"Hey! Listen to you as a writer on the ghost island" 82 games can really make friends

Since graduating from college, opportunities to make friends like this have become really rare, so I am very happy.

This incident is also a bit unexpected. It originated from when I went to Taipei last year. The editor gave me a set of Switch and three games. I chose "Wanderer", "Alchemist Risa 1", and "Animal Crossing Friends". meeting".

Among them, "Wanderer" and "Alchemist Ryza 1" are stand-alone games, which require a lot of time to slowly build and explore. I used to like such games because they have a sense of achievement, but because the characters are small I'm too lazy to install a TV (hey) so I haven't played much yet.

On the contrary, "Animal Crossing Friends Club" is the most fun. First, I like life games very much, and secondly, the atmosphere inside is great, but the most important thing is that as long as there is a piece of time, I can play it, even if There is no problem with turning it off temporarily.

At first, I played by myself, but later I found out that my friends were also playing, but they didn't play for a while, otherwise they would enter the pit later. After inviting each other, the number of people gradually increased.

At that time, we would turn on G+ voice in our free nights, play games, chat about recent events, etc., and unknowingly deepened emotional exchanges. Since graduating from college, such pure friendship opportunities have become really rare. , so very happy.

I play online games, or in Bahamut's club, or among my friends on FB, etc., and I know some friends. Although some people may reject online dating, I think this is just another kind of The way to know a friend, whether in a real or virtual community, needs to be confirmed that the person is trustworthy in order to make a deep friendship, so it should not be all-inclusive. The problem is the person, not necessarily the method.

Playing game consoles (stand-alone at the beginning, no internet), you can meet new friends, and you can connect with emotions through game activities. This is really unexpected XD

What’s more interesting is that at that time we were a bunch of creators, either novelists or painters. It seems that Animal Crossing will be very popular with creators (?), of course, it may just happen that everyone likes this style. You can also build your own world game.

It can only be said that there are various ways to meet new friends, but after leaving the society, it is easy to shrink into our own small circle. Maybe we can try to contact different people and things. Maybe not only can we broaden our horizons, but also have the opportunity to meet To a friendship as simple as when I was a student.

In addition, we can also chat with each other about the bitter history and gossip of the industry--silence processing. It feels like a colleague chatting normally. For me, who has never worked in a company, it is very new.

The point is to play games with everyone, it's really fun >//w//<

Ah, maybe it's because I always work alone, so I'm particularly lonely, right?


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鬱兔鬱兔,已出版35冊實體商業小說,以及多部電子版權作品,手機遊戲《啵嗲多森林》已於2020/5上架 IG:instagram.com/novelist_utsu12 粉絲團:facebook.com/utsudo Twitch:twitch.tv/utsu12 YT精華:youtube.com/channel/UClMx7MU0HLnRuybeYlNxisg 信箱:utsu12@gmail.com
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