LINE officially launched the NFT platform! Are you going to enter the era of NFT for all? (attached to the free airdrop teaching at the end of the article) - Block D Weekly Report

The platform's slogan "NFTs for All"

One of the popular things in the NFT circle these days should be that LINE has launched the leading website of the NFT platform "DOSI" and the NFT airdrop plan. According to the official data provided by LINE, Taiwan, which has 23 million people, has more than 21 million LINE users (accounts), and the coverage rate is extremely high. If we are serious about launching NFT services to the public, it will undoubtedly accelerate the entry of NFT ( encryption industry) into the public domain. speed .

Taiwanese are inseparable from LINE. Image source: LINE official blog

Since I don't know if there will be a quantity limit or application time limit, as soon as the news came out, there was a FOMO upsurge of rushing to register. In view of LINE's dominance of communication software in Taiwan, I also recommend that you go to the card slot if you haven't already.

This article will share in three parts the layout of LINE on the blockchain in the past, my thoughts on the content of the announcement of the DOSI NFT trading platform, and how to obtain this wave of free NFT airdrops from DOSI .

Applying for DOSI's NFT airdrop this time is very simple. People without blockchain experience don't need to worry. The process does not require registration of exchanges or encrypted wallets. You only need to use your LINE account to complete the application. Those who are afraid of missing can directly pull to the second half of this article " NFT Free Obtaining Method " to see the detailed steps.


Blockchain is the next big thing in the technology industry. Of course, the major giants in the Web2 era will not let it go. In addition to the traditional bigwigs in the American technology industry, LINE from Asia is of course also actively deploying.

LINE established the "LINE Blockchain Lab" team in April 2018, which is responsible for the research and development of blockchain technology. It has completed many important basic services along the way. It can be seen that LINE has continuous plans for the blockchain industry. The layout and operation of the painting. include:

Own chain: LINE Blockchain

In 2018, it launched its own blockchain " LINE Blockchain " (formerly known as LINK Chain), and released an open source platform to third-party developers through a platform called " LINE Blockchain Developers " to develop LINE Blockchain-based blockchains. services, so that service providers will be more convenient when building blockchain services.

Developers can use the LINE Blockchain Developers platform to issue their own tokens, tokenize digital props and characters in the game, record open and transparent transactions and interactions, monetize data, and even provide more flow of real-world assets sex.

Own coin: cryptocurrency LINK

Also in 2018, the LINE Blockchain-based cryptocurrency LINK was launched. According to LINE official statement: In the LINE token economy, the function of LINK is to motivate user behavior. LINK tokens are used to reward users for their contributions to dApp services. As related services grow, the token economy will expand simultaneously. If the demand for LINK grows together, the value is also expected to rise. In order to allow users to freely use the acquired tokens in different dApp services, LINE is actively working with application families and third-party service providers to prepare.

Note that LINK's codename on exchanges is $LN, not to be confused with Chainlink's $LINK. (my own experience)

Your own cryptocurrency wallet: BitMAX Wallet

In August 2020, the " LINE BITMAX Wallet " digital wallet service was launched to manage digital assets (including NFTs) issued on LINE Blockchain. LINE claims that the advantage of BitMAX Wallet is that as long as there is a LINE account, it can be used, and it can also transfer digital assets with LINE friends, which greatly reduces the entry barrier.

Own Exchange: BITFRONT

In 2019, the cryptocurrency exchange " BitMAX " was established in Japan, followed by the establishment of " BITFRONT " in the United States in 2020 to provide crypto asset trading services.

Your own NFT test market: LINE Blockchain NFT Market Beta

In June 2021, the "LINE Blockchain NFT Market Beta" service was released. Users can trade NFTs through BITMAX Wallet, and the theme NFTs of "LINE FRIENDS" were also released, which can be obtained by completing the activity tasks. A total of more than 170,000 pieces were sent out, of which More than 80% are people who have no blockchain assets before, but only support the Japanese market.

NFT planning

Established a dedicated subsidiary: LINE NEXT

From its own chain, to cryptocurrencies, wallets, and even exchanges, LINE has accumulated experience in almost all aspects of the blockchain industry, and has also tried NFT issuance and testing activities in the Japanese market, so everyone is thinking There should be more NFT services coming down.

Sure enough, LINE announced the establishment of a company called "LINE NEXT" in December 2021 to develop the NFT ecosystem, build a trading platform, support global companies and creators to participate in the NFT market and develop communities, and is committed to promoting the development of general users It is also convenient to trade NFTs.

Five months later, LINE NEXT first launched the "DOSI Wallet" to prepare for the launch of the NFT trading platform. The press release at that time claimed that DOSI Wallet was a "social passport". In addition to providing transaction and payment services, It will also combine the NFT experience and community functions in the DOSI ecosystem. With the launch of the DOSI platform in the future, the transaction and payment functions of DOSI Wallet will be enabled.

Then a few days ago (August 2), the leading website of DOSI Teaser was announced, the brand NFT project was released, and the exclusive NFT airdrop benefits that everyone was rushing to register in the past few days were released.

NFT trading platform: DOSI

Let's watch a promotional video on the DOSI Teaser pilot site first. A small reminder for everyone, the 20th second is very important!

From the phrase "NFTs for All", you can feel LINE's ambitions in the NFT market. After all, as the overlord of communication software in many countries, the huge number of users has given it an innate advantage in promoting its new service platform. In addition, the operation of the sticker market service in the past has already cooperated with designers from various countries. The community has close cooperation and cooperates with the layout of the blockchain infrastructure since 2018, so that LINE already has the "technology (blockchain)", "art (creator)" and "use" to enter the NFT market at the same time. collector (collector)” three important elements.

