Xiaonennen's "Matters Achievement List"

Anyone who walks will leave traces, and everyone who has written will leave traces

Anyone who walks by will leave traces, and anyone who has written will leave handwriting . Take this opportunity to review your little footprints on Matters in the past two years, no matter how many new article sharing platforms such as Medium, Square or Steem, etc. Medium was my first platform, but it was not friendly to Chinese writing, so I gave up on it very early, Matters is my main channel for posting, for the sake of the strong human touch here, It’s not that there is no interaction or caring from friends on other platforms, but the interaction here is very frequent and in-depth. It may be that Matters’ DNA has been blessed. Although, I have been a bit busy recently, and I don’t speak much, but I absorb everyone’s insights and share myself. The discovery, or I still continue to do.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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小小斜槓工程師我是個味覺白癡,味蕾分辨不出100塊的澳牛和1000塊的和牛差在哪裡,希望不要再打鐵了。 「打鐵」是指投籃不進,球打在籃框上就會聽到「噹」的一聲,就像鐵匠打鐵的聲音,有點引申為作白工的意思。 有拍盡力回拍,也歡迎關注,歡樂共享。
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PM's application renewal in June 2024

30 articles