About us (14): The choice of the road, going crazy and the easiest way

It's complicated in front of you, but looking back, most things are only the difference between whether you can return to your heart. If you do, then things that go crazy will not exist. To a certain extent, this road is not complicated. After all, the road can be very simple, but it needs to keep walking and walking.

choice of road

The end of everything complicated is actually simple. There are indeed different paths in front of you, with dark, bright, heavy, and light, but no matter how you change, it is only one path, and what leads you in the end is the inner world.

If the road in front of us does not help us return to our hearts, but rather makes us rely on the outside to see a higher existence to help us, then they are actually just trying to bring us away from the real us. Perhaps those in the past were not expressed in such a way, with the kindness that made people see the facts, but as the years passed, they had already become tools of the devil.

"You must listen to me, believe in me, and obey me in order to gain eternal life, to save you, and to make you free from misery and happiness."

In this way, it became the mantra they recited every day. And looking at the pain every day, these spells have also become the life-saving straw. It is only from the moment of complete belief that we have long since left the paradise we have prayed for. . .

Although the world has been changing and changing, no matter how it changes, there are still only two simplest things in this world, let us leave the inner world and return to the inner world

If you look at all the information and information from this angle, it will not be so difficult to distinguish and understand all kinds of things happening in the world, and it will not be so difficult to understand the truth of conspiracy theories. And it is no longer difficult to find and understand the correct method. Perhaps it is a religious method, some psychological method, or some small wisdom from daily life, but these can also become a suitable path.

As long as these methods allow us to eliminate our desires, our external attachments, and return to our hearts

go crazy

If the method chosen is correct, due to the karma in the body, the pollution no longer exists in our energy, and most of the energy ropes have already been broken, and they are not entangled with other people's energy, so the pollution energy will not exist in our body. We can have complete energy. At this time, when we meditate and cultivate, the energy can circulate freely in our body, and there will be no pollution energy conflicting with us, and foreign souls cannot affect us.

We are safe because our own energy is protecting ourselves. The so-called King Kong does not harbor itself, but it actually has such a meaning.

But if the method is wrong, the polluted energy in the body is blocked, and the so-called qi channel will be blocked. We will not feel very comfortable. We may have chest tightness, headache, or inexplicable pain in the hands and feet. Shaking may also have an impact on our spirits, becoming prone to emotions, and often inexplicably entering a state of depression. And because the energy ropes on our body are still grabbing outwards, we are also easily affected by other souls, who will try to interfere with us and cause us discomfort.

In fact, it is also due to the lack of solidity in our soul energy field, and the soul light ball cannot be well protected. In the end, we let the dark energy successfully enter our soul, and send out the power of control, trying to make us step into fear , loss of emotional control, sickness, preventing us from entering deeper states of consciousness.

Therefore, if the method is correct, it can help us adjust our xinxing first, and then practice cultivation, then in essence, there will be no problem for us. It is just that in many cases, the state of the heart is ignored, which eventually brings about more The problem.

For example, it may be helpful to carry music that claims to increase the spiritual frequency, but without the follow-up of xinxing, the blocked energy and karma cannot be properly cleared, so various uncomfortable situations will also occur. While in some cases it is true that the body is changing, more often it is due to a conflict between polluted energy and one's own energy.

The music that opens the third eye may be effective, but because the xinxing cannot be followed, the opening of the third eye is not the real third eye. It may see a different scene, but it is just another layer of illusion from this world. To make matters worse, it will open up ghost eyes, which will only cause us more trouble.

And these problems, in the short term, can be solved by the method of clearing the chakras. Although it uses external energy to help us temporarily clear the energy blockage, it is indeed effective, and it can also make our hearts, temporarily, temporarily. Not affected by polluting energy. It's just that this is not a long-term solution, and we still need to face and deal with it before all this can be solved.

So to avoid "going into the devil", the key to being affected by negative energy is to improve your xinxing

 Sometimes when we practice to a certain level, some spirits will come to communicate with us. What is their purpose? Does it really lead us on the right path? Do they really have enough knowledge? Did they make us walk more inwardly? These are places for us to think about, and only in this way can we avoid hidden problems

the easiest way

The steps to improve xinxing, no matter what, need to be taken slowly step by step: see desire clearly, see through desire, let go of desire, clear all nameless delusions, and at the same time let one's own desire reach a balance point. This is also the easiest way and the only way.

When we let go of nameless desires, we also see clearly the reasons for our own thoughts and desires in the process, and we can face, see through, let go, and stop thinking of hurting others and ourselves. In this process It is also eliminating one's own karma and the common karma that is connected with others, and this is also "sincere repentance". "True repentance" is not about blaming, criticizing oneself, or not forgiving oneself; it is simply falling into another ego cycle.

