Is the pandemic making you anxious? Purple light can help you!

Excessive anxiety will reduce the activity of the immune system, which is not conducive to the body's resistance to viruses, so that it will not be able to achieve the realm of "righteousness is preserved, evil cannot do it".

When I was holding a case for Mr. Qiu, I happened to see the CDC announced that 180 new confirmed cases had been added that day, so I said it casually. Holding hands, I immediately thought that my child's school would be closed, what should I do? Maybe there will be suspension of work, city closure, life will be affected, the health of the elders may be affected, the more you think about it, the more nervous you will be. At this time, Teacher Qiu applied the purple light of No. 7 on the Shaofu acupoint, not only the nervousness was relieved, but also the palms were hot. As a physique who is afraid of cold and usually has a relatively low temperature in his limbs, Holding Hands asked in surprise, why the palms of his hands are hot when he is obviously using a cold color? Teacher Qiu explained that originally because of anxiety, the blood was shrinking into the body. After calming with purple, the blood began to flow to the limbs, and the palms naturally warmed up.

Excessive anxiety will reduce the activity of the immune system, which is not conducive to the body's resistance to viruses, so that it will not be able to achieve the realm of "righteousness is preserved, evil cannot do it". Purple is the color of calming the mind, so why is it Shaofu? I thought about it for a while, the heart hides the gods, the heart dominates the gods, the human spirit is related to the heart, and Shaofu is the Ying point of the heart meridian, which belongs to fire. Light. In this case, in Shenmen, namely the original acupoint of the heart meridian, as well as the Shu acupoint and the sub-acupoint, it should have a similar effect.


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