There is everything in a dream, keep dreaming!

不自由 毋寧死
Practicing yoga and the miracle course that followed is an initiation of awareness...  

The left side goes north and the right side goes south, which is clearly marked.

But the problem is, many people don't know, is the place to go to the north or the south of Fuzhou Station?

If the direction is not clear and you get on the wrong train, if you find out in time, you can still get off at the next station.

But the point is, how long does it take to find out that you are in the wrong car?

Practicing yoga and later exposure to miracle courses,

is an initiation of awareness,

It's a way to pull my eyes away from the phone screen,

To detect whether the direction of the train is a switch to the destination.

Amazingly, when I looked up,

Everyone on the train was swiping their phones with their heads down, not caring where they were going!

Maybe until the train enters the factory and gets kicked off,

"Ah yo, where is this?"

At this time, I was in a place I didn't want to go.

The civil service career is like this, and some colleagues are aware of this dilemma,

But he chose to keep his head down and swipe his phone, pretending that the train was going to a better place.

dream, dream is everything


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