[Dragon Boat Festival English] You must learn "3 major customs, 6 major items" one-word supplement! Don't say row dragon boat anymore!

The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the three major festivals, is coming soon. Although the Dragon Boat Race is postponed, you can still celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival at home and learn English by the way. How do you say in English the important customary activities of the Dragon Boat Festival [rowing dragon boats, eating zongzi, and laying eggs]? Don't use row dragon boat anymore! How do you say Dragon Boat Festival-related items [wormwood, sachet, calamus, realgar wine, Zhongkui, five-color silk thread] in English? This time, we have selected the English words and expressions of [Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, 3 major events, and 6 major items]. Once you learn it, you can introduce these interesting events to foreign friends!


Chapter source: Takeaway English official website


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The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the three major festivals, is coming soon. Although the Dragon Boat Race is postponed, you can still celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival at home and learn English by the way. How do you say in English the important customary activities of the Dragon Boat Festival [rowing dragon boats, eating zongzi, and laying eggs]? Don't use row dragon boat anymore! How do you say Dragon Boat Festival-related items [wormwood, sachet, calamus, realgar wine, Zhongkui, five-color silk thread] in English? This time, we have selected the English words and expressions of [Origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, 3 major events, and 6 major items]. Once you learn it, you can introduce these interesting events to foreign friends!

Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

1. Dragon Boat Festival English【Dragon Boat Festival】

The main English term for the Dragon Boat Festival is Dragon Boat Festival, which is also the "Dragon Boat Festival", because the Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar, also known as the Double Fifth Festival, the May Festival, and the Five Days Festival. So you can introduce it like this:

The Dragon Boat Festival, also called Double Fifth Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.
  • Dragon Boat Festival/Double Fifth Festival/Duanwu Festival
  • lunar calendar
  • lNational calendar/Gregorian calendar/Gregorian calendar/Western calendar solar calendar/Gregorian calendar
  • lunisolar calendar/lunar calendar/summer calendar lunisolar calendar

※The lunar calendar is a traditional Chinese calendar. It is a lunisolar calendar that combines the solar calendar and the lunar calendar. The intercalary method is used to fill in the time difference between the lunar calendar and the solar calendar, and the laws of the solar calendar are used to formulate the twenty-four solar terms for arranging agricultural affairs.

2. The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival - how to introduce it in English?

There are many legends about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival. It was originally a festival of totem ancestors for the Baiyue people. Some said it was to commemorate the filial daughter of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao E, who saved her father from throwing into the river, but the most widely circulated is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan during the Warring States Period.

Although there are many stories of the origin, the holiday is mainly to commemorate poet, Qu Yuan, who was also a very famous patriot during the Warring States Period. He was also a famous patriot during the Warring States Period.
  • commemorate verb v. to commemorate / in remembrance of sb to commemorate someone
  • Qu Yuan/Chu Yuan
  • patriot noun n. patriot / patriotic adjective adj. patriotic
  • Warring States Period
Qu Yuan was a good and respected government official, but because of the misdeeds of jealous rivals, he eventually fell into disfavor in the emperor's court. Unable to regain the respect of the emperor, in his sorrow, Qu Yuan threw himself into the Miluo River Qu Yuan was an official who loved the people and was respected, but because he was framed by jealous officials, Qu Yuan was neglected by the emperor since then. Unable to gain attention, Qu Yuan threw himself into the Miluo River in a melancholy situation.
  • government official noun n. officials, officials
  • misdeed noun n. misconduct
  • jealous adjective adj. jealous
  • rival noun n.
  • disfavor noun n. unpopular, annoying
  • sorrow noun n. sorrow, melancholy

3. Dragon Boat Festival in English - 3 major activities [Dragon boat rowing, eating zongzi, and laying eggs]

On the Dragon Boat Festival, various activities such as making dumplings, erecting eggs, and making sachets are held in various places. Among them, the most not to be missed is the dragon boat race!

Dragon Boat Racing is one of the highlights of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that when Qu Yuan threw himself into the river, people competed to row boats and beat gongs and drums to disperse the fish in the river in order to save him.

This activity is to symbolize the people trying to disperse fish away from Qu Yuan's body so that it would not be eaten.

  • Dragon Boat Racing Dragon Boat Racing
  • symbolize verb v. to symbolize
  • disperse verb v. to disperse
Don't say row dragon boat anymore!

People who are not familiar with water sports think that row is the same as paddle in English, but in fact paddle is rowing forward, and the paddle is held in the air, so it is called paddle; while row is rowing backward, the paddle is fixed on the boat Yes, the name is oar, so don't say rowing the dragon boat in English, but professionally say paddling the dragon boat.

  • paddle verb v. rowing (to row forward); paddles are used for paddles
  • row verb v. rowing (backward); row's "oars" use oars

Nowadays, dragon boating has become a sports competition that expresses team spirit. It tests the tacit understanding between members. Every member of the team plays a vital role. The general roles can be divided into:

  • captain
  • coach
  • manager manager
  • drummer, the drummer holds the rhythm of the ship
  • paddlers
  • steersperson helmsman, responsible for steering the direction
  • flag catcher
Image by wurliburli from Pixabay
Eating Zongzi in English—Eat Rice Dumpling /Zongzi

In order to protect Qu Yuan's body from being eaten by fish, people would feed the fish with zongzi. Of course, instead of throwing delicious zongzi into the river, today we choose to enjoy zongzi during the Dragon Boat Festival.

