The race of life!

From the moment of birth, the competition of life seems to be unfolding silently! But is it really meaningful to compare or compete with others? Or do two "Is" need to be fighting at the same time to help oneself grow?
Some people say: "There is competition to make progress", but how many times can you win the competition of life?

Life is alive, no matter how long or short, it is inevitable to compare with yourself or others. But as the saying goes, "people are better than dead people!" A moderate comparison may stimulate a person's self-motivation; Today I see others who have a successful career, a family and a family, have children and daughters, and then look at myself standing still, still fluttering in the sea of misery, I can't help but sigh. Positive people may rush to catch up due to comparisons, strive to improve themselves, and strive for progress. However, people who are not mature enough in thinking often feel self-pity because of comparison, and turn around in a dead end.

To be honest, every encounter, or every occurrence, is an opportunity to lead a person to know himself better. "Clarity can bring answers to your questions." When you have a problem in your life and you don't know what to do, it's actually an opportunity God gave you to know yourself! The first thing to do is to recognize your own Emotions and feelings. Then ask yourself why you have such thoughts, write down everything, you will find that what you really want is very simple, but emotions and too much information cover up your true thoughts!

When you are amazed that you didn’t know yourself very well before, but now everything becomes clear after writing down the feeling and the reason, congratulations, because you have a deeper understanding of yourself, and you are still afraid of the reason and yourself or others Compare the resulting spin vortices?

There are so many things we can’t control, why don’t we understand ourselves first, do what we should do right now, and then think about the possibility of other things? Thinking too much about a problem seems to be a common problem of modern people, but the epidemic has taught In my world, nothing is guaranteed, anything can happen! Take the first step boldly and let things happen, you may have new experiences!


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嵐楓一起9-6職場大暴走, 6點後找回自己的天堂, 吃喝玩樂, 暢遊世界!
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