Winning a job | Interview, do you have any questions you want to ask?

Today, let’s talk about it while it’s hot today. Before the end of the interview, if the supervisor asks you: Do you have any questions to ask? Excuse me, how would you answer?
Picture source: Stone brother drawing

Winning a job | Interview, do you have any questions you want to ask?

Every five minutes, master practical skills, so that you can calmly deal with workplace affairs!


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . A while ago, I was busy with interviews for summer interns, and several classmates fought hard to get me, who originally had only two vacancies, to make an exception to admit one more classmate and refer the fourth classmate to other units. This week, due to the peak season of the semiconductor industry in the second half of the year, a video interview will be held after taking stock of supervisor vacancies.

I met a candidate today who actually asked several questions. I think it’s great, so I’ll chat while the interview is hot. Before the interview is over, if the supervisor asks you: Do you have any questions? Excuse me, how would you answer?

♟Module category: Workplace Case Studies - Lecture 4: Job Search Skills ♟Scope of Application: Interview, definitely not for sale; how to deal with advance and retreat during interview.

【Before the interview, you did a few things that will make you better】

After the HR interview, the interview is handed over to the supervisor of the employer. Before the entire interview is over, I am used to asking: Do you have any questions?

It means that I have basically nothing else I want to know. After all, I personally selected the talents for the interview from the 1xx Human Resources Bank. After a preliminary telephone interview, I decided who would be screened for a formal video interview. The score has been roughly settled, and the rest is the five-page briefing questioning during the video, as well as some gossip (the so-called smoke bomb confusion). In the end, I will deliberately transfer the right to speak to you, not completely ready to end , but..., I'm looking for someone who strives for excellence and doesn't settle for conventions .

"It takes people who are better than you to make an organization better and a company a greater company... Look for people who strive for excellence and don't settle for the norm." - David. Ogilvy / Founder of Ogilvy Advertising.

Usually a very small number of people will ask me questions, almost 90% of them will say that I have no problem, and a few people will ask the unit supervisor: What will my salary be? In fact, you should ask about the salary in the first-stage HR department interview. When you go to the unit supervisor, do I think you are worthy of this salary based on your strength? Can you help you get higher? After all, I don't care about salary, I care about: finding people who strive for excellence, who don't settle for routines, and who can make the organization better. So what you're really asking about isn't these, but rather focus on these two points:

🍁 First, the interview is messed up, this link is an opportunity to remedy:

You have done your homework and understood the process related to the company you are interviewing for today, but the world is unpredictable. During the entire video interview, you did not hear the interview supervisor's question clearly several times during the video interview. Now that you know you screwed up, is there any chance of getting it back? That's right, before ending, when the supervisor throws this problem, it is your chance to remedy. In other words, ten minutes have passed since the interview, and you should be able to sort out the things you originally intended to say but accidentally screwed up.

"In my career, I've missed more than 9,000 shots, and I've lost about 300 games. 26 times, people believed I was going to hit the game-winning shot, but I didn't. In my I've had setbacks after setbacks in my life, but that's why I've been successful." - Michael Jordan / Basketball God

🍁 Second, the interview is to choose what kind of leadership you want to imprint on your body:

"A good leader is to play the role of a teacher", and "leadership is to mobilize the masses to solve problems"... This is what Teacher Liu Lan mentioned in "Leadership 30 Lectures", and I quite agree with this concept. When you advance to the role of a leader someday in the future, you will be imprinted with leadership that you have learned from the executives you have followed along the way. Therefore, the choice of the supervisor is very important, so you should get the characteristics and management style of the supervisor from the question, whether it matches what you want, instead of complaining about the bad supervisor and pig teammates after entering the company. .. and then changed jobs after less than a year.

🍁 What specific questions can you take the opportunity to ask?

Few people will tell you:

✅Why ask this question?

✅ What is the purpose of asking this question?

Brother Stone will show you today to see clearly!

1. How long have you been with this company?
2. I don't know if you were promoted internally, or if you were recruited to be the director? (Understanding the company's promotion system, is the moon relatively round abroad?)
3. If he is promoted internally, you can also "praise him first, then inquire": presumably the director was promoted because of outstanding projects and performance; I don't know how the promotion system is here? (You can use this to find out about seniority promotion and project promotion)
4. What do you hope to contribute to my position in the next six months? (Know how demanding, difficult, or what you think you can handle)
5. What do you think will be the biggest challenge I may face in this role? (Learn if your weaknesses are turning into nightmares)
6. What professional skills do you want me to fill that my team is missing? (Master, whether your strengths complement or enhance your team’s strengths)
7. How many team members do I work closely with? What specialties do they have? (Get a hold of your future peers)
8. Not sure what team performance metrics are? What are individual performance indicators? (Let you distinguish whether the supervisor is looking at the team or the individual)
9. How will my day at this job be like? (This is a small psychological trick, deliberately in the impression of the unit supervisor, depicting the various work images you have in this position, from work to get off work.)
10. Don't ask Google-ready company questions. Such as EPS, which customers, and the company's growth history (please, this is the homework you should do before the interview, if you ask it, it means that you have not done your homework well)
11. Don't ask me: How did this vacancy come about? I will definitely answer to expand production capacity. Don't ask me: Do team members get along well? I will definitely answer OPEN MIND. Maybe you should explore more technically. If you ask me so bluntly, I really see the answer. It is suggested that you should ask your colleagues who reported recently. Do you know when you reported in? Or do you not know the average seniority of your colleagues? (In order to know whether the supervisor gets along well and the team members get along well)
12.... There are many things that have not been written yet, you can also try to think about it.

🍁Click me to link: I am willing to "A Cup of Coffee for Public Welfare" and silently support Brother Stone!

【in conclusion】

You are the CEO of your career . In the interview, please don't treat yourself as a commodity and sell it at a price; instead, you should use it to find the supervisor you want to follow, the team you want to learn with, because they are imprinted on you, and they will have an impact on your future management model, Leadership skills have an inseparable impact. Remember: There are only two ways to learn: one is by reading, and the other is in the company of smarter people. - Will. Will Rogers.

🔥Follow up, everyone secretly learned workplace skills, how many did you miss?

1. How to hold a campus lecture? Expand from a simple Rundown sheet

2. Four shifts and two rounds, is there no school for further study? Dedicated to a group of marginalized people who work hard but are forgotten!

3. Stop and review | Let you in 5 years, thank you for being serious today!

4. To develop an engineer, what professional knowledge should I have?

5. Winning the job search|I am super nervous during interviews and presentations, what should I do?


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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