To protect Qu Yuan's body from being eaten by fish, people would feed the fish Zongzi instead. Of course, in modern times, rather than throw the delicacy into the water, people eat it in celebration of the festival.

  • delicacy noun n. gourmet, delicacies

The taste of zongzi varies with the filling and is usually classified as salty or sweet. The flavor of rice dumplings varies with the fillings, usually tasting can be savory or sweet.

  • flavor noun n. taste
  • filling noun n. stuffing
  • savory adj. salty

Zongzi is mainly composed of rice and dumpling (food with fillings). Zongzi is usually made of bamboo leaves wrapped with glutinous rice, so zongzi can also be called sticky rice dumpling. Zongzi is usually glutinous rice filled with meat, nuts or bean paste and wrapped in bamboo leaves. Salty rice dumplings usually include meat (pork/beef/seafood), egg yolk, peanut peanuts, mushroom mushrooms, dried shrimps, chestnut chestnut, fried garlic, often served with sweet chili sauce; Wrapped with bean paste.

  • rice dumpling/sticky rice dumpling/Zongzi
  • bamboo leaves
  • pork belly
  • glutinous rice/sticky rice
  • salted egg yolk
  • boiled peanuts
  • dried shrimps
  • mushroom
  • chestnut
  • fried garlic
  • bean paste red bean paste red bean paste
  • sweet chili sauce
Image by Tingzhi Zhang from Pixabay
Standing An EggEgg Balancing/Standing An Egg

Standing eggs is also a very interesting custom on the Dragon Boat Festival. According to legend, it is easier to erect eggs due to gravity. However, it has nothing to do with gravity. To successfully erect eggs, you can choose a rougher surface, which is easy to succeed. stand up. To lay an egg is to keep the egg in balance. You can use the verb balance to balance.

If one manages to stand an egg on its end at exactly 12:00 noon, the following year will be a lucky one.

  • balancing an egg /egg balancing/standing an egg on its end
Image by william12 from Pixabay

4. Dragon Boat Festival English - 6 major items [wormwood, sachet, calamus, realgar wine, Zhong Kui, five-color silk thread]

The ancients believed that after the Dragon Boat Festival, summer officially came, and mosquitoes and flies were easy to breed, and infectious diseases and plagues were also prone to occur. The purpose of holding celebrations on the Dragon Boat Festival is to seek good luck and avoid evil, and pray to avoid diseases and evil invasions throughout the year. People hang herbs in front of the door, drink nutritious realgar wine, and post a portrait of Zhong Kui, the real exorcist. The celebration of Double Fifth Festival is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Zhong Kui.
  • nutritious adj. nutritious
  • concoction noun n. concoction
  • portrait noun n. portrait, portrait
  • nemesis noun n. nemesis
  • realgar wine/alcohol noun n. realgar wine
    Realgar means "realgar". Realgar is also a kind of ore containing arsenic and sulfur. It is an ancient disinfectant and insecticide. It is considered to be able to cure hundreds of people, and it can also be refined into arsenic. From the point of view of modern medicine, the consumption of realgar containing arsenic is harmful and toxic. Legend has it that in "Legend of the White Snake", the white snake spirit accidentally drank realgar wine and almost took the shape of a snake

Mugwort is a kind of medicinal herb that can cure diseases, which represents Zhao Baifu. It can be inserted at the door to make the owner healthy, relieve cold and stop bleeding, and calm the mind. Mugwort is the common name of wormwood in English, and it can also be called moxa; calamus leaves are sword-shaped. , a sword that symbolizes exorcising ominousness. It can be inserted at the door to ward off evil spirits, repel diseases, and prevent mosquitoes. Therefore, it is usually tied with banyan tree branches and wormwood.

  • hanging mugwort/moxa/wormwood
  • hanging calamus

In addition to helping children wear fragrant sachets to ward off disease and evil spirits on the Dragon Boat Festival, they also tie five-color silk threads on their wrists, ankles, and necks. The five-color silk threads are blue, red, white, and black. The five colors of , yellow, and yellow are regarded as auspicious colors. When the thread is tied, the children cannot speak. The five-color thread cannot be broken or discarded arbitrarily. It can only be thrown into the river during the first heavy rain or the first bath in summer. It means letting the river water wash away the plagues and diseases, so that health can be preserved from now on.

  • carrying or wearing fragrant/scented sachet/perfume pouch
  • ward off disease and evil spirits
  • tying five-color silk thread
Image by ban163 from Pixabay

After reading this article, do you think it is not difficult to introduce the Dragon Boat Festival in English? The next time you chat with foreigners, you can introduce the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival and related customs and activities! What other special Dragon Boat Festival customs do you know? Welcome to leave a message to share ~ I wish you a happy Dragon Boat Festival Happy Dragon Boat Festival 😊

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After reading this article, you can still watch the next festival introduction~
【Lantern Festival English】Must learn the "3 major customs" eating dumplings, making lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, how much do you know in English?

【Lantern Festival English】Must learn "4 major activities" Lantern Festival, Pingxi Sky Lantern, Tainan Saltwater Bee Cannon, Taitung Fried Handan, how do you say it in English?


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