Yu You About Painting | The third case : Neutral beauty

Sorry for deleting the previous post QQ because I found out... I accidentally put the wrong picture QvQ

Sorry for deleting the previous post QQ because I found out... I accidentally put the wrong picture QvQ

I'm sorry for the @毛毳 and @sloth's life that have already left a message, thank you for your compliments and likes, please forgive me for a momentary blindness QvQ

I wanted to put another one, but I put this one

Friends who are interested can compare it with the picture below, come and play, let's find the ballast 😂😂😂 (hard break)

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Finally, Yuyou is halfway through the painting of the painting event (moved)

This time it's @Ziohzhihao's appointment! Below is the request and finished product of Zioh!

 Theme: Neutral beauties like Hall (Hall's Moving Castle) and the protagonist of Hua Yang are a bit fierce and misanthropic, with purple eyes, clothes, and accessories to have scorpion elements.
Style: Hundred Ghosts Night Walk Use: Avatar & Banner 

Because Zhihao not only wants to use it as an avatar, but also hopes to integrate it into other backgrounds as a banner, so in addition to the jpg file with the background, he will also send the png file with a transparent background together~

Because it is a relatively familiar style of painting, the drawing process is relatively smooth, but the temperament of neutral beauties is a bit difficult to grasp. I often draw too much like a boy at once, and too much like a girl all of a sudden...QvQ

The last method I thought of was to thicken the eyebrows. Once the eyebrows are thick, they will look like a boy╰(*°▽°*)╯(It’s not really 😂)

Finally, I would like to thank Zhihao for the google five-star praise! Although it should not be listed on the XD gift map, I will leave it to you to open the box! (Although it is not open haha)

Other friends who have made an appointment with me, thank you for your love first! Then I say sorry, which has become a routine , I have been busy with the postgraduate entrance examination recently (+ inspiration is a little exhausted QvQ), so the progress is relatively slow, I am sorry to trouble you Wait a minute!


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I'm Lin Yu/Rain is not rain, I usually write poems, novels, psychological articles, and drawings. If you like my article, welcome to follow the clap.


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林宇喜歡寫詩、畫畫、寫小說,偶爾也寫點心理學文章,以不愧對大學所學。 不夠浪漫的浪漫主義者。 痞客邦: https://linyu88.pixnet.net/blog 周一晚上更新 IG: lin_yu880229 FB粉專: Lin Yu的書桌
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【宇你約繪】第二期 :末日女皇@小小螺絲釘