Ten Books I Love

After a long absence, I participated in community activities to share ten books (fiction/biography/social science/prose/comic/pictorial) that had a deep influence on me.

■ Novel

Book 1|"Harry Potter" JK Rowling / UK

Writer Yang Zhao wrote in the book "In the Jungle of Reading":

When "The Mysterious Philosopher's Stone" was first published, someone once saw that on a train (perhaps the commuter train from Manchester to London), a middle-aged man held up "The Times" aloft, but secretly hidden "Mysterious Magic" in it. stone". Why is this man doing this? Because he knew that it would be embarrassing to read this kind of "boy book" in public, but he was so fascinated that he couldn't bear to put it down, so he had to cover up and deceive himself in this way.

Although "Harry Potter" is classified as children's fantasy literature, in fact, the story is too realistic for children; it is inevitably childish for adults. But the magical world constructed in the book is quite rich and complete, and when it is more widely known, it quickly breaks the stereotype. One can't help believing that there may be wizards carrying out secret magical missions at some unknown time; or that on that nine and three-quarters platform, a group of children is hurrying with their luggage to take the train. . It is such a unique charm that adults and children all fall in love with it.

Also because of this characteristic, "Harry Potter" is a set of books that has been with me for quite a long time. When I first came across "Harry Potter", it was purely a book that I chose when I was a child and went to a bookstore to make trouble. Unexpectedly, this opportunity, let the book accompany me all the way to grow up. When it is about to be released every year, I can't wait to go to the bookstore to pre-order. I didn't know until I recently confirmed that I bought the first two to seven episodes of "Harry Potter", which shows how crazy it was back then. When I heard the news that the film was going to start shooting, I was very excited that the casting was so in line with my imagination (but I feel sorry for the actor Daniel Radcliffe is not tall XD) .

When I read the last volume, after repeatedly confirming the "really finished" message, the first thought that came to my mind was: "Reluctant, really reluctant." For a long time, I stayed on the page where Harry sent his children to school as an adult. The middle kept begging the author: "Can you continue to write about the days when Harry became a righteous master?" and regretted that the godfather Sirius disappeared behind a mysterious curtain; Foyle and George would never be able to make trouble together things; and the final sacrifice made to Professor Shi Naibu. Years later, in addition to launching the script version, as the author said, he will not continue to write. I also decided from a kid who wanted to get into Gryffindor that I was a normal Muggle (laughs.

A few years ago, in order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of "Harry Potter", various countries have launched their own unique covers. I would like to recommend the picture book series to everyone. The artist is Jim Kay who has painted "Monsters Come Knock on the Door". The illustrations of Harry Potter are very vivid, and I hope that one day I can save enough money to collect this set of books.

The second book | "Pride and Prejudice" Jane. Austin / United Kingdom

Jane. Austin is a classical writer I love very much. I like the restrained love story in the book, the author's description of trivial affairs, and the strong English manor atmosphere in the book. Among her many works, "Pride and Prejudice" is the one I have read over and over again, and I enjoy it the most. It's about "first impressions", which is what makes the book fascinating. I really like to see how the intelligent heroine and the arrogant Mr. Darcy clashed due to prejudice, and later eliminated misunderstandings and re-acquainted the two sides. Especially the turning point arranged in the middle, when the heroine Elizabeth's family encounters difficulties, the man will help him regardless of his previous suspicions. From the perspective of a romance novel, it is really the most heart-wrenching place.

However, "Pride and Prejudice" is a bit like a fairy tale, because the heroine Elizabeth married the best compared to other works, and Mr. Darcy is the richest male protagonist in Austen's works. Wan Zong couldn't help adding a narration unique to fairy tales for them: "The hero and heroine have lived happily ever after."

In addition, I would like to recommend the 1995 "Pride and Prejudice" series. The actor Colin Firth played Mr. Darcy in the play, which is very attractive and handsome.

The third book|"Swordsman" Jin Yong / Hong Kong

"Flying snow shoots the white deer in the sky, and the hero of the laughing book leans on the blue mandarin duck." I believe readers who love Jin Yong must know this poem.

