Yuanyu Eight Characters ~ Yuanyu Calendar: July 5th


2022 Years Wang Yin Year 07 05 - Bingwu Month Jiwei Day (the seventh day of the sixth lunar month)

Today's day is flowing: Ji is not the sun, the sky is dry, the earth is the earth / the earthly branch is the yin fire, and the earth is the yin fire.

[Shen Sha Liu Xiu Day]: The star of writing excellence.

"Three Lives Tonghui Lun" on the future

【Jiwei】: Medium sun column, six beautiful days, beautiful and talented. Sitting on Kutonggen, the body is prosperous, there is a killing mark when sitting, and the owner has a strong self-awareness. Women are not in good shape.

On the day of the fragrance of red osmanthus, the crown belt, sitting shoulder to shoulder, owl seal.

In the middle of the month, the osmanthus is fragrant in autumn, and the rivers, the sun and the moon complement each other.

Mo Dao's high mountain fragrance is scattered, and the spring breeze in February is short and long.

Original URL: https://read01.com/m56AjE.html

The mainstream days of each day correspond to the following

Jiayang wood - Heavenly stems go side wealth (big environment)/Earth cycle God of Cooking (my inner self), partial wealth is based on auspicious gods + food hurts to make money!

Yiyinmu - Heavenly Stems and Prosperity (big environment) / Earthly Branches Injury Officer (I am inward), Prosperity is based on auspiciousness + food and injury to make money!

Bingyang Huo-Heavenly Goes the God of Cookery (big environment)/Earthly Branch Parijian (my inner self), the God of Cookery restrains the fortune star with fierce god theory + Parijian!

Ding Yinhuo - Heavenly Stems and Hurt Officials (big environment) / Earthly Branches and robbery of wealth (in myself), Huanguan's theory of fierce gods + robbery and wealth are born right and wrong!

Wuyang Earth - Heavenly Stem walks shoulder-to-shoulder (big environment) / Earthly Branch Zhengyin (my inner self), shoulder-to-shoulder restraint wealth star + Zhengyin injury!

Jiyin Earth-Heavenly Stems and Tribulation of Wealth (big environment) / Earthly Branch Partial India (I am inward), robbery and wealth are based on the theory of evil spirits + partial India and thwarting food!

Gengyang Jin-Heavenly Going Partial Seal (big environment) / Earthly Branch Seven Kills (my inner self), Partial Seal is generally a fierce god + seven killings to make robbery!

Xinyin Jin - Heavenly Stem Walking Zhengyin (big environment) / Earthly Branch Zhengguan (I am inward), Zhengyin is based on auspicious spirit + Zhengguan protects wealth when it is powerful!

Renyang Water - Heavenly Stems and Seven Kills (big environment) / Earthly Branches and Wealth (internally), Seven Kills are based on the theory of evil spirits + but we can speculate on the side of wealth!

Guiyin Water - Heavenly Stems and Zhengguan (big environment) / Earthly Branch Zhengcai (I am inward), Zhengguan is based on auspicious gods + should go right and do not speculate!

The above is only an explanation of the daily parameters and possible influences! The whole pattern still needs to watch the complete eight-character interaction for fun.

The "IT Five Elements Calendar" system will give a comprehensive judgment, and the Japanese owner can give the ten gods according to the system.

(Zheng official, partial official, positive seal, partial seal, parity, robbery, food god, injury official, positive wealth, partial wealth)

Find corresponding instructions on the Internet (such as financial management/work, etc.)

The content of the approval document includes the following two categories:

1. External Environment (Heavenly Stem) - The Five Elements of the Lord of the Sun correspond to the ten gods of the Heavenly Stem, representing the yin and yang of the five elements of my environment.

2. Personal Inner (Earthly Branches) - The Sun Lord and the Five Elements correspond to the ten gods of the Sun and Earth Branches, representing the corresponding period of the Yin-Yang and the Five Elements in oneself.

Take <gui>yin <water> as an example

Your exclusive day: 7/5 Jiwei (Seven Kills/Seven Kills)

External (Tiangan) - Personality: Seven kills means violence, power is strong and powerful, courageous, smart, partial husband and lover, villain, male life and children, etc. Seven kills like subduing is expensive. The book says: Seven killings have been institutionalized into power, that is to say.

Representation: Representing wife, money, talent, real estate, pastoral fields, fathers, aunts, and uncles. It also represents reputation, status, credibility, wealth, luck, auspiciousness and joy.

Occupation: Suitable for military, police, professional soldiers, public security, judicial or work with intense action, such as mining, blasting, martial arts, athletes, commanders and other industries.

For good: fame, status, power, career.

For the murder: disability, disease, premature death, prison, fighting, poverty, villain.

★In the Eight Characters: When the side officials are effective, they are the strategists who act bravely in the face of justice. Emphasis on people's righteousness and rationality, treats people and affairs with the principle of economic support; willing to help others, with chivalrous pride; sharp-minded, good at negotiating, likes to drive subordinates according to their own opinions, and makes good use of power and tactics.

Inner (earthly branch)-character: Seven kills means violence, power is strong and powerful, courageous, clever, partial husband and lover, villain, male life and children, etc. Seven kills like subduing is expensive. The book says: Seven killings have been institutionalized into power, that is to say.

Representation: Representing wife, money, talent, real estate, pastoral fields, fathers, aunts, and uncles. It also represents reputation, status, credibility, wealth, luck, auspiciousness and joy.

Occupation: Suitable for military, police, professional soldiers, public security, judicial or work with intense action, such as mining, blasting, martial arts, athletes, commanders and other industries.

For good: fame, status, power, career.

For the murder: disability, disease, premature death, prison, fighting, poverty, villain.

★In the Eight Characters: When the side officials are effective, they are the strategists who act bravely in the face of justice. Emphasis on people's righteousness and rationality, treats people and affairs with the principle of economic support; willing to help others, with chivalrous pride; sharp-minded, good at negotiating, likes to drive subordinates according to their own opinions, and makes good use of power and tactics.

Yuanyu Bazi is based on the yin and yang of the sun and the five elements (heavenly stems/earthly branches) to determine the ten gods

You can refer to the "IT Five Elements Calendar" for the yin and yang five elements of the sun


You can also leave a message on your birthday, and within three days, you will reply to inform the yin and yang of the five elements of the sun!


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