Let’s talk about what is slag today? Be careful when you see a high-end graphics card that is too cheap~

Today I want to introduce to you what is slag? If you see too cheap high-end graphics cards on the market, be careful, because these are so-called slag graphics cards, and there will be problems of this kind and that kind of problem soon after you buy them. Here we will talk about why they are on the market There will be slag on the computer, and why Hao Ge Yu Ge recommends that you buy a computer from a regular store, and it is best not to go through an unknown online seller.

Before starting today's topic, I wonder if you have heard the term slag?

This slag is not the slag of the real mine, but a term derived from the virtual currency that has become popular in recent years.

I believe that everyone has heard the term bitcoin, and the generation of bitcoin requires miners to use mining machines to mine.

Bitcoin production is not the subject of this article, so I won't go into too much detail.

However, the mining machine that mines Bitcoin needs the computing power of the graphics card to support it.

The more bitcoins that the graphics card is about, the more high-end mining will naturally be.

A mining machine is generally equipped with more than six high-end graphics cards to mine more virtual currency.

So this also led to why the price of graphics cards was so high in the past.

The durability of graphics cards used for mining machines is far lower than that of graphics cards used for video games or other purposes.

If the average lifespan of a graphics card is three years in normal use, the lifespan of the miner may be less than one year.

And these eliminated graphics cards are called slag in the industry.

If these slag is used in the home host,

One is that the game may not run.

Second, the life of the computer is likely to be shortened at the same time.

Third, the computer may not even turn on after installation.

The only advantage of these slag is that it is much lower than the market price.

So many students are attracted to make purchases, but the problems caused by the purchase may cost more money.

The reason for so much slag is related to the virtual currency ban announced by China before.

Because of this ban, mines in many places have been forced to close.

These closed mining farms were forced to sell their graphics cards to stop losses.

Therefore, these slag flowed in large quantities in the second-hand market all over the world during this period.

To suggest that you buy these high-priced products, it is better to find a well-known or trustworthy store to be more secure~


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皓哥3C哈囉!我們是皓哥3C~ 從大三學生時期開始經營與服務. 四年前的因緣際會,正式進入這個產業. 將興趣轉換成工作、職業甚至未來. 也因為這份工作 我認識了許多朋友與工作夥伴. 在這裡我會分享手機和電腦相關資訊. 分享有關我從事這些產業的經驗. 也會分享創業心得以及店內的日常. 歡迎大家加我們官方LINE:@hy_3c
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