I still remember that in a Chinese class in high school, the teacher discussed Jin Yong, and he said, "Almost all of Jin Yong's works can be combined with the background of the era, only "Swordsman" has no clear time point, it is a work that can be integrated into any Time and space, a story full of allegorical meanings.” Probably such a statement caught my attention, plus I heard that my grandfather, who had never met, always liked to borrow martial arts novels to read when he was alive. One day, I suddenly had a strong desire to read Jin Yong's works. I bought a set of "Swordsman" during the Chinese New Year. I was anxious to know the follow-up. .

But I want to laugh about the hero Linghu in "The Swordsman". It was the first time I saw the protagonist who was seriously injured for such a long time. But he is the hero I admire the most in Jin Yong's works. He values love and righteousness. Even if he wins the favor of many women, he always loves the younger sister. He has a witty personality and does not forget to fight when he competes. In addition, the author combines rich humanistic history and Geography, creating various martial arts and martial arts, is very enjoyable to read.

If wizards and witches are magical stories belonging to the West, then martial arts is a fantasy story unique to the East. In the world of martial arts, I envy the heroes who can freely act as chivalrous heroes and roam the rivers and lakes. Although there are rivers and lakes where there are people in real life, I often feel that there are too few heroes, and I haven't seen East Evil, West Poison, South Emperor and North Beggar. I really don't know when I can practice peerless martial arts like a hero.

Book Four|Goodbye in Heaven Pierre Lemaitre/France

Goodbye in Heaven is an entertaining revenge novel. It exposes the reality of society like Balzac, but also with gorgeous emotional performance. The story is set in the late stage of the end of the First World War. When the unknown Albert was silenced by the commander Beaudale, he was fortunately rescued by the enthusiastic Edward. But Edward was also disfigured and could not take care of himself. Albert took up the responsibility of caring in order to repay his gratitude, and the two have been with each other since then. But after the war, no matter how hard Albert tried to survive, the cruel society never gave him any breathing space. In contrast, the officers who hurt them are still domineering outside. For such an unjust world, Albert and Edward decide to unleash a big national deception.

The author is very good at describing characters, and each character in "Goodbye in Heaven" has a distinct and full personality, and is very vivid. The author will also add his own ridicule in due course, which makes it interesting to read. One of the main reasons why I personally think this book is full of charm is that it is different from ordinary revenge stories. In addition to the funny content, the story is based on the characters' personalities. In many cases, the characters do not interact directly, but each other's actions are like a domino effect that pulls each other together, even until death is unaware. After reading it, you will feel a sense of emotion, because isn't life like this?

Throughout his life, he repeatedly saw the moment Edward looked at him when the car took his son to heaven, face to face with him. It took him a long time to understand the meaning of his son's eyes. He read joy in his eyes, yes, liberation, but also something else.
One day, he finally thought of the word: gratitude. It's purely imaginative, of course, but once a person has this idea in his mind to get himself out of everything... He thought of the word "thankful" during a meal one day in February 1927. He left the table and, as always, kissed Madeleine's forehead, went back to the room, lay down on the bed, and passed away. —P.456

The fifth book|"The Hanging Hall of the Book Building" Kyogoku Natsuhiko / Japan

Jingji Natsuhiko is a unique reasoning writer. The reasoning novels he writes combine monsters, folklore, science and psychology. Compared with designing cases or solving puzzles, books often carry out philosophical arguments, and often reveal a lot of information between the lines. Historical and philosophical research, although I personally don’t like the occasional lengthy pages that fall out of the book bag, but I admire the author’s knowledge.

"Writing and language are false. There is no world in it, and there is no truth to speak of. The so-called books are the false world and the corpse of the world created by the person who wrote him."
"But if someone reads it, the corpse will come back to life. By deciphering the spell of words and reciting the incantation of language, it belongs only to that person's present world, and it will appear in the inside of the person who reads it in the form of a ghost. It really shows up in front of you. That...is the book." -P.35

"Book House Hanging Hall" is divided into six short stories, set in a bookstore called "Hanging Hall" opened in the Meiji era. Each story has different historical figures who come to the store to select books by fate, and the owner and the customer communicate with each other. In the process, it brings out the changes of modern Japanese culture and talks about the collision of its old and new thinking. Compared with the previous works, "Book House Hanging Hall" is more mature in writing and does not talk about reasoning. Although some small easter eggs will be arranged to let the ancestors of the main characters of the Jingjitang series come out, it will not affect the main body of the story.

