horrible! A supernatural phenomenon appeared in the process of burning street clothes! Introduce the procedure and taboo of burning street clothes! Ghost Moon Burning Streetwear (Part 2)【Brain Boss】

腦波士 Boss Brain

Hello everyone, I'm Brain Boss. Today, I will introduce the steps and taboos of burning street clothes, and during the filming process, suspected paranormal phenomena were photographed. Please be sure to watch the end of the video.

Let's take a look at today's offerings first. In addition to a set of burning street clothes, I also prepared this lamb brisket pot, a set of Apple tablet and mobile phone set, I hope all the lonely souls can see my video, and a set MacBook Pro, I hope the spirits who receive it will subscribe to my channel online.

Today is the 13th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, and the time is 8:00 pm. I was shooting street clothes on the back stairs of a factory building. Let’s talk about the sacrifices first. I usually prepare a bowl of rice, sprouts, tofu, peanuts, and longan. , and a little wine and a little water, but I only prepared a bowl of rice and tofu with sprouts. Then use a fruit as an incense burner, insert two incense sticks and a stick of incense, and then use another fruit to insert three sticks of incense, and you can start to burn clothes.

The first thing that must be burned is the Guanyin clothing. After that, you can burn other items such as Youyi Youlu, Xiqian, gold and silver, Yuanbao, Yinsi paper, paper coins, seven-color clothing, etc. in order. Gold and silver ingots do not need to be folded, they can be scattered and burned, and the whole process of burning street clothes is basically completed.

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