We can't escape the evil thoughts and nameless delusions of existence, because letting them stay will still affect us unconsciously, and this effect will continue to circulate in our lives. Although in the process of facing, we will definitely have pain, ego-born self-esteem, pride, fear, and mistakes will make us escape, find excuses, and criticize ourselves, but it doesn’t matter, most of them come from insecurity And the feeling of lack of love. We just need to face it bravely, and let the love that our soul has to surround us and soothe the restless feeling of the ego, so that we can more easily not judge ourselves, so that we can face, see through, Let go of these obsessions.

 You can also find some ways to let yourself feel the feeling of love, so as to calm the mind, such as Shita healing, no matter what, as long as you don’t forget, the power of these healings can actually come from yourself. And the healing power of oneself is actually the way to continue to give oneself love.

Although most of the current books tend to point out that we download energy from the Creator, compared to this statement, we actually understand that we have such energy in the first place, and that we can achieve the energy that we can give ourselves love. It can be maintained with the help of external energy, so you have more trust in yourself, and you can better stop grasping the external environment. Well, I also know that this is only a very subtle difference, but from the feeling point of view, these two statements, The difference in self-confidence is actually quite big.

On the way, there will indeed be advance and retreat, but in this world with countless attractions, it is indeed understandable. Until we approach the seventh sense, we will not continue to advance and retreat, because we have reached what we should have. Calm, too many desires have no meaning for us, and we will not be attracted by the world, no matter how much fame, how much wealth, how high power or status, because it is already found in the soul I know most of the things, and I know how to spend the daily life in a normal way and satisfy my desires in a timely manner.

And any slander, insult, setback, misunderstanding or injury in the world will not care, will not raise strong emotions, will not be really affected, and can be resolved and faced with wisdom, no demons, dark energy can not affect We, blocking us from entering deeper consciousness, let us sign the life contract, because we know the truth of life and retrieve the inner wisdom. Gradually, our soul energy field also returns to its original state of purity, cleanliness, integrity, firmness and stability, returning to the original state of the seventh consciousness.

 Why is it always said that we are voluntarily connecting with the dark energy? Because if we go inward and are willing to reject their dreams instead of grabbing them outward, then there is actually no negative energy from outside that can affect us.

In the past, I also mentioned the complexity of the world's practice, but in fact, everyone's desires are too heavy, and we need the assistance of others to allow us to re-enter the interior. If we want to find the simplest method, the closest thing is actually the practice of basic psychology. By recording inner real thoughts, analyzing them, and writing a diary, at the same time, we use self-questioning and self-answering, chat with ourselves, and face it honestly. Oneself, see through emotions step by step, see through nameless desires one by one. Of course, this road is not easy. In the ups and downs of life, we experience despair, pain, and depression, and in this process, practice seeing through, letting go, balancing, comforting yourself, forgiving yourself, accompanying yourself, forgiving yourself, loving yourself, and finally Love yourself unconditionally.

But this way is indeed the right way, and it is also a suitable way. Maybe we don't realize that it is a practice, but this is actually a form, even if it is not the process and method we imagined

 The path that suits us, in addition to our soul will guide us, there will also be relatively high consciousnesses who take care of us. The spirit guides and guardian angels we often hear are such existences. They do not necessarily have a form, because consciousness does not Patterns do not exist, their appearances are mostly formed by our thoughts. And because everyone's situation is different, the way to guide them will also be different.

As long as it is not a fluke, an vain attempt to take shortcuts, relying on qigong and other methods to achieve a similar state, or the ability obtained through practice, to satisfy the desires of the ego. If we walk the path that belongs to us, and are willing to face, see through, let go, and clear up ignorance and delusional desires, we will eventually return to our hearts and truly regain the power of our souls.


There are not many methods, and in this world, it is not difficult to find, which is why this series does not say any real methods.

It's just that the world does seem to lack an explanation of what's going on behind the scenes, making it difficult for everyone to choose and decide, and it's easy to get lost. But in the end, no matter how you change it, the ultimate goal is the same, which is also some of the reasons why this series was born.

So, you can also understand this as a framework, a framework that can help you understand the real reasons behind different religious sayings, distinguish what content is really helpful to us, let you know why there are these methods, which are modified However, after all, this kind of knowledge can make everyone take a little less complicated road. Although there should not be so many people who can understand and resonate with people, but fate has arrived, and those who should see will find it😂

However, this series is almost over, and there will be another series to supplement this series🤣, I haven’t thought of the name yet😂

Then I will also try to write a soul story (novel?), which I wanted to start a long time ago

In the end, it depends on the situation, do you want to continue writing the Law of Attraction, but I still feel like I will write it🤣, this will require everyone to give the book list, if you don’t mind, leave a message below, and tell me what are the books on the Law of Attraction that everyone is recommending , except the secret

That's it, I want to write a bit more in the future. Although I have also considered surrounding the fire, it will make it difficult for outsiders to see these articles, so let's forget it 😂

I didn't see how long this article is, but it should be quite long, hard work


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