Earning RMB 2,099 in May

Thank you~ for your support! Announcement of the profit of creating donations for public welfare in May, for you who continue to silently support the public welfare project "Hua Appreciation, Light for Vulnerable Children in Remote Townships". In May, you can donate 2,099 yuan (NTD), accumulating 34,513 yuan.

Earning RMB 2,099 in May

🔥Thank you for your enthusiastic participation; this public welfare activity was unexpectedly reported on the Internet! Click on my link to open 🔗


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . We never thought that we would witness an "epic" collapse of cryptocurrency, and from the most reassuring stablecoin collapse, LUNA coin plummeted by 99% in just a few days, and it was almost wiped out. And what about LikeCoin, the currency of Matt City’s creation revenue?

You can check the earnings report released by Brother Stone for three months and see that from NT$ 0.447 to now only NT$ 0.078, this is not in line with what the risk management course mentioned: you do nothing, but it is also a risk .

【It's not your feet that make you stand up, it's your beliefs】

From the moment my mother fell ill, I gave up 3,000 troubles and managed a small flat head; I adhered to a belief and determined to make public welfare a goal of my third life.

I believe: Faith is a pearl on the journey of life, it can shine both in the sun and in the dark night.

Therefore, no matter whether the value of cryptocurrencies collapses or not, the pace of continuing to share articles and striving to move forward has not changed. I also believe that as long as I persevere, I can gradually infect the friends around me and are willing to lend a helping hand to the disadvantaged children in remote villages. Point flipping hope.

1. The creation of the public welfare, to whom will the money be donated?
At present, all the funds from creation to public welfare are donated to Xinpu, Erzhong, and Zhudong Green Light Seed Classrooms, hoping to provide more than 200 single parents, intergenerational education, and children from disadvantaged families.

Image source: Stone brother drawing; my Like wallet

2. After the establishment of the website, accumulated donations (including donations): 34,513 yuan ✅ 2021 Q4 "Donated" is: NT$ 3,184; Matters = 2,247 yuan, PotatoMedia = 937 yuan ✅ 2022 Q1 "Donated" is: 27,132 yuan New Taiwan dollars; Matters = 6,864 yuan, PotatoMedia = 2,942 yuan, a cup of coffee for public welfare = 326 yuan ✅ "Donation" in April is: 2,098 New Taiwan dollars (Yes, it's really only one yuan. )

3. This month’s creation income, can donate: 2,099 yuan ✅Matters platform, in May “donation” is: 83 New Taiwan dollars (USD 3.98);
✅Matters wallet, "donations available" in May: NT$105 (HK$777-749);
✅PotatoMedia platform, "donations available" in May = 1,620 yuan;
✅ A cup of coffee for public welfare, "Donation" in May = 291 yuan.

1. Calculation: CFO = 583.5-521 = 62.5, 1 CFO = NT$ 25.92, CFO passive income = 1,620. Matters' Like coin comes to 1 Like = NT 0.447, with 11,234.656 points available.
🔥"A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" small donation: "Lawyer Shengyun" will be invited to check the details of the website; the Green Light Seed Classroom "Wanmei Project Manager" will also be opened for confirmation to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

🍁Your cup of 55 US dollars is an opportunity for disadvantaged children to turn their fates↓↓↓
🍁Click me to open the link directly🔗: I am willing to "a cup of coffee for public welfare" to support Brother Stone!

Image source: Drawing by Stone Brother; a cup of coffee for public welfare income

【in conclusion】

I am glad that everyone's kindness is overflowing, and they are not backed down by the continued severity of the epidemic. For example, Delong Elementary School, which has more than 30/130 disadvantaged children in the Longtan field mentioned earlier, can now have tablet assistance for home classes, no longer. There is no way to ask for help; and the "Green Light Seed Classroom", which continues to assist, is also on the line with Mingxin University of Science and Technology and Changzhou Normal University with the help of everyone. It is hoped that more volunteers will invest in the classroom, so that children can get better results. Resources.
Thanks, because of you, let us uphold the spirit of a small flame, continue to burn ourselves, and cheer, because I believe:

One day, when my expression can penetrate your heart, I will be able to connect hundreds of thousands of small fires, ignite a roaring campfire in the dark, and let more disadvantaged children receive free after-school lessons. Tutoring.

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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