Anecdotes of Life|It's just a stone on the road of life (Part 1) - "Gifts"

In life, there will always be some stumbling blocks. Some people live as splendid meteors streaking across the night, while others live as persevering and down-to-earth stones and work silently.

Rolling stones do not grow moss. If there are no stones on the road of life, where will the brilliance come from?

Photo by <a href="">Jeremy Thomas</a> on <a href=" /stone?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

This is written for A, and also for myself.

A works in a high-pressure environment, and has worked hard for several years.
She always shouted that she was going to leave, it was time to leave, her body was really going to break down, she told me every time that she really wanted to leave,
This time...she told me the same.

It's all the burrito's fault

Time to go back to April this year.

A Saturday, a good weekend.
In the early morning, I curled up in the warm and comfortable quilt, holding my phone, swiping left, right, left, right, so unhappy.
"Zizi" , the phone vibrated briefly, I clicked on the message notification, it was A.

"My stomach hurts so much, I got an IV in the hospital."

Looking at the brief text from A, I jumped up from the bed, what's going on?
Thinking of her in the afternoon, she told me that she and her family bought burritos to eat. Later, she was the only one who vomited and had diarrhea and went to the clinic for anti-inflammatory injections. I thought she was all right.

Non-Party Burrito Photo by <a href="">Tai's Captures</a> on <a href="https://unsplash .com/s/photos/tacos?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

"What's the matter? Are you food poisoned? Are you okay? Do you have anyone with you in the emergency room? Do I have to go with you now?"

I asked questions in a frenzy of impatience. In the middle of the night, when I see a sudden message from my friend, who is in the emergency room, who wouldn't be nervous?

"I'm going to take the tomography, and I'll have a blood test and a urine test. I'm investigating the cause. I'll tell you when the results come out."

Then there was no news. I guess, A was caught for a series of checks.
I guess it must be a particularly severe stomach flu or food poisoning . Otherwise, I can't think of any other reason for my poor spine, which would make it so painful that I would need to go to the emergency room. There is no way that she is the chosen person , her appendix (cecum) is suddenly inflamed, and she will be sent to the operating room to say goodbye to the appendix , right?

In the early morning, A sent a message again: "The test results do not seem to be particularly abnormal, but the liver index is a bit high, and there are three very small stones in the gallbladder, but the bile duct is not blocked, there is no sign of inflammation, and it has not fallen out. "

"Why is your liver index too high?" I frowned on the phone. Work to the point of bursting the liver, bursting the liver.

"The night before, I stayed up until four or five o'clock to watch the drama... I was afraid of being scolded by the doctor... I didn't dare to say it..." A only agreed.


Anyway, I and A both think this is the only epigastric pain.

God knows, after that, she's in pain every few days.
The pain was severe every time, and it was necessary to go to the emergency room for pain relief and muscle relaxants to relieve it. The number of times she went to the emergency room made me wonder, is going to the emergency room to accumulate points to exchange for some value-added products?

Immediately afterwards, more different doctors diagnosed, palpated, gastroscoped, ultrasound, tomography... Finally, the doctors had the same judgment on A——

It was in her guts that the little stones caused the disaster.

It's not inflamed or stuck, but it may be that the stone is rolling, rubbing against the gallbladder wall, causing severe pain.
If the pain doesn't come back, just live peacefully with the stone. If it happens again, it seems that the only way to cut off the gallbladder is to become a person without gallbladder.

Take a name, the beginning of cultivating feelings

A said that the doctor told her that later, an ultrasound showed that there were eight small stones in her gut.
A also said that she helped the eight pebbles to choose their names, and every day she gently spoke to them , communicated with them, and enticed them with reason , and hoped that they would not suffer any more pain.

"Have you got a name yet?" I shouted, what the hell is going on in this woman's head?

"Yeah," A said happily, "It's called 'Shi Yi, Shi 2, Shi 3...'!"

So bad, so uncreative.

I started to help out with ideas: "I think one can be called ' Doshi Johnson ', the second one is called " Shi Erguo", the third is called "Old Stone Man ", and any other " Stone Carvings " are great. what!"

A gave up on himself and said:

"Let's just call it 'the key stone carving '."

Hmm, seems pretty good too?


Later, A suffered from pain several times, and the pain was unbearable.
A proposed to resign, and even arranged the date of surgery after resignation. When the day comes, she will be ready to be a "gutless" person .

In the past, A once boldly said something in front of my eyes, saying that after leaving the company, he would go to Hualien, Taitung Hotel and B&B to check in for me.
Now she is going to the hospital for vacation after leaving the company. (aha)

As the best friend of changing posts - me. After thinking about it, I googled it, and after improving my creativity and literary attainment, I excitedly bought A's "Resignation and Surgery Gift!!!"

A beautiful plaque! ! !

But A's gallbladder is bad, so the bad gallbladder must go?

After A opened the box, he laughed. I was afraid that she would be heartbroken with laughter.

life is like a stone

After we've experienced countless bad jokes and personal attacks related to "guts" and "stones".

One day, I saw this photo on Facebook of Reading Outpost@WakiWaki, "Life is like a stone", I thought of A, and I saw it with sympathy, and my heart nodded like garlic.
Immediately post it to A, "Yes, yes, look at you, life is like a stone, life is like your gallstone, "stone" or "stone" makes you want to die!!! "

A: ...... ......

The boat of friendship is as firm as a gallstone.

Image via Reading Outpost Facebook Images

Some people live as splendid meteors across the night, and some people live as persevering stones and work silently;
My friend A, alive and alive, just like this, grows gallstones...

Please look forward to the next "Straight Ball Showdown"

※Other more A, as well as sloth's life deeds, welcome to follow #sloth hahaha .
※The life of a sloth, lazily in the square grid , Matters and ruffian country .


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