Are you the hypocrite? Shouting "Don't cut down trees!" but using a pile of toilet paper [FSC/PEFC/Tree cutting for carbon sequestration/sustainable deforestation/natural forest/plantation forest/global warming/greenhouse gas]

"Don't cut down trees!" "Plant trees to save the earth and slow down global warming and climate change!"
 While everyone is shouting slogans for the global environment and global warming, we use a lot of toilet paper, paper, paper cups, wooden chairs, furniture, desks, and wooden decorations in our daily lives. With its antique wooden buildings, the holiday attracts a large number of tourists. Many people fly to Japan just to see centuries-old wooden temples. Then you said to me, "You are against logging, you want to protect the forest environment...", isn't this hypocrisy?

Why is "tree planting" important?

Starting from the Paris climate agreement, the issue of "forest resources", which has been valued for its ability to sequester carbon, has been deeply rooted in everyone's hearts through media rendering. Therefore, as long as there are forests being developed and trees being cut down, there will be a bunch of environmental groups and internet keyboard demons who will scold them, as if those companies are sinners through the ages.

But have you ever wondered why you are against cutting down trees? protect environment? Slow down global warming? Or are you simply dancing to the wind and objecting for the sake of objection, have you ever understood the real reason for objection?

carbon sequestration capacity of trees

Let’s talk about why the issue of cutting down trees is so important to everyone. When trees grow, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is captured by light and light, and carbon dioxide is converted into glucose through light and dark reactions, and then stored in the trunk, branches and leaves in the form of starch or cellulose.

According to domestic research , a 20-year-old tree can absorb about 11 to 20 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year, and the carbon sequestration capacity of different species varies. According to the report of the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute, the average carbon sequestration capacity of coniferous forest is 48.21%, while that of broad-leaved forest is 46.91%.

Therefore, planting trees can indeed reduce the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and achieve the purpose of slowing down global warming.

Different types of forests have different carbon sequestration capabilities

There are many classification methods of forests, which can be divided into natural forests and artificial forests according to the growth or regeneration of forests .

  • natural forest

A natural forest is a forest that is naturally generated, and the seedlings are naturally sown from the seeds of the mother tree and germinate. In the next step, it can be subdivided into primary forest and secondary forest based on whether it is affected by human interference. Tropical rain forests, which are highly valued internationally, belong to primary forests. Because of their rich species diversity, they are of great value in the development of new drugs or the establishment of species databases. Secondary forests are forests that are formed naturally after being cut down by humans, for example, forests that take decades to generate naturally after cutting down with natural forces.

  • plantation

Plantation is formed by artificially raising seedlings and then planting them on the land. Because of the rising awareness of sustainability, many products are now produced from planted forests. There are also many related friendly forest certifications, such as FSC ( Forest Stewardship Council) , PEFC (Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) and so on.

Well-planned forests take into account biodiversity, water resources, soil and landscape values.
When logging-related products are produced from well-managed plantations, taking into account biodiversity, water resources, soil and landscape values, forest resources can be used efficiently while delivering maximum economic, social and environmental benefits.

Before you oppose cutting down trees, please find out whether you oppose "natural forest" or "plantation forest"

Your morals deprive you of the ability to make rational judgments

In fact, groups and individuals with different positions have their own subjective views on forest resources. "No tree is allowed to be cut down" seems to be the most ideal appeal, and because this sentence is at the apex of your moral outlook, let all The behavior of sustainable utilization of forest resources has become a murderer of heinous crimes and damage to the environment.

Learn how to use forests effectively and sustainably so that you are eligible to oppose tree cutting

Under reasonable and proper planning, planted forests are cut down for the purpose of production and living resources, and the artificial renewal of forests is positively beneficial to global warming and climate change. When trees grow to a certain age, their carbon sequestration capacity will decline. Therefore, proper felling and utilization can effectively fix carbon dioxide in wooden furniture and wooden decoration.

Compared with letting old trees with reduced carbon sequestration ability rot in the forest, and finally trees work hard to capture carbon dioxide for a lifetime, because biodegradation is released into the atmosphere again, it is better to cut down properly and then undergo anti-corrosion treatment to use related wood products. Decades, allowing carbon dioxide to return to the atmosphere for extended periods of time, contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Forest resources have the characteristics of high-efficiency recycling and reuse

Trees are not like today’s petrochemical resources, mineral resources, etc. The time required for tree regeneration is relatively short. Plantations are planned to be used in batches, and can be cut down again after replanting. What other resources can be used for carbon sequestration? At the same time, what about continuous recycling in a short period of time?

Please take off the skin of a hypocrite and become a sustainability activist

Many people directly follow the trend when they see the words "cutting down trees and destroying forests" before they understand the situation. Timber is necessary for human society. Because of the importance of ecological conservation, natural forests are not allowed to be felled. However, you are against even well-planned plantations, and you organize protests or make joint signatures on the Internet. Then you don’t. Is it a hypocrite?

The pursuit of sustainable development is an inevitable and imperative action for the natural environment that has been severely damaged by human civilization. Using the products of friendly forest certification ( FSC , PEFC ) can not only contribute to the sustainability of the forest industry, but also influence the people around you, let them understand the true meaning of forest resource utilization, and become sustainable activists together.

The challenge we face now is to get enough people to understand that "with good management and planning, forest resources can not only be harvested, but also contribute to a more sustainable society while slowing global warming."

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