For me, reading "Book Building and Hanging Hall" is a special experience, not only because it creates a historical atmosphere, but also because the ideas in the book often surprise me, because I have never thought like this before. , like reinterpreting books as "tombstones", and the bookstore owner is supporting them, etc. I really enjoy giving new look to things that are accustomed to in the story, which is really eye-opening.

■ Biography

Book Six|"Music Makes People Free" Ryuichi Sakamoto/Japan

I was able to look back on my life in this way. Frankly, I'm not very interested in this decision. It's not in my nature to pick up fragments of memories and put them together into a story.
However, I am also interested in how I became the Ryuichi Sakamoto I am today. Either way, these memories are about the unique self in the world. I want to understand why I am on the path I am now. —P.9

This is an introverted autobiography, without boasting, and describing the past of my life very plainly. If you don't know much about music, you may be confused about the music mentioned in the book. I can read this book because I listened to the piano version of "Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence" on the recommendation of Youtube algorithm one day. I originally wanted to buy his albums, but I found out that his works have varied styles, and I couldn't see the context at all. I didn't know how to start, so I found an autobiography to read.

In order to understand this autobiography, I took a more extreme approach and understood that I was not well versed in the field of music, so I simply copied down all the people and things I didn’t know in it and made notes. Check who.

In this elegant trip, I actually know quite a few interesting things, such as the chords of the Beatles music originally created by the musician Debussy 9 chords; or the theme song of the movie "The Last Emperor" I often hear Marin in that passage. The composer of Ba's overture was Dadid Byrne, but Ryuichi Sakamoto was hospitalized due to overwork in order to help the film score, and most of them were not used. He also formed the electronic synthesis band "YMO" with Haruomi Hosano and Yukihiro Takahashi. The style is avant-garde and leads the trend. Jackson (Michael Jackson) has covered their works . And the song "Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence", which I love, was once so popular that it drove him crazy, and it was only when his mood changed in old age that he looked down on it.

After spending several days reading the book, which is only over 200 pages long, there is one thing I can say with certainty, and that is: "He has become my idol (laughs)."

Must play again:

■ Social Sciences

Book 7|Opening the Black Box of Algorithms Hannah Fry / UK

The mention of a profession may make many people in non-related fields feel unmatched, and professionals tend to use proper nouns to crowd out others. Interestingly, although there are specialties in the arts, those who specialize do not necessarily see the overall situation, and only bury their heads in a more difficult realm. If one day you ask an engineer how the algorithm is developed, he may explain to you how the program is compiled and how the model is optimized, but he does not necessarily know how the algorithm will affect the world. "Opening the Black Box of Algorithms" explains the question I have always been puzzled by: "Algorithms have changed all levels of society?"

"Technology always comes from human nature" is simple to say, but not easy to implement. The artificial intelligence that is being called now does not have self-awareness like science fiction movies, and there is still a long way to go before creating an artificial mind. But all kinds of algorithm applications are filling our lives all the time, such as navigation, video push and mobile phones, etc. How much power are we willing to give to algorithms? Are we accepting algorithms instead of creation? Or, can we fully trust self-driving cars? On these issues, "Opening the Algorithm Black Box" provides a humanized perspective to explore.

■ Prose

The Eighth Book|"Niannian's True Taste of Time" Wu Nianzhen/Taiwan

After I lost my sense of smell, He compensated me with "memory." He asked me to piece together or restore the original and proper smell and feeling of food from certain situations in the past. ...—P.2

Wu Nianzhen, whose real name is Wu Wenqin, can be a writer, director or screenwriter. He likes to listen to his lectures very much. Every time he listens to his Taiwanese "breathing", he feels like an uncle next door is chatting with him. In fact, the reason why I noticed the director at first was to know that behind his versatility, he had faced the death of his relatives one by one. To paraphrase Eileen Chang's words from writer Li Weijing: "Give me ten times as much talent, and I don't want her character." The director's experience made me think of this sentence unconsciously.

