Hungry? My Beiqi Clinic Extra Story

One day when he was so busy, Abo, who was sweeping the floor in the hospital, kept screaming, was he calling his soul? Impatiently, I ran to the weed forest behind the hospital to take a look. Oh, what I heard was life-threatening. It really is...the world is full of wonders....

Author Little Sun's Star and Heart

The United States has achieved vaccines for all people at a rapid rate. When they are shouting happily to throw away their masks, Japan's vaccinations have not even been reached by medical staff, and they are proceeding at the speed of turtles. (Situation at the time of first publication in 2021.5)

Vaccine appointments started in May, and the online appointment system was crowded. Even my small clinic was surrounded by people who wanted to make appointments. With the grand occasion that day, people who didn’t know would think that our clinic was going through a big auction.

The patients who were seen at the counter, the people who made appointments, and some who were queuing up when they saw people, were crowded with people who didn't know who they were, and when the counter was so busy, the old sister in the business seemed like something big happened. came in a hurry,

"Xiao Sugi! Abo, who was sweeping the floor, said he wanted to find you!"

The sweeper is looking for me? What are you looking for me for? Busy now! With a big wave of my hand, I had absolutely no intention of going to find Arbor. The old sister hesitated and hesitated,

"Oh, anyway, Sugiyama, you just need to go! Abo said he has something to ask you!"

"What's the matter?" I was a little impatient.

The old sister said, "Abo, who was sweeping the floor, said that there are children playing in the weed forest behind the hospital parking lot..."

Are there kids playing in the weed grove behind the hospital? Tell Abel to drive them away! What are you looking for me for? I'm not a shepherd!

The old sister kept pushing and pushing, "Anyway, Xiaoshan, you're right to go!"

With a puzzled face, I ran to the weed forest behind, and saw Abo who was sweeping the floor, "Child? What child? Where is it?" I asked right away.

Arbo, who was sweeping the floor, held a transparent plastic bag in his hand and shook it in front of me. There seemed to be some plastic bag-like things in it.

"I often found this in the weed forest behind..."

"What is this?" I really don't understand! Where is the child?

Abo's eyes widened with an unbelievable expression,

"You don't know what this is? This, insurance, insurance, cover!"

Don't you mean there are children? What's the situation now? I really can't touch my head.

It turned out that Abo, who was sweeping the floor, often found condoms in the weed forest behind the hospital parking lot recently, and wanted to ask me what to do with it.

It's true that I am the accountant who paid you for sweeping the floor, but I don't care so much, I care about it in the backyard woods! I was so busy that when I heard it was this kind of bird thing, I shouted back to him in my heart, "I didn't do it, so why are you looking for me!"

But as a boss, I can't do this. I can suppress my inner cry. Although I look like a child, I still know this stuff! Aber, what's your expression like? !

I pretend to be a calm adult,

"Of course I know what this is, does the dean know? Abo, go buy a chain, all imports and exports of all sizes will be chained, and those "children" are not allowed to come in again! "

I ran back to Xintai and complained to my old sister, "Why are you so ambiguous in your speech! A condom is a condom, so what's wrong with it? When you talk about a child, I thought a kindergarten was so small!"

I deliberately exaggerated the one at my knee height.

The old sister didn't know what age she was, she laughed so hard that she was embarrassed to say that word! A condom is a condom, what's not to say! Caused me to embarrass myself in front of Abo who was sweeping the floor. It is really impossible to communicate across generations!

However, it's really strange for young people these days. The weed forest behind is full of mosquitoes and insects, what's so good? I'm still thinking about it while I work, and the old sister is still smiling shyly there.

"It was originally, what's so funny!" I was complaining very seriously, old sister, don't be so nervous, you can't help but hit her twice.

However, this has affected the safety of the surrounding environment of the hospital, and it is not a problem that can be solved by smiling while wearing tinted glasses. If I still find it after all the entrances and exits are on the chain, I plan to go to the police and ask the police to step up their patrols.

What kind of person would do such a thing, it's terrifying!

There are wells in rural areas. Although the upper covers are no longer in use, they can still be used if they are opened and an electric water pump is installed.

In fact, I really want to tell these perpetrators that when I change my uniform, the iron cabinet at the back will open by itself with a squeak. People in such places dare to come here at night. There are all kinds of strange things in the world, which really opened my eyes! What is color gallbladder?


There are wells in the countryside

2021.5 Pathfinder

2021.10 Ruffian State


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