Zhang Xiamu's classic quotations Zhang Ailing is merciful because she has loved; because she understands, she is tolerant


"Red Rose and White Rose"

A person, if he is not free, it is because he does not want to be free,

If a person can't go away, it's because he doesn't want to go away,

A person, there are too many excuses for you, that's because you don't want to care

There are so many people in this world, but they can't accompany you home

Perhaps every man has had two such women, at least two.

Married a red rose. Over time, the red one turned into a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, and the white one was still "bright moonlight in front of the bed";

Marry a white rose, the white one is a grain of rice stick on the clothes, but the red one is a cinnabar mole on the heart.

"Half Life"

Life is too long, we are afraid of loneliness, life is too short, we are afraid of too late

I want you to know that there is a person in this world who is always waiting for you,

No matter when, no matter where you are, you know, there is always one

Maybe love is not passion or nostalgia, but time, and it has become a part of life

No matter how bad your condition is, there will always be someone who loves you. No matter how good your conditions are, there will always be someone who doesn't love you

You ask me whether it is worth it to love you, in fact, you should know that love is not asking whether it is worth it or not

"Love in the Fallen City"

Some stupid things, not only have to be said behind their backs, but also behind their own. It's embarrassing to let myself hear it.

For example, I love you, I will love you all my life.

If you knew me before, then you will forgive me now.

You want me to be a good woman in front of others and a bad woman in front of you.

Your highest ideal is a clean and provocative woman


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

張夏慕曾任台中日月千禧酒店24F 景觀餐廳 樂師 台北濕地《失落的伊甸園》微森林藝術展 展覽配樂製作 台北金車文藝中心-承德館《時光旅人》 展覽配樂製作 老虎牙子-廣告配樂製作 新北市政府親子情感教育篇-微電影配樂製作 Mystery of the Kingdom-動畫電影配樂 南投縣高中聯合監製《中漂之後》-微電影配樂製作 離你越近的地方,路途越遠;最簡單的音調,需要最艱苦的練習。 —泰戈爾
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