Catch Wild Ruth | Divination Sip Your Soul Special

Whether you want to participate in divination, catch wild Ruth (it's super hard!!!!), or just want a drink on a weekend night, you are welcome to join us in creating our own Recall, I didn't have any pre-sets on that day. Everyone who came to participate, you and you (maybe you too!?), are all important members of this event!

A few days ago, there was a typhoon in Taiwan, and I made a temporary intention to do a live broadcast . In addition to a bunch of messages that day, it was also because I participated in two events recently. I also wanted to take this opportunity to promote the event. One is I wrote about Sleeping, Aurora! Despedida, Aurora! Dance drama performance, and the other one is the special tune that I want to introduce to you today.

Hidden Alley is really Hidden Alley

Most of my numerology work is done remotely. If there are no special events, I don’t like going out very much (of course, if it’s flamenco, I must go out 🤣🤣), I participated last time The spiritual market is also because I have to help a friend to call for it. How can I take over the job of going to Taichung this time?

Before the European epidemic started, I went to Spain for further studies for the second time. Not long after I left, I encountered a city closure in Spain, and the international flight was also in chaos. The flight had been cancelled to the point where I finally returned to Taiwan after almost half a year. The first official performance of the post-nationals was at the venue of Taichung Hidden Lane .

That was the first time I went to Hidden Lane. I remember the first time I went to the performance venue, I couldn't find it because it didn't look like it was in a business place. After entering, I found that it was a different place! It's a very atmospheric venue, there is a kind of The retro feel, where we did a very successful show and have great memories.

Brain-opening slightly drunk divination

About July this year, a friend came to me and told me that she took over Yinxiang, the original owner did not want to run it, but she felt it was a pity that such a good venue disappeared, so she took over the venue because of various The reason is that this venue is not open for business at ordinary times, and only opens when there are events, so she hopes to make it a place where everyone can step on weekend nights.

She hopes to hold an event every weekend, and healing is also something she wants to promote. At this time, she thought of me. My style is not the therapist in everyone's impression, and it may match the style of this venue. 🤣🤣 🤣🤣, I agreed to hold this event together because of my special affection for this venue.

We hope to be able to provide services here that are different from what I have done in other places. After our brainstorming discussions, we ordered this slightly drunken divination activity. In the activity, I will use the bartender specially The bartenders created for this event are used for divination. I hope to use the co-creation of everyone on the day to give the most suitable message for the participants of the day.

In this event, participants can get a cup of their own soul special (of course, if you want, you can also drink someone else's), in addition to the content of public divination, there is also a chance to get divination for private issues. In addition to using divination techniques, he will also secretly use the concept of the Interstellar Maya 13 Moon Calendar to create the atmosphere of the day with everyone.

Whether you want to participate in divination , catch wild Ruth (it's super hard!!!!), or just want a drink on a weekend night, you are welcome to join us in creating our own Recall, I didn't have any pre-sets on that day. Everyone who came to participate, you and you (maybe you too!?), are all important members of this event!

relevant information:
Event time: 2022/9/17 (Sat) 19:30 (Entry is possible at 19:00, the venue is open until 22:00)
Venue: In The Alley Hidden Lane (No. 5, Lane 263, Zhongxing Street, West District, Taichung City)
Please go to:

For more detailed information, please visit the FB " Slightly Drunk Divination Xin Chou September Issue " event page

For more information, please follow the Facebook fan group: Yellow Gypsy
IG, TikTok: LuzWu222
YouTube Channel: Yellow Gypsies
Podcast Channel: Yellow Gypsies , That Light--Luz Ruth's Chatting World


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黃皮膚的吉普賽人露思我是Luz露思 我是光 一個非典型身心靈工作者與佛朗明哥歌手 讓我在你耳邊跟你分享我的體會
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