[Community Activities Promotion] 2020 Matt City Annual Word Voting (deadline on December 31)


Hello everyone, I didn't expect December 22, 2020 to be so soon. It's almost the end of the year on the 31st, how are you doing this year?

OK, time to get to the point. In fact, this article is to promote the "First Matt City Annual Word Voting" event. Since the event was held in a hurry, I wanted to promote it while there was still time. This event will end at 23:59 on December 31, 2020. I have seen some friends write articles, thank you very much for participating! I also look forward to seeing more people publish their own Matt City Word of the Year, summarizing their life in Matt City this year. If you don't have time to write a 700-word article, I hope you will have a little time to fill out this Google questionnaire, and you can count what your annual word is (I wonder if there is a chance to get a yearly word with the most candidates).

Introduction and Rules of the 1st Annual Matter City Word Poll

(A) Introduction to the event:

What words do you think represent your feelings and experiences in Matt City in 2020? Let's do our first annual Matt City Word Poll!

There are two events this time:
(i) Annual word of 700 words
(ii) Google Form Voting Word of the Year

(B) Activity content and rules:
(i) 700-word annual word (with prizes)
Posts that meet the following three activity rules will be counted as an activity.

(1) Please select a word that represents your feelings and experiences in Matt City in 2020.
(2) Post an article explaining the reason for choosing this word, and the number of words should be 700 words or more.
(3) Tag Article: 1st Annual Matt City Word Poll

(ii) Voting Word of the Year on Google Form (Aim to participate in the happy session)
(1) You can participate without publishing a 700-word article. If you have published a 700-word article, please also click into the Google Form below to vote for the convenience of statistics, thank you.
(2) You can choose to vote by name or by secret ballot (3) Please fill in your Matt City Word of the Year through this website (https://forms.gle/oXMveHjoNXQA9S7S6). If it is inconvenient to fill in the Google Form or cannot enter the Google Form, please email to chingyisays@gmail.com for inquiries.

For details, I have linked two previous articles below, thank you~


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青兒說青兒,香港九十後。快快樂樂,好好運運。 歡迎找我玩,做個朋友。
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