"Nian Nian Time Really Tastes" is a collection of essays on the theme of food after the author lost his sense of smell. Probably the director grew up in a mining village with close ties, and his articles always have a delicate and simple "human touch". And the description of the process of cooking food is also very visual, and at a glance, you know that he is an expert. It's just that the food mentioned in the article will always carry different memories of life, and while coveting, you also feel the nostalgia of the slightest.

■ Comics

Book 9|"Volleyball Boys" Haruichi Furutate/Japan

There are quite a few manga works that I love personally, but I wrote this one especially, not only because I like its plot and composition, but also because this set of manga really has an impact on my life.

Once the work fell into a low ebb, in the face of difficult handling of personnel, despite the help of the supervisor, I still felt powerless. I know that I am unhappy, but my emotions are in a state of uncontrollable emotions. I can't get angry even if I want to. I want to cry and watch a drama to force tears. At that time, I just wanted to change my mood, so I watched "Volleyball Boys", and it is no exaggeration to say that I was inspired by Hinata's persistence when I chased after the match between Karasano and Shiratori Sawa Academy. After watching that game, I suddenly felt motivated to face the next dilemma.

Usually I hate chicken soup, but this comic is really chicken soup for my soul. The protagonist can not only change the team members in the story, but even the readers outside the book can be moved. Thank you to the author for not designing the characters in the comics to be superhumans. I like the resignation and regret that are unique to youth in the works. Even if he has to make a compromise with growing up, the protagonist Hinata can still face his own shortcomings in order to pursue his dreams without any scruples, and learn to regard "peace" as a habit. Looking at such a cute plot, I really can't help but believe that everything is "it's not impossible, it's just difficult!" It 's like the goddess senpai was finally met by Tanaka, hahaha.

This year's Tokyo Olympics, the soundtrack played during the competition included a lot of animation theme song elements, and of course "Volleyball Boys" is indispensable. But my favorite is "FLY HIGH!!" by BURNOUT SYNDROMES. Just the first sentence "Fly HIGH!!" at the beginning is enough to make my blood boil.

■ Artbook

The tenth book|"THORES Shiimoto's Art Collection IL TAPPETO ROSSO [Red Carpet]" Thores Shiimoto/Japan

Drawing is one of my hobbies. When I was a child, I always liked to take a blank piece of paper and draw like this for a day. Unfortunately, now I am too busy to write. Instead, he likes to appreciate other people's paintings, and when he sees the style of painting he likes, he is excited to collect it. This is one of my favorites. If you want to find adjectives to describe this collection, in short, it is full of "Baroque", so gorgeous that you can't draw it and can only buy it and enjoy it (laughs.

For a while, I liked to observe the covers of light novels. I felt that a book with a beautiful cover must be a good story. Adhering to this superficial concept, one day I was captured by the cover drawn by the artist Thores Chaiben for the novel "Blood of the Holy Demon". This delicate style, like acrylic and oil painting, is truly amazing. It is a pity that Nao Yoshida, the author of "Blood of the Holy Demon", passed away at a young age, so the story has no ending. The picture book shared here is the second picture book published by Thores Chaiben. In addition to the illustrations of "Blood of the Holy Demon", there are also works she painted for other stories. There are a total of more than 200 illustrations in the collection. Satisfied all the time.

Excerpts from a few pages of illustrations:

About the artist: Thores Chaimoto IG / Thores Chaimoto twitter


Thank you for your patience, I know I have written a lot. It is difficult for me to rank books. I can only write the few books that have a deep impression on me. Thank you for this event. I am very happy to know that there are people who like this or that book as much as I do. However, I used to only write one book, but now I write ten books at a time, taking pictures and writing texts. I feel like I have used up all the energy that I have saved for a whole month. God, I am so useless.


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