Perth Diary Day 105: Impressions of four months in Australia

It feels like it has been here for a long time, and I figured it out, it has been four months since I landed in Australia on February 4, 2022. It feels like a long time, because I have changed four residences, and everything has not stabilized and is on the right track. But think about it carefully, four months is very short, but there are many feelings. .

It coincides with the unblocking of many places in China, it coincides with a holiday, it coincides with coming to Australia for four months, and it also happens that tomorrow is a sensitive day. I don’t know if I can post.

Recently, the keyword of immigration has also become a key word for review. Am I really encouraging everyone to immigrate? I don’t do this business, and I can’t do it. I just want to share my views on everything, and My actions are my own actions under my own thinking.

34-year-old reborn again, in Australia

It has been four months since I came to Australia. Today, on the way back from work on the farm, I was driving on the road and watching the beautiful and gradually accustomed scenery along the road. I am still sighing with emotion. I just came to this land four months ago. They are full of curiosity, and they are full of freshness about every flower, every grass, every tree and every tree, and they will also comment curiously when they see the houses by the roadside.

In a blink of an eye, I became accustomed to it. I was used to the blue sky and white clouds, and I was used to the large tracts of grass. I was born from an island and I was used to the city life. I even had my first car in my life.

The destination of immigration has changed from Quebec, Canada to Christchurch, New Zealand. During the epidemic, I got used to the island life in the Philippines and felt that it would be good to stay in the Philippines. Finally, I landed in Perth, Australia, the fourth place in Australia. Big city, said to be the loneliest city in the world?

I have experienced the free way of life, but I can’t go back. There are many people around me who can’t get used to this free but lonely way of life. Here slowly suffer in loneliness.

To be honest, is the developed capitalist country I dreamed of really like what I imagined, there will be some gaps, and these gaps fall in the details of life:

For example, when my car was hit and the owner fled, the police believed the perpetrator's side words. Just because the police force was limited, the insurance company sent the bill. This did not satisfy my inner pursuit of fairness. For example, I have lived in a simple world for the past two years. For too long, I believed the fraudsters who paid a deposit for buying second-hand furniture on FB, and I was cheated of $300. It is estimated that the long process of submitting evidence online will not have any good feedback.

For another example, to integrate into this social system based on trust, to be trusted by others, you need time for people to know you, get to know you, and rent a house. The intermediary company does not care if you have a stable income and can afford the rent. No matter how much courage you gather to start anew in a foreign country, and how many difficulties you have to face when you are a newcomer here, business behavior is very realistic. Although it is understandable, it is bitterly cold.

As I mentioned in my previous videos, many of us leave the homeland where we were born, and more of them want to leave the cultural environment and come overseas. It is inevitable, especially at the beginning, that the cultural environment is still passed. It is surrounded by the set of , but the advantage is that there are two sets of humanistic environments, you can choose, you can gradually get away from it, rather than there is no room for choice.

I have said a lot of bad things. Although the time together is very short, I still choose to stay, because these bad experience details can be improved by individuals through time, effort, and compensation for their own personality. of.

Although the external environment is cold, it is orderly, and it is inevitable to follow the rules. In pursuit of fairness, one must look at the evidence. If there is more evidence to look at, and more things need to be considered, it will naturally slow down.

Human affection is not cold, it just takes time to integrate into others and let them know about you. Just like I mentioned in the previous article: Do people with the same three views need to integrate into each other? No, it just takes time to understand each other.

How would you like to fit in

The ones I'm in contact with the most right now are the farmer, his son, the farmer's friends, and the landlord I'm going to rent next week.

When everyone has time to get to know each other, and when you have the ability to gain recognition from others, you will feel the warmth of humanity again.

The farmer asked the district councilor friend she had not contacted for a long time to help me introduce the job and write me a letter of recommendation. The landlord took me to participate in the toaster master speech association of his cpa, to meet more friends and improve English.

Have I encountered discrimination here? Once, but I just pity his own worldview. Compared with the 99% enthusiastic help I encountered from more shop assistants, it is insignificant. Here, as long as you are willing to speak, most of them Everyone is happy to help you, as long as rules and business are not involved.

Although we are not residents here yet, we have seen and felt the government's care for the residents, which is reflected in a lot of material help. Even us as temporary visas: refund of visa fees, subsidies for hotels in isolation, and subsidies from schools. The accommodation subsidy is a few thousand dollars each, and it is full of sincerity.

Some things can be obtained slowly through self-improvement and the accumulation of time, while some things may never be obtained. Some friends left a message with me and said that thinking less and thinking lightly makes it easier to feel happy and grateful. And I want to say that thinking is never an exaggeration. Just thinking and not acting is the real poison. The lower level than this is not thinking, and the years of inaction are quiet. There are many people like this, but those who really live happily And always the minority, and you can strive to be that minority.

I have been in Australia for four months, and I have already experienced a lot of human affection, and I will improve through thinking and self-motivation. Maybe people who have been here for a long time will say to me pessimistically, how long have you been here, and there are many others I don't know, but I want to say that my optimism is not because I know less, but because I choose to stick to my beliefs and face it with optimism.

Everyone pursues different things. For me, freedom is more important than life. My tireless tossing everywhere stems from this original intention, and I have grown under this goal.

And I also want to explain with action: what is freedom with personality.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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