A Few Questions To Ask About God, I Mean, Ask Yourself First (3)


Okay! At the end of the last article , we mentioned the limitations of God's power... So where do those limitations come from? Who makes the rules? Logically speaking, the person who sets the rules is higher. To put it bluntly, these are only subordinates, so there is a higher existence.

You said that a mountain is still a mountain high... Yes, of course, this infinite explanation is also an explanation, and it is very logical. Buddhism likes to emphasize this infinite view (and thinks it is very scientific, and likes to emphasize this point), but This is only half-understood, because anyone with a common sense of calculus can tell you that infinity itself is the answer.

When discussing God, the infinite answer is God Himself. Of course, there is no problem in calculating the accuracy of Pi, but for the understanding of mathematical operations, as long as one Pi is enough, it does not mean that it is meaningless to test the limit of luck, but that A comprehensive understanding doesn't help, because it's just a show, and it doesn't solve any unknown or real problem.

Knowing Pi , you can do all kinds of mathematical operations, you can become a mathematician, but to push the limit of Pi, you are just a computer, and there is no end point.

But no matter what, we all know that God is very powerful, no matter how small it is, it can at least protect your gas stove from fire and so on, so the next question is:

What does God want?

Yes, this powerful god, he is idle and has nothing to interfere in the world? You must know that in many mythological systems, there is indeed the concept of abdicating gods. That is to say, most of the creation myths do have an ultimate creator (such as chaos), but this guy doesn't care about it later (such as runners) Wang), retired to the "primitive Tianzun", was killed (look at the Zeus family history), and was replaced (the Yellow Emperor ascended the throne).

In short, it is true that some gods no longer interfere in the human world, and some continue to control...

But what does God want? I mean, even atheists want to do something (yes, the god of "non-religious" believers is themselves), in short, the purpose is a very important thing, otherwise the universe, and even its own existence There is no meaning, because the meaning of existence is the purpose.

There is an interesting question here, which is "God's purpose is to do your shit." That's right, this point is very crucial, is God Pure just there for you to worship and bless you? It is so boring? Just being your tool person, accepting your sacrifices, and then giving you a card, a board seat, or a group of black-clothed boys or something? I mean, you just give him a few chickens or a few boxes of drinks, and take them home to eat after worshiping...

Since we all agree that God should be greater than human beings, that’s why people want to worship Him. Then, rather than what you want, you should first clarify what God wants, right? I mean, even if you use very commercial thinking, if you do it well, you will be punished for not doing it, then of course you have to know how to invest first, right?

So what does God want?

Have you thought about it? In fact, as far as I know, there are very few people who think about this issue. Basically, most of the preaching statements are about the benefits of believing. No matter what kind of teaching, they tell you that if you believe, you will get peace, health, wealth, etc. No, the mission of non-believers is to tell you that if you believe in the teaching, you will not be deceived, and you can laugh at others and so on.

I mean, God Ganma wants to help you? How old are you? In other words, it is God who needs you instead, and such a God is only on the same level as an internet celebrity! Really incompetent! Influencers at least know that they are business people and need to work hard to please the audience, but please, God! It's humiliating for you to burn money for him!

At least to me, what God can give me is far less important than what God wants me to do. After all, God lacks everything. In other words, if He needs me, it must be important, not what I do. " Things ", but " me " to do things.

This is the key point, and the key point is the relationship between "I" and "God", because whether or not something is accomplished is entirely up to God's will, and it won't be something He cares about.

The point is "I".

So what do I want? Of course I have my own desires and expectations, and I will try my best to find a way, and even ask God to help me think of a way.

But beyond my own thoughts, I care more about what God thinks of me and what He wants "me" to do.

Because I don’t believe that God can help me, nor do I hope God can do anything for me. I know that God himself is in a state of perfection, and I can’t do anything for Him at all.

I only "know" that he wants "me", that I myself am the sacrifice he wants, that I am his person and belong to him only.

But he wants me to be numb ?


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