dream training camp


"This is what you will wear for training later on"

He took a stack of sweat-wicking Ts in his hand, all black, and there was not even a logo on the clothes. I feel a little unhappy in my heart, I can't wear the clothes I brought. Looking around, the students in the same class are all boys except me, and the dormitory is a big shop.

"It seems that the days to come will be a little harder." I thought so.

Unexpectedly, I am very comfortable with life here. In normal days, apart from training, I just play with other students, just like going back to college life.

There are three people A, B, and C that are better than me. We formed a film team to secretly record the life of the training camp, and hid in the conference room when the officers were on duty to film the editing video. The small conference room used for editing videos is just behind the seating area of the officers, so it is convenient to observe the movements of the officers.

One day, when we were in the middle of editing, there was a sound from outside the door, and I saw a new female instructor from the crack of the door who didn't attend today.

"Hey, wait, there are people outside." I turned to them.

At this time, A walked out of the conference room as if nothing had happened, and talked to the female instructor to distract her. A's tanned skin and deep facial features are very popular among female instructors. After receiving the hint from A's eyes, the rest of us were about to leave, but unfortunately the other officers came back on duty and arrested us.

"It's dead." "It's not a good idea to record the life of this training camp, should I be expelled for leaking secrets?"

After being locked in the confinement room for an unknown period of time, a few other officers of us got into a large conference room. I saw my mother sitting in the second row on the left aisle seat, and the parents of the others were also there. There was a video we made on the projection screen. The instructor reprimanded us on the stage, and even pointed out that I and A next to me should not fall in love on campus? A and I looked at each other and smiled. It was so dangerous that everyone knew about it before we came in. In the end, the instructor just let us go, thinking that there would be more severe punishment.

Time passed quickly, and the days of the training camp were so fulfilling and ridiculous. Before graduation, the internship task was arranged by the instructor. We had to go to a national elementary school and detain the target man back to the training center for interrogation. We set off with the instructors in groups of four. This task was too easy for the four of us. We picked the time for the pupils to raid during their lunch break. We went up the stairs to the target floor, and easily found the target from the teachers’ lounge. Bundle it up and prepare for the return trip.

After this corner is the elevator that leads directly to the first floor. Our car is parked not far from the school gate on the first floor. Success seems to be close at hand, but strange things are just about to happen.

There seemed to be someone squatting in front of the elevator. From the instructor's eyes, it could be seen that this was not a planned link. The instructor instructed everyone to lower their bodies and hide in the corner, and I was responsible for going to the front to investigate the situation. After I approached slowly, I found out that it was a woman, wearing a light-colored floral dress, sitting on the ground with her back bowed, her head buried in her arms, and she didn't seem to be threatening, so I asked aloud whether Need help, but she doesn't seem to want to reply to me. Until I walked forward, reached out and patted her shoulder, she seemed to have lost her center of gravity and fell backward, her shoulder seemed to be torn off by me, and her flesh was spread out on the ground. There was blood all over the floor.

Watching such a terrifying scene, I still had to calm down as soon as possible. When I pushed the hair away from the female corpse covering my face, I gasped. Isn't this the new female instructor? Why did he die here in a skirt? There was also a knife stuck in her chest, which seemed to be the cause of her death. What was even more strange was that the corpse was full of signs of decay, as if it had been dissolved.

"Did the last set of missions fail?" I felt vaguely uneasy.

While thinking about it, he moved the female corpse to the side of the road and signaled his teammates to move forward, and planned to go back to the camp to report to the commander first, and then deal with the corpse.

In this way, everyone passed the corpse and came to the elevator entrance, only to find that the elevator must be activated by the guard. The doors and windows of the guard room next to the elevator are closed. In addition to the glass windows on the outer layer, there is also an iron rolling door on the inner layer, so it is impossible to see inside. After what happened just now, everyone's expressions became nervous. B knocked impatiently on the glass window of the guard room, and the rolling iron door in the window was halfway pulled up, revealing the lower half of a middle-aged man's face.

"Hurry up and help us drive the elevator"

The guard refused.

After a stalemate, the guard finally agreed to open the elevator doors for us. He stood up and pulled up the iron rolling door, only to see the rotting flesh under both arms. The black wound seemed to be able to see through his body, very similar to the wound on the female corpse.

"Not good"

The man slowly opened the door of the guard room, the smell of carrion came out, and there was also a strong smell of chemicals.

"Everyone retreat!" the instructor shouted.

When I woke up, A and I hid in an abandoned classroom toilet, and everyone had long since been separated.

"What the hell happened?"

Vaguely when the instructor shouted to retreat, he discovered that the real guard had been killed long ago, and that the middle-aged man was a monster that would attack and dissolve others with sulfuric acid. The sulfuric acid monster walked out of the classroom and locked himself and a group of children inside. The instructor and B rushed in to save people.

"And then? Why am I here? Why are we both still alive? What's the situation outside now?"

"You stay here first, and I'll go out and see what's going on," I said.

That said, but I myself am not sure what to do if I encounter that monster after going out, just hiding in the toilet all the time is not the way.

Tidying up, I mustered up the courage to walk out of the toilet...


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可倪一個工程師和業餘畫家。 從小喜歡看鬼故事,希望在這裡記錄下我的日常還有我詭異又奇幻的夢境。
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