[Maya 13 Moon Calendar] 20220519

🌈 KIN 1 Magnetic Red Dragon

[Maya 13 Moon Calendar] 20220519

🌈 KIN 1 Magnetic Red Dragon

Start a new (heart) journey today.

💫 NS KIN 1 Magnetic Red Dragon


#Liberated Spectral Snake Moon - How do I release and let go?

#18Day of #BlueTransformationWeek Kali Sun Mantra: HRIM activates the navel chakra

2022.05.19 ~ 2022.5.31 Red Dragon Wave

Today's Imprint of the Galaxy: KIN 1 Magnetic Red Dragon

Today's Planetary Memory Bank PSI: KIN 220 Crystal Yellow Sun

The Imprint of Galactic Equivalence incarnated by the Fifth Force in the Galactic Center: KIN 139 The Blue Storm of the Sun

Question of the day: What is my purpose?

Today's answer: Red Dragon, is my purpose.

"Red Dragon" keywords: nourishment, existence, birth.

🙏 Paragraph 1 Mayan Prayer:

I unite to nourish

I inspire my existence

I decided to be born with input

Magnetic tonality with purpose

I am guided by my double strength

I am the galactic activation gate, enter me

I unify in order to nurture

Attracting being

I seal the input of Birth

With the magnetic tone of purpose

I am guided by my own power doubled

I am a galactic activation portal enter me


🌈Red Dragon Wave Fu 441 Whole Brain FM Music


🌈Red Dragon Wave Fu 1320 Whole Brain FM Music Guide


The 441 light point matrix diagram is calculated and drawn by Inusha every day. Welcome to discuss by private message 🌸🌸🌸

IN LAK'ECH! ALA K'IN. You are me and I am another you.

_KIN 134 The White Wizard of Self-Existence

Mayan writing and FM music link from Asian time laws



#magneticred dragon

#red dragon wave symbol

#5197148 Anything is possible


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