ZT: Zhang Pu: Xi Jinping in the eyes of his ex-wife——From a sentence of Ke Lingling


Xi Jinping in the eyes of his ex-wife——From a sentence of Ke Lingling (serialization 1)


To understand a man through a woman is like seeing the truth through the fog.

Ke Lingling, who used to be husband and wife with Xi Jinping, once he speaks, how much impact will it have on Xi Jinping, who is desperate for face?


From moving to London in the early 1980s and now completely missing, Ke Lingling has lived in the UK for more than 30 years. However, don't say foreigners, even Chinese, few people know her. Ke Lingling became widely known if it weren't for Xi Jinping's ascent in officialdom, reaching the pinnacle of CCP power in November 2012. At this time, she is likely to be quietly living a single retirement life in a house in London.

One day in 2013, Ke Lingling was having a small gathering with friends in a Chinese restaurant in London. During the dinner, it was inevitable that Xi Jinping, who had become the general secretary of the Communist Party of China and the president of the state, would not be discussed. Suddenly someone asked her: Do you regret your divorce from Xi Jinping now?

Almost instantly reacting, with a tone of disdain, Ke Lingling asked back:

Can you live with a man who doesn't take a bath or brush his teeth for a week?


Apparently, this was one of the reasons for the two divorced. It's hard not to feel sorry for Ke Lingling. Husbands and wives get along day and night, share the same bed, and enjoy the joy of cloud and rain. If the man has a strange smell on his body and bad breath, not to mention Ke Lingling, a lady, even ordinary women can't stand it.

The most interesting thing is that from this sentence, we can see what kind of person Xi Jinping is.

Xi's father was born in a cave dwelling on the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi Province. It was dusty and water-deficient all day long. It was normal for people there to not take a bath for a few months or brush their teeth all their lives. In Beijing, however, this is a bad habit. The three-year marriage is not too short to say the least. Ke Lingling's request, hoping that Xi Jinping will get rid of this bad habit, is estimated to have been said thousands of times. Xi actually turned a deaf ear and continued to go his own way, and he refused to change until the divorce. How stubborn!

Extraordinary stubbornness is one of Xi Jinping's personality traits. If he is just a county party secretary, or even a provincial party secretary, it will not be a problem for the country and the people. However, Xi took the supreme power, and disaster struck.

There are many examples of this. For example, his "Cultural Revolution complex" is even more stubborn than his insistence on "no bathing and no brushing for a week". Soon after Xi Jinping came to power, an article appeared in the newspapers that "the working class must lead everything", and the Politburo held a meeting to study the "Communist Manifesto". good soldier," and asked officials to put his words "into their blood." In China, from top to bottom, there are countless numbers of people who scold him for "reversing the car". Xi acted his own way, just like Ke Lingling's feelings, he deliberately turned a blind eye.

During the years of Xi Jinping's rule, Chinese society is taking great strides backwards, tearing apart the entire nation.


Ke Lingling went to the UK to study, work and settle in order to get rid of Xi Jinping.

As long as we are together, we fight every day. "We have little in common". Ke Lingling explained it this way.

At the beginning, when Xi Jinping called her and asked her to return to China, Ke Lingling said: You can come to the UK. She knew very well that Xi Jinping could not come. Later, when Xi called again, Ke Lingling simply did not answer.

When Xi Jinping and Ke Lingling got married, they were considered a match. Also from a bureaucratic family, Ke Lingling's father Ke Huaguan was the Chinese ambassador to the UK (deputy ministerial level). Xi's father, Xi Zhongxun, was the secretary of the provincial party committee (minister level) in Guangdong at the time. But in terms of cultural level, the difference is not small. Ke Hua studied at Beijing Yenching University, and Xi Zhongxun was a first-year junior high school student. Ke Hua, a well-educated and well-mannered daughter, has raised a well-educated and elegant daughter. Like his father, Xi Jinping, who did not graduate from junior high school, was admitted to a labor camp when he was a teenager, and worked as a farmer when he "went to the countryside". As for Xi's education level, it can be seen from his "no bathing and no brushing his teeth for a week".

The two have very different interests in life.

From the beginning of acquaintance, Ke Lingling noticed that in Xi's mind, apart from politics, there are not many other interests. In other words, Xi is an "official fan". In the CCP officialdom, Xi has lofty ambitions. He is confident that he can achieve great things because he has his father and his connections at the top of the Communist Party to help him. And Ke Lingling has absolutely no interest in politics, especially in the promotion of official positions. Of course, neither Ke Lingling nor Xi Jinping could have predicted that Xi Jinping would one day stand at the top of the pyramid composed of tens of millions of CCP officials.

Ke Lingling pursues a romantic and relatively simple married life. Xi Jinping acts rigidly, speaks without taste, and is a boring person. When Xi was busy making plans and steps for the success of his career, it was naturally difficult for him to hold Ke Lingling's heart.


In 1979, Ke Lingling married Xi Jinping. Ke Lingling is 28 years old and Xi Jinping is 26 years old.

Obviously, this marriage is not a "sister and brother love", but the result of a love between a man and a woman. More than 30 years later, when Ke Lingling was interviewed by a British Chinese newspaper, she said: "I know he (Xi Jinping) still has this feeling in his heart."

After the marriage, the two lived with Xi's parents in Nanshagou, Beijing. Later, Xi Zhongxun moved to a new residence, which became the home of Ke Lingling and Xi Jinping.

As time went on, the quarrels between the two became more frequent, including conflicts of character and differences in values. The quarrel is like a ruthless whip, bruising the couple's emotions all over the body.

In the quarrel of the year, other characteristics of Xi Jinping's personality were also revealed: arrogance, extreme self-confidence, and never admit wrongdoing. Just like his extraordinary stubbornness, he eventually brought disaster to the country and the people.

There is a sentence suspected of Ke Lingling, which was once circulated in the circle of friends:

Xi Jinping is a fake.

(Everyone, why is Xi Jinping "very fake", please pay attention to serial two)

Photo 1: Ke Lingling (first from right) and her father Ke Hua (first from left)

Figure 2: The loving photo of Xi and Peng


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