My Views on the Taiwan Question


My understanding of the Taiwan issue is divided into several stages.

## Phase 1: Taiwan must be part of China

I think most people have gone through this stage. "Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and Taiwan must be unified!" Because we have been taught this way since we were born. I remember that when I was very young, (probably in kindergarten), my brother who was not a few years older than me pointed to Hainan Island on the map and said seriously: We can start from here and attack Taiwan silently. .

In my impression, when I was a child, there were several big events. I haven't come across the cannonball Jinmen. What I remember vividly is the French arms sales incident. In the early 1990s, France sold Mirage fighter jets to Taiwan, causing a backlash from the Chinese authorities. Why object? Taiwan is a part of China. Your French government sells weapons to Taiwan without the consent of my Chinese government. What do you mean by that? This thing was a lot of noise.

Of course, there is also the US arms sales to Taiwan, which was also very big news when I was a child. There are also Taiwan's presidential election in 1996 and my country's missile exercises. These events all demonstrate China's attitude towards Taiwan: Taiwan is an inalienable part, and Taiwan must be taken back.

## Phase 2: Taiwan can not be part of China

My understanding of Taiwanese reunification and independence has also undergone many changes. At first I believed the party's propaganda and thought that only the rulers of Taiwan wanted independence. The people below live in dire straits and hope to return to the embrace of the motherland as soon as possible. Later, after entering university, the Internet developed. At least I can reach Taiwanese people on the Internet. So, my thinking started to change.

The Taiwanese I came into contact with, I thought later, should be very "green". I must have also confronted her with the argument that "Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times". She asked me: is that really true? I started looking for arguments. I remember going to the fifth floor of the school library at that time (there is a special reading room for Taiwanese materials on the fifth floor). In short, I checked the information and found that my past cognition may really be wrong. Taiwan is really not "part of China since ancient times".

China's argument about "since ancient times" is probably that Soochow Wu once sent a fleet to Taiwan, and the Yuan Dynasty once established the Penghu Inspection Division. Of course, the Qing Dynasty ruled effectively. In other dynasties, evidence of cross-strait links is actually weak. Soochow this, I am afraid the evidence is not enough. Not to mention that later dynasties did not exercise effective control over Taiwan. The Yuan Dynasty managed only the Penghu Islands.

China's actual rule over Taiwan should be said to have come from the Qing Dynasty. Of course, this presupposes that we recognize the Manchu Qing as the legitimate ruler of China. After the Zheng family moved to Taiwan and seized Taiwan from Mao Tzu, this history cannot be counted as China's rule over Taiwan. Because the Zheng family is just a warlord who separates Taiwan. Taiwan was part of China from the early Qing Dynasty until it was ceded to Japan in 1895. After that, Japan surrendered in 1945 until the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan in 1949. During this time, Taiwan was under the regime of mainland China.

After the Kuomintang fled to Taiwan, the culture and education implemented throughout Taiwan were inseparable from China. I remember that Taiwan had a vigorous Mandarin movement in that era. Students are not allowed to speak Hokkien (Taiwanese) at school. (I don't know if I can speak Hakka dialect) At this time, Taiwanese people, whether forced or conscious, I think they all identify with "China". The proportion of people who consider themselves Chinese should be larger than they are now.

But since Taiwan is sometimes part of China and sometimes not part of China, why should Taiwan have to be part of China? Sakhalin was once a part of China, Mongolia was also a part of China, and there are too many territories. Why don't we ask for it? So I want to understand that it is not reasonable to discuss the issue of territorial ownership from a historical perspective. Chinese history is still part of the Mongolian dynasty. This question must be considered realistic.

So at this stage, I think the Taiwan issue should be left to the people of Taiwan for self-determination. If the Taiwanese people feel that reunification is good, they will choose to return to China. If it feels good to be independent, then be independent. What I have never understood is: Taiwan's independence or not, what does it have to do with our people? Why do so many of us feel outraged by this?

## Phase 3: Taiwan Don't Be Part of China

Taiwan is a model of Chinese political society. I've always wanted to say that we need to be separated as a group and as a nation. When we talk about ethnicity, we cannot take China as the leader of all the Chinese world. Chinese are also mainstream in Singapore. We can't think that Singapore has to be a vassal to China, right? The Kokang people in Myanmar are also Chinese. Their Chinese is also quack, so we can't ask them to return to China because of this, right?

In the past, there was a saying that the Chinese are not suitable for democracy. However, Taiwan has set a good example, proving that the Chinese can also build a democratic society. Regarding the word "democracy", Chinese people will have many criticisms. I also think "democracy" has many flaws. But the most interesting thing is that "democracy" means giving power to the people. However, the public slammed this form of organization, believing that they were lowly and should not be granted these rights. I was very surprised by this thought. Are you stupid, stupid, or stupid? What is given to you, you don't want it? I also feel that the society that others want is not good. There are too many scumbags in China!

Taiwan certainly doesn't want to be part of China. If Taiwan is included in China, will it still have democracy? I don't believe it. Hong Kong is a foreshadowing. Promise you to have an army? What if you have an army? You are now in an independent state, and your army cannot defeat China. What's more, after you merge into China, your army may be infiltrated layer by layer, so what fighting power can you still have? Therefore, once Taiwan is incorporated into China, it will definitely become exactly the same as mainland China. The words of the Communist Party cannot be trusted. The Communist Party has spoken too many lies.

It is not easy to establish a democratic model of Chinese society. So from an ethnic point of view, I don't want Taiwan to be unified by China. I hope that the Chinese ethnic group can have a better development. Whether it is the form of political organization or the level of people's well-being. Don't let all Chinese society be eroded by communism.

## How will Taiwan go?

Taiwan is very weak. If Taiwan alone can resist the attack of the People's Liberation Army. Taiwan's independent existence is inextricably linked with the United States. This is also the tragedy of Taiwan: you can't control your own destiny, but you have to act in the eyes of others.

I think it is impossible for the United States to give up Taiwan. This is guaranteed by the "Taiwan Relations Act". The effect of this law is even higher than the three Sino-US joint communiques. (The joint communique is only a document of the executive branch of the United States, but the "Taiwan Relations Act" was established through Congress, the legislative branch of the United States. Its legal effect is obviously greater than that of the executive branch.) China cannot ignore this. Once China invades Taiwan by force, it must be ideologically prepared to fight to the death with the United States. Therefore, if China wants to attack Taiwan, it will either be sure that the United States will not intervene, or that the United States' military power in the Asia-Pacific will not be able to compete with the CCP. I think it's possible. In fact, this may not be a rational decision-making process. Maybe someone went crazy and made up their minds. Then the whole people went crazy, and they started fighting. In the end, it should be that everyone will die ugly. I think Taiwan should not surrender easily, you should at least have a little integrity. People without integrity, I don't think they will have a good end.


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