Four months that cannot be relayed

can't be reproduced

In my early twenties, I went to Turin, the hometown of an Italian friend, a male friend with whom I only had a "soul" relationship, but at the time we were heading towards a route where we might be together after a Christmas vacation, and the other's parents There was a jar of Venchi chocolates in the guest room that I helped prepare, and I later read in the novel that Italians prepare chocolates for their families during the holidays.

The spark with that friend seemed to disappear during that Christmas break, and when we parted at the airport, I knew very well that it was our last time together, but he said he would always treat me as a sister-like friendship - read In "Naples Tales", I especially noticed that Italian boys tend to be protective of younger girls in the neighborhood. Maybe that's what he means - no matter what I share with him in life, he will always They all believed that I could get through that low ebb, and his confidence in me had reached the point of superstition.

When I was twenty-five years old, when talking about the past, he said that I felt as if I had experienced the life of someone else at the age of forty-five, but I would definitely "get better" in the future, and he would always be there for me from afar pray. I felt that I didn't need an "older brother" at all, so I drifted away from him... But when I'm down, he may be someone who is willing to support me in addition to my family.

I also talked to him when I was sure I was sick. But his first reaction this time was "Please, don't." Then he apologized to me, saying that he should have encouraged me instead of being shocked, and thanked me for sharing this with him. I also don't know why I should tell him, in fact I am afraid of sympathy or chicken soup encouragement from others, not sure if I can perform well and inspire people who believe in me? But my life is not used as a textbook, right?

Today, I remembered that I had a birthday that crossed my middle age four months ago. I am always very nervous when April comes. It seems that I have experienced many things ten years ago, many of which are much earlier than I expected, but they are really important. However, not many things have been achieved, and some even regressed as they lived. Thinking that Beauvoir published her first book at this age, and then became a well-known author, she said that she had conceived it ten years ago. Not only can she write, but her academic status is also recognized by everyone. I never wanted to compare myself to famous people. I only worried about the quality of my life just four months ago when I entered this age. "conditions of!

A while ago, I began to pay attention to the flowers and plants on the roadside, and occasionally sighed at the beauty of nature, and did not want to waste the joy of living in the countryside. After careful observation, I found that there are many lovely things that I can pay attention to, or support some crowdfunding on the Internet, and find fun in reading. After all, I can't let my life be limited to the affairs of the store and home... The most worrying these days The only thing is that the vision after being sick is fixed in a fixed line, what if I can no longer see interesting things?

Tonight, I will continue to watch three-quarters of the French movie I watched last month. The heroine in the play had her breast removed because of breast cancer, and later faced divorce and no alimony. She also has to take care of middle school and college. A pair of children, living in a building in Paris - I seem to continue to watch this movie in order to see the night scene of Paris, she has to work in the late-night radio show at night, and occasionally works as a library administrator during the day In order to try to make ends meet, he also briefly took in a homeless girl.

I haven't finished watching the movie yet, and I'm playing until she is shown love by a young man in the library and develops into a lover relationship. The other party confessed that he noticed her more than a year ago. At that time, a difficult old lady was bothering her at the counter. The heroine's attitude was very friendly and kind, which caught the man's attention. He liked the way she treated the old man, even if he A man much younger than her.

In the past four months, in addition to getting older every day, I have moved the address of the store and two new plans are starting, including some dramatic episodes that were not planned.


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