Perth Diary Day 172: Farmer Cammel's Life and Her Later Life

I have been in contact with the farmer for almost half a year, and my relationship with Cammel, who is about to celebrate her 86th birthday, is getting better and better, and she knows more and more about her family. Cammel was recently diagnosed with advanced lung cancer, but because of his age, he could only receive radiation therapy

In fact, after getting to know cammel for a long time, I found that she is not as wise as I imagined. Maybe everyone is like this. The truth is easy to tell, but when it comes to myself, it is difficult to do it.

Cammel has four children, and the youngest son is in his forties to fifty, but he still lives by his mother's side, helping to take care of the farm, but in my opinion, his son doesn't care about the farm. So I think he should sell the farm for a lot of cash when cammel dies.

Cammel and the other three children are no longer in contact with each other. The youngest daughter once offered to take care of her, but Cammel was asked to transfer the ownership of the farm to her own name immediately. The other children may also gradually disappear for similar reasons. Come and go.

cammel was married twice, the first was longer, but her husband was an alcoholic who always caused a bunch of financial problems, which cammel's father helped to solve, because her father was once a celebrity in town , I don't want my son-in-law to affect my reputation. I think it is also for this reason that cammel's husband's growth has been delayed. Until his death, cammel was rescued from this painful marriage. After all, in their time And under the influence of Christianity, divorce is not an easy decision to make, and it will also affect the local reputation of her highly respected father.

The first husband didn't care about the education of the children at all before he died, so the burden of education for the four children fell on Cammel alone. I think it was also the failure of the marriage relationship, which caused Cammel to pin all his hopes on the children. Similar to the more common widowed marriages in China, when the partners cannot obtain happiness from each other, they will place all their expectations on the children, and control the children more seriously. In the end, they can only exchange for the children when they grow up. The complete resistance of the couple led to the shattering of the relationship, and finally the expectations of the parents failed, and life became even more hopeless.

These problems caused by the common weaknesses of human beings are not fundamentally different due to changes in space and time, but are only related to people's ability to mature their minds.

Cammel's biggest misfortune was that breast cancer was diagnosed within a few weeks of marrying her second husband, a bridge engineer. The second husband's sweet face soon changed, and he started to become cranky, very easy Will be furious at cammel, complaining about cammel's changes and his own misfortune.

Then cammel sold the villa by the sea and moved to the current farm, where he spends every day with flowers and birds. The change of mood may indeed have a good effect on cancer, but his second husband, who is addicted to smoking, is troubled like a child. her life, so it didn't take long for cammel to file for divorce. Without any savings, he lived in an RV on the farm, but he was quickly kicked out by cammel. Sure enough, a person's ability and mental maturity are not too much. Associated.

Breast cancer hasn't affected her life much over the past 40 years, but I think cammel is more affected by her relationship with her children, who have moved to other states of Australia to live without even seeing her She has seen many faces of grandchildren, and only the youngest son, steve, lives by her side, but she has no communication with her daughter-in-law.

steve also once moved out to perth to find a house by himself, but the weekly accommodation cost of several hundred forced him to return to his mother. I didn't have much contact with steve, but every time I could feel it from his sleepy eyes to a little bit of his way of life.

As the only steve who stays with his mother, there is a high probability that he will inherit the ownership of the farm, but what I clearly feel is that steve is indifferent to the farm, and my existence value is only to help restore the farm to its pre-epidemic state To make old lady cammel happy, the developer has come to the door many times to buy this land to develop real estate, but she obviously does not want to sell it. Live in a house with some money.

Although I promised my mother that she would not sell the farm even after her death, from Steve's performance, I already felt that he and his wife would sell the farm immediately.

In the chat with cammel yesterday, she also began to gradually find clues, which confirmed my guess. Although she has almost cut off contact with all of her children, and I have never met her children, I still recommend that she put the assets divided equally among all children.

From cammel's current condition, I can see her past life. Now cammel's views on many things are very close to mine, more optimistic and wiser. I think her greatest luck lies in her forty-year-old cancer. She looked down on material life, came to the farm to take care of a paradise, and gained ideological growth.

To get rid of all the external environment and endure loneliness, I think, is the only way for a person to start thinking mature.

But before that, the bad consequences of the education of my children have already appeared. Even though I still don't know many details of her life, many similar causal relationships are actually abound in life.

Many tragedies have their deep-seated reasons. Who would have thought that the breakdown of the mother-child relationship comes from the discord in the relationship between the spouses, and the children's failure to grow is because the parents work too hard, and the more savings they try to leave to the children, the more It is easy to disintegrate the potential of children's struggle.

Such tragedies in life and family will not change due to differences in race and living area. To avoid tragedies in life, we can only improve our ideological maturity as soon as possible. When we have no children, we only need to be aware of our own Cognitive deficits are responsible, and the starting line for children's growth is the maturity of our education stage, but children will not change because the parents' thinking begins to become mature, because this will become the child's own growth issue, I think this It's the greatest injustice of being a child.

Of course, no one becomes fully mature before becoming a parent, but there are still some basic prerequisites, such as a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, parents can understand the direction of life growth in the separation of subjects, and understand that the real role of education is to lead by example , the purpose of nurturing children is to witness the unlimited potential of a life, rather than restricting and controlling around them to support themselves.

It's not that the moon abroad is necessarily round, there are also problems in foreign society, and people abroad also have personality defects, but books like the forbidden book "Giant Baby Country" that clearly analyze the current situation in China and are thought-provoking are always impossible. Playing its role is the fundamental reason why many people leave this land.

Just like my article two days ago, as well as the analysis of the national blood and the future of the nation, once it is reported, it will be deleted immediately, and the reason for the report is just out of personal taste.

The conditions that cause us to think can be removed, but we personally cannot stop thinking, or our lives will pay for our level of thinking.

There is a sentence in "The Godfather": Those who see the essence in one second and those who spend half a lifetime unable to see the essence of something are naturally different fates.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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