If you are an author, then you should learn to understand copyright rights from the time you are very lazy


Seeing the news , the radio host's "Party B Incident" had a good result. Recently, I just signed a licensing contract for an article. Although it is not a masterpiece, it is also related to the author's authorship. I want to talk about my experience and experience.

If it is written so that experts think it is a savage exposure, please bear with me.

Back then, before graduating from university, I was called by my father who had seen a lot of the world in the shopping mall, and was commonly known as the iron rice bowl with the service unit. I just got a job, "don't" talk to the company about salary and benefits.

The wisdom of these two is to be an easy-going and easy-to-use employee for the company. If you do well, people will naturally be willing to give you more salaries and benefits, or wait until you become qualified in the company, or change jobs in the future. Still being poached, there is a better chance to talk. If you just want to talk about salary and benefits before helping your boss get things done right after you leave the society, this is "very impolite".

Things have changed, and one of the parties has become demented. If I ask the other, he will tell me what happened for so long, and he doesn't remember what he said.

I don't know if other parents have this kind of advice, at least in a very random situation, my peers or friends (both parents and those who haven't been parents), they all said that they have not been raped. One generation has preached like this, and I will not tell the next generation like this.

Even though I didn’t take this kind of preaching from my parents very seriously, I swallowed my inner doubts, but as I got older, I read a few more books and learned that my parents would say this, the reason why Due to the historical background of their growth, there is a kind of inaugural activity called "the inaugural activity that your parents think".

But on the other hand, it may also be due to the fact that I have been reading books for a few more years, and I have become more and more aware of the sermons that I disapproved of back then, as well as the hidden cultural context behind them, which actually affected me quite deeply. Many Taiwanese have been educated in their families and schools since childhood. They are seldom taught to speak up when they have questions, and they seldom teach others. From childhood, they begin to understand that rights and interests need to be raised and fought for by themselves, and how to fight for them.

For a moment, "read more books for a few years" is not to belittle those who do not have a high degree of education. You don't need to continue studying like me to have the above experience. In fact, there are many people.

On the contrary, those people who are the most beautiful scenery in Taiwan always like to judge whether a person is "qualified" to talk about and fight for rights and interests. There are probably several situations in their so-called "grid":

  1. He is no longer a newcomer. He has not changed 24 bosses in a year, and he is considered to be a veteran.
  2. Finally got a good position in the workplace.
  3. Stand in a higher-level position with voice and decision-making power.

When a person reaches 1, you should be able to ask questions, right? No, those "beautiful Taiwanese" will say you haven't reached 2 yet. It’s hard to live a well-behaved and obedient life. I didn’t make any big bags and I was appreciated. I finally squeezed into the 2nd position. It’s time to ask, but at this time, they will lean to the north and say, who are you? You are not. 3.

Living in this era, everyone knows that if you want to climb to 2 or 3, the key is who your parents are, not just hard work and luck. The "beautiful people in Taiwan" love to use this statement to shut people up, making people feel that they are not qualified to ask, or to fight for rights, and they are not even encouraged to ask, let alone fight.

They will also say that if you have time to think about those who don’t have something, it’s better to work hard to climb up, and you will be able to pursue political affairs in your position. You can do whatever you want, or if you want to do things well and don’t be verbose, people will naturally think of it. Give you.

If the truth is as above, there should be no well-known broadcasters attacking and asking for the life of Party B.

Besides, I have seen/heard a lot of former Party B who, after becoming Party A, began to take it for granted that Party B would have to endure those unreasonable things, because that is how he came here, why can't you be Party B? It must be that your resistance to pressure is relatively low, you do not want to work hard, if you have the ability, you should work hard to change from Party B to Party A!

Some people sit in a fairly good position, and they are not strong enough to fight for their own rights; unreasonable.

So, the rights and interests are never done silently, without asking, not making noise, and people suddenly think of it and say to you: "Hey! Cai Kaixi, you should be worthy of the tickets to get this, take it!", and then I have to Thank you Lord Long, who is full of cows.

Because my native family hardly provides children with such stimulation and thinking, I just hope that children, whether inside or outside the house, should be well-behaved and not make noise and ask less questions, so that someone will give them candy.

Even though I was skeptical about what I said to my parents back then, but many times when I was dealing with people and things, I really wanted to be easy-going and cooperative. Don't be called a difficult one. Write it out and ask the partners of the East and West.

In the past two or three years, I have been writing articles other than academic papers on online platforms. I have been invited to contribute manuscripts, and I have also been invited to co-write a book together. I am easy-going and don’t ask questions and trust others too much. Therefore, after suffering losses, I feel more It's best to preview it yourself before anyone invites you to collaborate.

First understand what you should pay attention to, not when cooperation comes, or when a contract is in front of you, and you immediately say YES when you are overjoyed, but forget to ask about your rights and obligations first; Just signed.

Before becoming a Party B, you must first imagine that you are already a Party B. As a Party B, you should know something and learn to find information and problems.

In the next article, I will talk a little bit about how a Lushe author like me learns to be a nasty Party B after suffering a loss.


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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專:https://www.facebook.com/travelhistorystory 合作邀約:misiaa2001@gmail.com
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