Let's grow old together


Sherlock Holmes is certainly one of the most well-known fictional characters, and his shrewd and capable image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In the 293rd movie "The Last Strange Case of Sherlock Holmes", Holmes faced old age, degeneration and regret, experienced fragility, Remorse and redemption, abandon reason, and taste the taste of emotion for the first time.

At the beginning of the film, Sherlock Holmes is 93 years old, saying goodbye to his 30-year career as a detective and living a secluded life on a country farm beekeeping. Because of his declining health, he talks about death from time to time. In order to delay aging and restore the lost memory, he went to Japan to find sansho, eager to retrieve the memory, restore the truth of the last case before his retirement, and fill the gap in his life. In the process of reminiscing, he repeatedly forgot and was frustrated again and again.

The audience knows Sherlock Holmes too well, so it is inevitable to see him in his twilight years. Even the most intelligent Sherlock Holmes gradually loses his ability to control life when he grows old. Isn't it even worse for us mortals when they get old?

Getting old is cruel, so I always avoid facing the problem, but when I stand in front of the mirror occasionally, I still imagine myself with gray hair, old age, and wrinkles all over my face. It's too cruel to imagine. My mood is completely different from what I imagined when I grew up when I was a child. At that time, I had hope and enthusiasm in my heart, but now I am afraid that time is passing too fast. Maybe what I want to focus on is not a change in appearance, but a healthy body. I really don't want to become a sick and annoying old man.

In his later years, Sherlock Holmes was alone. Watson, his wife, and his elder brother passed away one after another. No one in the world who knew him existed. Even if he did not admit it, it was too lonely to live alone. Huo, I really want to go in and give him a hug.

I'm afraid of getting old, and even more afraid of getting old alone, so let's get old together. It turns out that having someone to grow old with me is the happiest thing in my life. After all, not everyone has the opportunity to grow old.

At the end of the movie, Sherlock Holmes is enlightened after recalling the truth, reversing the bitterness he has been dealing with over the years, and re-learning the way of human beings. Although he is 93 years old, it is never too late for a person to get better.

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