Single Holy Priest - Between old acquaintances, the guardian of common friendship and love memories - UNOLIN original essay


(articles submitted and published more than ten years ago, and edited versions)

Along with the male friends, colleagues, and classmates beside him, one by one, he will get rid of the rudeness, get married, and become a father!

Still single, I suddenly became the increasingly rare "shared secret file holder":

Single Holy Priest!

The one who protects the memory that I shared with my male friends, the backup...

When I was studying abroad, my Japanese friend T-kun brought his pregnant wife to Taiwan for sightseeing in late 2002.

As a landlord, I should naturally entertain them.

It's not easy to catch a space where his wife is not with him!

I took a risk and secretly asked T Jun if there was any news about the W woman and the current situation:

single holy priest

(Photo source, please click here )

The one we both pursued together when we were in college in the US!

And later, let us two friends, who almost turned into enemies and become rivals in love, the girl from T Jun

---W female.

W female she later, although between me and T Jun, chose the latter!

But soon after, the W woman also broke up with T Jun and went back to Japan first.

Mr. T and I, after graduating from university about a year later, returned to their home countries:

Taiwan and Japan.

Mr. T and Mrs. W, later reunited in their country.

And I also visited them in Japan at the end of 2000 AD at the turn of the century.

At that time, it was still the W woman who was still working in the publishing house.

Meet me alone first next to the "Hachiko Statue" at the front exit of Tokyo Shibuya Station.

Then, Ms. W took me to a newly opened exotic fusion restaurant.

After two people drinking and chatting for more than an hour!

It was only until Mr. T, who had just gotten off work from the big trading company, came over, and the three of them ate together and reminisced.

Too bad things don't last!

In 2001, less than a year later, T Jun was dispatched by the company to Europe.

Soon after, Mr. T and Mrs. W broke up again.

This time, we really broke up!


Broke forever!

Then, Mr. T was stationed in Europe again, and met the daughter of his company's Japanese customer---

Later, she became his current wife.

Mr. T chose to be Mr. T’s best man during the wedding banquet in a local noble castle in Europe!

In the wedding banquet, face both families from Japan, the United States, Germany and other countries, as well as international friends and colleagues!

I am specially prepared!

I gave everyone a speech in English that sometimes burst into laughter, but sometimes shed tears.

What I mentioned is not just the memories of my classmates with T Jun University in the past.

There are also expectations for Mr. T and the bride, both parties' future marriage and management.

Of course, I am very funny!

There is no mention of any words about the deceased relationship between Mr. T and Mrs. W.

All the way, single me!

Although after graduating from university, working briefly in the United States, and returning to Taiwan,

I have also dated dozens of domestic and foreign girls one after another.

But in the end, it was all fruitless, almost without a trace.

On the other hand, I have never forgotten:

W girl, her bright oriental eyes, the white plump figure of the Yamato ethnic group, and the gentle words as delicate as cherry blossoms.

This box, pull back to 2002,

When I was a child, I walked back and forth thousands of times on the streets of Zhongshan North Road in Taipei City.

Mr. T was a little surprised that I threw out this fast and straight ball-like question about the W girl.

But there was not too much surprise and sullenness on his face.

"I haven't contacted her for more than two years. I believe she is okay? I hope so."

Mr. T sighed softly and quietly.

After speaking, I did not forget to look back.

She seemed worried that Mrs. T Jun, who was standing about fifteen meters away from us, concentrating on browsing the window accessories, would overhear the conversation between our old friends.

T Jun's unexpectedly calm response made me suddenly realize:

80%, even he is prepared to take the two of us and W's daughter.

All three of them shared the experiences they had spent in the United States and Japan, and the past events they had participated in, all of which were forgotten.

Forget it as clean as possible, yes! ?

Or, even if Mr. T doesn't want to forget!

At the very least, he should hide this past event in the safe in the deepest memory of Mr. T!

It will not be discarded and eliminated immediately, but it will not be easily opened.

Come to think of it, we've all been part of that "single hall".

It turned out that Yu once was a bachelor, grew up together, and shared weal and woe together!

But he is about to get married, with his former "single hall" comrades who are already married.

The members who are still in the "Single Hall" have a more sacred mission:

Those of us, we are going to take on our former friends who are married or who are about to step into the auditorium!

They and all of us are reluctant to face it openly and frankly!

But before each other, they have experienced, shared, hugged and cried, and fell down and got up. The common love-related notes.

It is very different from other embarrassing things that can be disclosed at parties and recited at the dinner table!

These love memoirs are like cursed passwords, sacred but hurtful!

It is the aftertaste chewing of a single person, and the password of the muttering words in the middle of the night.

These love stories are also about those who are about to betray the "single hall" and break away from the single group.

They lingered, trying to get rid of the tight hoop spell.

And I was destined that as long as I was single for one day, I had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the "single temple priest" who guarded the curse:

On the one hand, preventing the password spell from being exposed to the spouses of the parties involved,

On the other hand, we need to find a way to keep these common precious memories well preserved and not be forgotten by dust.

All because:

I am a "Single Holy Priest" who has been given a protective spell and responsibility for the past in the "Hall of Singleness"!

[Original published in 2003 "Freedom Times Flower Editor Supplement - Single Coffee Cup"]

Write here first, see you next time!



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