Longtai Herbal Square Emergency Announcement

In response to the malicious closure of Guoshun Technology (Three Treasures Package), we will put forward the greatest sincerity to be responsible for the damage caused by the distributors. Thank you for your support and understanding.

A few days ago, the "Three Treasures Package" of Guoshun Technology Co., Ltd. caused many losses to e-commerce companies due to malicious closure.

In order to safeguard its own goodwill and the rights and interests of consumers, Longtai Herbal Workshop,

If you have purchased Longtai products through the Three Treasures package channel and have not received the goods, there is a loss.

As long as you can provide the purchase orders, invoices, etc. of the channels of Sanbaobao before June 2022,

Please send images to the following Mail:
Longtimebio@gmail.com Longtime official mailbox

We will be able to do follow-up services for you.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

龍泰草本坊大家好,我們是龍泰草本坊, 是為針對網路店鋪打造產品的生技公司, 本坊目標著重在分享健康養生之資訊。 龍泰生技實業社81357612 如果喜歡我們的文章,可以到下列平台支持我們,謝謝大家。 龍泰草本坊官網: http://www.longtimebio-tw.com/ PChome 商店街: https://www.pcstore.com.tw/longtimebio/
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