When creativity cannot be valued or fulfilled through appreciation and encouragement, do you lose motivation?

When the creation cannot be valued or satisfied through appreciation and encouragement, and you can no longer mention the creation, maybe you will see: "Or, I have never been able to get real income from creation."

This is a time to take a good look at self-expectations about "creation", before virtual currency has seen its bottom. (If you never think that you are writing, you don't need to read this article. No one says that people who write on the platform must be creative people.)

People who can really earn income by "creating" (any form) need to have several characteristics:

One, people who are not disturbed by the things around them and insist on it all the time.

Second, a person who has a promise to himself and who revises and works hard toward his goal.

Third, people who have been constantly enriching various things (especially their own creative goals).

Fourth, people who can simultaneously digest the emotions of being appreciated or not seen, and move on.

Fifth, do your best to be seen by others, and see opportunities, create opportunities, and seize opportunities (need to combine 1 to 4.)

Every time I see the phrase "Your support is the driving force for my creation", I tilt my head and want to ask: "So without support, you have no motivation to create?" It’s just fun to write, I didn’t want anyone to read it, I didn’t expect anyone to support it…” I would also like to ask: “But no one reads it, no one supports it (encouragement, interaction), and many people give up! The original one "Writing is fun", why is it so easy to feel that it is not fun? "

Not talking about "money (income)", these states are really the normal state of human nature, but after adding "substance" to encouragement that can be turned into income, "I love writing", "I love writing", "Your support, It is the driving force of my creation.” Like the tide of the sea, it becomes the waste left on the beach that is thrown away without being taken away.

It's still vulgar to say: "Money" is really, fuck it, it's tacky, but it's a very motivating encouragement. When the encouragement and clapping of each other’s warmth cannot be exchanged for money, sincere communication is even cheaper. Anyway, your encouragement can’t be exchanged for money. I even seem lazy to communicate with you , so don’t talk about writing or Don't write anymore.

Relying on virtual currency to earn creative income is the most unrestricted way. In the warm and enthusiastic social interaction, when you open the platform and sign in, you will have coins in your pocket. There are a lot of coins, but is it really easy to ask others to take out the fiat currency in their pockets to support it?

No, right! (Most people don’t even want to spend money on books. Right! With inflation and living expenses shrinking, who has too much money to “buy” creations?)

People who can make money by creating should not have time to think about "who wants to see and who doesn't", "who likes and who doesn't like", "who supports me and who doesn't encourage me", "I just write for fun (no, really." Those who make money by creating are writing very seriously, not writing fun things with you)”, maybe some people will add some “to be seen, to be liked, and not to deviate from their original intentions” for the sake of “market” (of course There are still people who use different personalities to create content that is different from their original intentions)", but most of them "focus" on "creation", not changes in the outside world, but make them have emotions that are too large and change with the outside world. Mood ups and downs!

Most people who want to make money by creating must have a very “sure” state in their hearts, believing that their creations will be loved by others, and should be seen by more and more people, and allow themselves to spend more time in those who are described as In the content of "Heart-blooded".

Don't always think "I want to make money with XX" but hope to make it in the "easiest" way. At this moment when the virtual currency has collapsed to the point where many great gods stand up and ridicule "it's a scam", it is the best time to examine yourself: do you like creation, or socializing? Do you really think you can make money with your content, or "you just want this easy money"?

"Money" is the least deceitful thing in the world. It reflects the desires and desires of the human heart. Sometimes it also reflects the position in which people place themselves. Is it a casual view or a serious expectation?

No kind of money is easy to make (except virtual currency! XD) Sometimes you have to pay brainpower, labor, and even pay, and often you can't earn equivalent income.

When the creation cannot be valued or satisfied through appreciation and encouragement, and you can no longer mention the creation, maybe you will see: "Or, I have never been able to get real income from creation."

Because I am not the kind of hardworking person, and I have never buried the confidence of "I want to be seen, I will continue to work hard" in my heart, but at a certain point in time, I once felt warm because of the mechanism of appreciation!

Photo: 20140212 Buffalo Bookstore, Canon EOS 5D Mark II. Finally got some photos sorted


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