 Low Frequency Oscillators

Two low-frequency oscillators with basic waveforms (Triangle / Square), with Rate adjustment knob and triangle wave, square wave output. The square wave output of LFO 1 is preset as the Trigger input of S&H.


The basic concept is that every time the Trigger is triggered, the output voltage samples the value of the input voltage and maintains this voltage at the output. It is often used as a Random tool, and it can even be seen on many Stand Alone synthesizers. Also equipped with a White Noise output, you can independently patch it to your other places.

The feature here is that NANO presets the Square of LFO 1 as the Trigger of Sample&Hold, and presets the Noise as Sample Input. Therefore, this block can be used as Random CV without Patch, which is very convenient.

Stereo Mixer / Stereo & Headphone Out

Caixa104 Balanced Stereo Outs

I believe this part does not need to be elaborated. For daily practice, it is worth noting that for players who do not want to play the sound too loudly, NANO has carefully prepared an independent Headphone Output.

In addition to the 7 Utility Modules on the front panel, there are a pair of Stereo Input / Output on the top of the body, which can be directly connected to the Balanced Inputs / Outputs just mentioned.

In the box with a total of 104 HP below, there are a total of 18 power strips, which are enough for you to install the necessary modules.

It is not a new thing to pre-configure the utility module above the power box. For example, Make Noise once made a 1 U CV Navigator on a 7 U Shared System box. However, it can be said that it is the first NANO Modules with such a complete and exquisite overall function.

The author thinks that the biggest disadvantage of CAIXA 104 is that although there is a row of 1 U functional modules, the area where the modules can actually be configured is only 104 HP. Of course, it can be said to be convenient for portability and performance, but it is definitely not enough for modular synthesizer players.

Even so, judging from the pre-loaded with some highly repetitive but not cheap modules, we still think that this CAIXA 104 can bring some changes to the future modular synthesizers. Maybe we will see Arturia / Make Noise or even Doepfer start to follow up in the future.

Source / NANO Modules
2023 / 07 / 10 Taipei, Taiwan


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