Commentary on Pi Network by BitBoy, the famous Bitcoin Logo designer: Pointing out that those who accuse Pi as a scam on the Internet are idiots

BitBoy Crypto, the designer of the famous Bitcoin logo that recently spread on the Internet, explained Pi Network: Pointing out that people who accuse Pi as a scam on the Internet are idiots

A brief introduction to BitBoy, the first post on Bitcoin Talk on November 1, 2010, an unidentified user under the name "bitboy" changed Bitcoin's visual legacy forever, as shown below:

The person featured in the video is Armstrong, the founder of BitBoy Crypto, one of the most popular cryptocurrency news outlets in the United States.

Over the past two years, the BitBoy Crypto News brand has expanded to now include an independent news division. BitBoy Crypto News is a website dedicated to educating and educating the public about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. BitBoyCrypto's exclusive stories are different from the news viewpoints that many readers get from traditional crypto news sources and are loved by crypto enthusiasts. And Armstrong has also changed from an initial crypto enthusiast to a veritable crypto expert.

Currently, BitBoy Crypto has 38,000 lnstagram followers, 187,000 YouTube channel followers, 2.4 million TikTok followers, 42,000 Twitter followers, Facebook Blue V certified, and 14,000 Telegram followers!

In the video, Armstrong also mentioned that Pi has been accused by some people of being misunderstood as a scam, and he strongly pointed out that these are not scams! To this end, I also created my own website to promote Pi, and interested Pi users must look back carefully.

His remarks have exposed some blockchain pseudo-experts who have hacked Pi in a certain sense. I believe the video will make more Pi users gain confidence! He thinks Pi , the free cryptocurrency, can make you rich in 2021!

If there are people who continue to read the news, they will find that good news has come one after another recently, and more and more blockchain elites are participating in Pi, and even actively promoting it on the platform, such as Wes Spencer .

Wes Spencer is a technology innovator and cybersecurity expert. He has served as a senior executive and advisor to a Fortune 500 company and was named "2020 Cybersecurity Educator of the Year" by the Cybersecurity Excellence Award. For details, move to the link address: Analysis: The Pi main network is entering the countdown, and the heavy positive news allows more capital and institutions to enter the positive liquidity of Pi

The atmosphere of our friends' exchanges has been very high recently, and I believe there will be more good news in the coming days...

As of press time, the block test heights of Pi nodes are as follows:

 "horizo​​n_version" : "v1.0.0" , 
  "core_version" : "v12.4.0" , 
  "ingest_latest_ledger" : 2957777 , 
  "history_latest_ledger" : 2957777 , 
  "history_elder_ledger" : 64 , 
  "core_latest_ledger" : 2957777 , 
  "network_passphrase" : "Pi Testnet ; June 2020" , 
  "current_protocol_version" : 12 , 
  "core_supported_protocol_version" : 12 

One more good news:

The Pi wallet that many Pi friends are thinking about will come out in the first quarter of 2021, which is estimated to be one of the best gifts for Pi friends in 2021.

The users who have obtained the permission of the P node test container and the users who have already KYC will be given priority to experience... Look forward to it.

BitBoy, the designer of the famous Bitcoin logo, believes that Pi, a free cryptocurrency, can make you rich in 2021!

Invitation code: kyle2051

Pi app can be searched in Android PlayStore or Apple's App Store: PI NETWORK download, or download the Invitation code from the following link: kyle2051


Android :

If you need a code, enter kyle2051 (use this code after day 4 for a 25% speedup)

 Tip: You don't need to keep the Pi app open, the Pi won't affect phone performance or drain battery power or use network data. You can even close the app after pressing the lightning button and you'll keep mining the Pi. The mining of Pi will stop every 24 hours, press the ⚡️ lightning button once again, repeat every day until the end of the distribution

>>> The latest announcement from Pi Network: Wes Spencer, a crypto expert worth over $100 million, talks about the Pi wallet

>>> Pi Network - FeverIQ provides free and safe Covid prevention solutions to public elementary schools in the US

>>> Pi is destined to have the power to change the world

>>> Pi Network is like a money game with no age limit

>>> Revisit: Time goes back to 16/09/2019, The Stanford Daily "Stanford Daily" wrote an exclusive interview article for Pi Network!


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