So what is the difference between DOSI and other current NFT markets, such as Opensea? The clues can be seen slightly from the three features highlighted in the leading website:

brand store

As LINE's NFT trading platform, DOSI will have many different "DOSI Stores" on DOSI. At present, it seems that different "DOSI Stores" will have different themes, or they can be designed for different customer groups. Take the currently officially announced DOSI Stores as an example:

  • AlphaCrewz specially launched NFT products with high-quality Avatar avatars, which can be used in LINE's metaverse ecosystem in the future.
  • NOW. Drops provides NFT services to capture clips of artist performances, and also plans to launch NFT series and benefits for various types of artist IPs.
  • The Hellbound NFT series is presented in the form of Generative Art with the theme of the web comic "Hell's Messenger". A membership system will be provided, and exclusive benefits belonging to the universe view of "Hell Messenger" will also be launched.
  • DIA TV plans to release a series of NFTs and membership plans for influencer singers, which currently include vocal group Maytree, and content creators Napkins and Chuther.
  • APOKI is a virtual idol who is about to release a special edition PFP avatar NFT series.
  • ...and more

Unlike Opensea, which is sorted by NFT category (art, collection, music, etc.) at most, DOSI’s operation in the model of brand stores will strengthen the platform’s “ curatorial ” role (and power), after all, it is not positioning imaging Open marketplaces like Opensea allow almost anyone to buy and sell. To use the metaphor of a shopping website, Opensea is like a small shop, open-air, while DOSI is more like MOMO and PCHome (here is a metaphor for the freedom of listing only for buyers and sellers). I think that in the future, there should be a brand DOSI Store that pays for enterprises to be listed on DOSI, and the current practice of "LINE Sticker Market" should be extended in the future. By attracting sticker creators to create on DOSI, an exclusive theme DOSI Store will be established. Selling NFTs and using them in LINE's communication scenarios directly endows NFTs with usage scenarios, and uses a large number of existing users to attract creators to quickly expand the DOSI ecosystem.

Member benefits

Opensea does not currently have a "membership" system. Basically, anyone can be a buyer and a seller at the same time, and can create projects or conduct second-hand sales on it at any time. However, it seems that there are clear barriers between "seller: project party/creator" and "buyer: consumer/collector" on DOSI. Since it is curated by the platform (including recruiting and screening creators), it is important to satisfy consumers/collectors and increase stickiness and contribution, because as long as consumers can use the platform frequently, it can attract more Creators join in, so that more consumers are willing to use the platform and create a growth flywheel.

DOSI strengthens the membership system on the platform by issuing the "DOSI Citizen" PFP (avatar) NFT project. In addition to this event, those who register for this event can get avatar NFTs made with generative art. The official said that in the future, the types of DOSI Citizen NFTs will be quite diverse. It can be collected by users. As long as users promote DOSI ecosystem services by trading NFT, inviting friends, etc., they also have the opportunity to receive rewards and benefits. These are all ways to increase membership and stickiness .

Including this free NFT airdrop event. Currently, DOSI is holding an event on the official Twitter to send out "DOSI Citizen" NFT.

How to get DOSI NFT for free

There will be two NFT airdrops in this event, one is the "early airdrop NFT" that is available in the registered wallet, and the other "exclusive DOSI Citizen NFT" is to answer a questionnaire.

Early airdrop NFT

The first step is to go to the leading website of DOSI Teaser , and watch the animation later. First, find a symbol like a wallet in the upper right corner and click on it to start registration.

The second step is to use the platform account you are used to to register in the small window that pops up. However, since it is a platform launched by LINE, of course, it is recommended to use the LINE account and enter your own LINE account and password to register.

The third step, check some permissions, enter the location, set a password, etc.

The fourth step, click the "three horizontal lines" button in the upper right corner of the wallet window, and then click "My Account" to complete the mobile phone verification.

The early airdrop NFT is expected to start airdropping to everyone's DOSI wallet after 8/22.

Exclusive DOSI Citizen NFT

The first step is to watch the animation on the leading website of DOSI Teaser , and remember to look at the "color of the bus driver's blindfold".

The second step, go to the questionnaire link: , both in English and Korean, don't be afraid, the answers are as follows:

  • 1-1 Country code: 886
  • 1-2 Mobile Number: Enter the mobile number you just verified
  • 2 Wallet account number: Where can I find the account number? Remember the page when you just registered your phone? (As shown in the figure below) There is a QR-Code button in the upper right corner. After clicking, your wallet account will appear. After clicking "Copy address", you can paste it in the questionnaire.
  • 3 What color is the bus driver's blindfold in the animation: Red (red)
  • 4 Yes
  • Yes, I agree
  • submit

That's it!

DOSI Citizen NFT is expected to be airdropped to everyone's DOSI wallet after 9/5.

There is a full description of this event on DOSI's official Twitter, I suggest you check it out and follow it.

The above is this week's weekly report. If you are also curious about what impact the blockchain will have on the world in the future, please leave an email subscription in the "Block D Weekly Newsletter" subscription area , and you can receive attention in your mailbox every week. oh the news!


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D大叔在這裡聊聊區塊鏈世界中的有趣消息,針對 Web3、品牌行銷、商業趨勢和科普新知,提供個人觀察和想法、內容推薦和導讀。 我在2018年接觸加密貨幣,2021年擁有第一個NFT,接觸不算早,但是對區塊鏈世界深深著迷,希望分享自己從加密小白開始的經驗,和大家一起探索這個世界的未來。 只有在枕上、車上、廁上才能深度思考的注意力不集中者。 喜好又東又西,故鄉又南又北,靈魂不大不小,人生不缺不全。
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