What to eat today? 【This Taste Taitai】Nanxi Store

Today I came to [Xinguang San Vietnam West Store] for a stroll. This month happens to be the birthday month. Many stores have membership discounts. Today I choose to eat Thai cuisine [This Wei Taitai] Nanxi Store, member birthday promotions: buy one get one free ...

Today I came to [Xinguang San Vietnam West Store] for a stroll. This month happens to be the birthday month. Many stores have membership discounts. Today I choose to eat Thai cuisine [This Wei Taitai] Nanxi Store, member birthday promotions: buy one get one free , (How to get it? You can refer to my article: A good helper for searching restaurant food discounts [Ocard] APP using the actual measurement (Taiwan)), so I decided to use the coupon to bring everyone to try it.

【This Taste of Taitai】Nanxi Store

Member birthday gift (source: APP screenshot)

My meal will be here soon. Let’s take a pre-dinner photo first. Does it look very rich? I personally like the Thai-style hot and sour soup. The unique Nanyang flavor is really delicious. It goes well with the main food. -Ramen/rice noodles are delicious, and there is also a fried chicken that can be dipped in Thai-style chutney, which is a perfect match👍

No.1👍 Dongyang Sour Chili Ma Fried Chicken Ramen/Rice Noodles (Source: Mr. George)
No.1👍 Dongyang Sour Chili Ma Fried Chicken Rice Noodles (Source: Mr. George)

Summary: If you come to the vicinity of MRT Zhongshan Station, [This Taste Thai Thai] can be considered and recommended to friends who like to eat Thai food🎉


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喬治先生熱愛美食與生活,積極學習區塊鏈,喜歡探索新事物,文章內容皆為本人原創,Potato : 喬治先生,聯繫 Telegram:@chiashng
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今天吃什麼? 【張吳記什錦麵】北投店