I don't care, I'm going to pass 61

I'm just a 248 month old baby 🤣

Can't remember when was the last time Children's Day was celebrated. sixth grade? First year? Everyone doesn't care anyway. The school always prevaricates us with the reason that "you are going to take the senior high school entrance examination, and you must focus on learning", and the parents have not made any statement. I don't ask for expensive gifts, toys, or a very well-planned "day trip to the water park." It's just that when I saw the children running out of the school gate with their schoolbags on their backs, each with a smile on their back, I was envious and suddenly remembered that I was no longer a child.

I don't want age to be a roadblock to getting back my childhood. I wonder if everyone who has become a parent has prepared anything special for their children. As a post-00, I share some snacks and toys that I liked when I was a child, and everyone will follow me happily, and have a June 1 in memory.


De's Milk Cake: This is simply a memory of my childhood! In the 2000s, in a small second-tier city where I lived, it was only 50 cents (about 2 Taiwan dollars). As soon as I opened the package, a strong milky fragrance wafted out of my nostrils. There are many flavors, but none of them have the taste of additives, and some, just the sweetness of milk mixed with fruit. My favorite is the cantaloupe flavor, green packaging, not pictured. I used to clamor for my cousin to accompany me to the market just to wholesale ice cream. 20 RMB, seems to have approved 50 pieces. Of course, it was over in a few days. Now the price has doubled, but the taste of childhood is still the same.

Old Middle Street Popsicle: Middle Street is a big pedestrian street in Shenyang, and this popsicle may have come from there. 50 cents a piece (it is said to be 3 yuan now/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~), it tastes like frozen sugar water. Take a big bite, the ice to the teeth is sweet and cool at the same time. In the past, the school was more "kind", and the ice cream for us when it was hot was Laozhongjie. (Actually because it's cheap 😂) But a classic is a classic.

White Rabbit Toffee: My childhood favorite, and my favorite now. The layer of sticky rice paper that wraps the toffee is the essence. Here in the United States, a small package costs 10 dollars, and I miss the price of childhood. Its packaging is the same as before, but the sugar is getting smaller and smaller. I wonder if it is my illusion.

Zhonghua Dan: A black candy that looks a bit like a quick-acting heart-saving pill. Sweet and sour, and delicious. 1 cent a box when I was a kid. There are always children who joke that it is a sheep dung egg🤣, don't say it, it looks a bit like it after watching it for a long time.

Legend of Condor Heroes: As we all know, there is no fish in Yuxiang Shredded Pork, there is no wife in the wife cake, and there is no Hero of the Condor Heroes. In fact, it is black and white spicy strips, black is Hunan flavor, white is Sichuan flavor. 5 cents a pack, bought and eaten in class at the same table. Spicy sticks are most fragrant only when they are eaten secretly.


South-East, North-East: An artifact of the whole person. If anyone in the class can fold this, then this person is a "fortune-teller". How to play it? Write some words on the paper and let people choose a position and say a number. Put the thumbs and index fingers of both hands in, turn the thumbs out, open the index fingers back and forth again, stop when you reach the number, and see what is written in the corresponding position. I heard that someone used this to catch up with their first love (not me, my first love was in junior high school, when I was no longer young (T_T)).

Galaha: It's Manchu, meaning the bones at the knee of the sheep. Every time I cook a leg of lamb at home, my mother always keeps the bone, washed and dried as a dice. Rarely seen these days, but when I was a kid I would use it as a walnut dish in my hand.

Water ring game machine: When I was a child, it was three yuan per piece. Pressing the two buttons on the launch pad would trigger a water flow, and use the force of the water flow to put the trap on the column. There were no smartphones at that time, and there were no games like Xbox or Steam. This was my pastime.

Round card: In the northeast, this thing is called "slap", which describes the sound of throwing a card on the ground. Take a card and hit the edge of the card on the ground hard enough to turn the card on the ground over and you win. In the past, Pokémon, Ultraman, and Purcell patterns were popular, and some people bought a bunch of them for five yuan (there was no pocket money at that time, it was considered a luxury), just to collect a complete set of cards.

After writing this, I also fell into memory. The carefree time is gone forever, leaving a confused young man at a loss for the future. Take this opportunity to let your soul travel through and be a child at this moment.

What childhood memories do you have? Let's share in the comments.


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