The unity of words and deeds has the power to move people

Chatting and watching the story~

Zhongyuan Purdue today~

Bye bye in the afternoon, Xiaolu Company, while I have time now, quickly finish talking about another point that was touched by watching ghost stories before. This thing has dragged on for a long time. …

At the beginning, the introduction book was on June 30th, and the story was told on July 3rd, and today is August 12th.... I finally want to see the account of the guilt that caused me to feel guilty because my father died as a wanderer. I have finished writing another touching point in the story that finally led to the invasion of evil spirits!

And that point also had a little impact on Xiaolu's next life...

First of all, the place where I have feelings is actually a small plot in the story.
When the younger brother who attracted the evil spirits was brought to the master to deal with, there was a passage where the master invited the possessed spirit body from the younger brother to see what they were going to do? At this time, the author was at the scene, and could vaguely see the shadow. Because the author could see it, the master asked the other person to recite "Praise of Yangzhi for Purifying Water", that is, the author asked for the assistance of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

But after the author started reciting it now, the more he recited, the more he felt tightness in his chest, he felt that he was going to be unable to breathe, and was very short of breath. The second time I read it, I was almost speechless, my consciousness began to dim, I felt like I was wrapped in black mist around my neck, I felt more and more uncomfortable, physically I felt a headache and nausea, and I felt that I was surrounded by loneliness. , I want to cry, I feel helpless. …

It was not until the other companions who went with her started to support her behind the author and recited the "Miao Dharma Lotus Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara", the author returned to her senses and felt warm and peaceful.

The author said that at that time she had not yet picked up the common articles, but she was very impressed by a certain passage.
"..If the black wind blows his boat and falls into the Rakshasa ghost country, if there is even one person among them, whoever calls Guanyin without the name of the samurai, everyone will be able to liberate the Rakshasa from the difficulty. Therefore, it is named Guanshiyin.. ."

When Xiaolu saw this passage, he was suddenly moved.

I don't particularly like Guanyin Bodhisattva, and I haven't seen the universal door. I was moved because I suddenly felt... Why can some people rely on scriptures to stabilize their minds? Why can anyone rely on these few words or paragraphs to be saved?

Is it because of the boundless power of the Bodhisattva?
Or do these words make some oscillating sound waves?
Maybe, these little deer don't know it, but I know that the reason why I was moved is very simple, because I know that the reason why these words can move people and can be effective is because the Buddha at that time, the Bodhisattva at that time, and the people at that time. Life is a real demonstration and devoting one's heart and soul to fulfilling one's wishes.

"If there are innumerable hundreds of thousands of millions of sentient beings suffering from all kinds of afflictions, if they hear the name of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva with one mind, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will immediately observe the sound of his voice, and they will all be liberated."

Just like when we mention Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, we will think of his "hell is not empty, and I vow not to become a Buddha."
Maitreya Bodhisattva's Pure Land on Earth, Amitabha's reception of Western scriptures, etc.

If there is no penance in this world, it will not touch people.
Without the unity of words and deeds, there is no use.
(Let's first take a look at what the feral cats are doing during the day when the deer goes to work in the morning)

I don't really take pictures of the deer this night, but it's OK to be far away now

Xiaolu will always remember a story:

This is the story of an Arbor. He said that he once went to a class, and the lecturer on the stage spoke impassionedly and logically. He listened to it frequently and nodded in agreement, and decided to be polite in the future. gentleman.
After class, Abo went to the train station to take the train home. The train came. The people who had been lined up in a good line rushed up. You pushed me. , without pushing forward, thinking that my change will start from now on!
At this time...., Abo suddenly felt that the back of the person who rushed out to get on the car at the beginning was familiar.... At this time, the person in the car was almost getting off the car, and the person who squeezed past at the beginning turned to ask When he got in the car, Arbor recognized each other.
Just the lecturer on the stage.

Xiaolu heard this story more than ten years ago, and has been deeply impressed since then...

It's scary!
This is almost like telling a child not to eat ice before a meal, and then being caught eating a popsicle in the kitchen by a child!
If you want children not to speak swear words, if they don't listen to them, they use swear words to scold them while looking for sticks to beat them!
I just told my colleagues to obey the traffic rules, the next step is to make a left turn in Kaohsiung style...

I find this terrifying!
Asking others for things that I can't do myself, even if it's for the other person's good, I think it's terrifying... I'm thin-skinned, I can't do it!

ㄟ? It seems to be far away?
In short, this is all Xiaolu's feelings about this book "You will regret it! Ghost stories you shouldn't read", and finally the chat is over!

Next, there are only meat porridge, Xiaolin Guangji, another ghost story together (why are there so many?) to talk about......

This is actually a bit similar to what Xiaolu just said. Some things are really only clear to me. Just like these little deers once said that they want to talk, but I don't know about it. In fact, others will not mind and have not noticed it. We know it ourselves...., we know it, we know it, and we lied to try to cover up the absence of this...
To me, it's really sad....

I hate being deceived, so I don’t deceive myself. It’s not that I can’t tell lies, but that I at least have a bottom line. I know it’s fake, I know I’m lying, and I know that at the very beginning of my lies, I deceived myself.

So far away, what do you think about Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the teachings of words and deeds?
By the way..., I said at the beginning that this story had a little influence on me because...., I bought the manuscript of Pumenpin.... There are more things waiting to be done by myself.. ....

Finally, I attached another picture of a wild cat during the day, sleeping until its feet ran out.

This night will also be shot


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