Life Story – Received $SHD Airdrop

We all care about privacy, but in the world of blockchain, how to protect privacy?

What is Shade Protocol?

Shade Protocol is a series of privacy-protecting DeFi projects built on Secret Network. Secret Network is a privacy-protecting smart contract platform. Secret Network provides privacy protection for all applications built on the Internet. $SHD is the Shade Protocol governance token.

Why do you need Shade Protocol?

We all care about privacy, but in the world of blockchain, because of the shared, public ledger mechanism, all operations can be easily tracked and exploited in various ways. Improvements have been made to provide more stable, attack-resistant and privacy-protected DeFi products, and all transactions involving Shade Protocol have transaction privacy by default.

Next, how do I get the Shade Protocol ($SHD) airdrop? Connect to the Shade Protocol platform and check if you are eligible. This airdrop needs to pledge $SCRT, $ATOM, and $LUNA to be eligible. The snapshot is over, so if you haven’t gotten on the bus, it should be too late. I know that many friends have pledged $ATOM before, so you can confirm your eligibility.

If you are eligible, just follow the table and follow the guidance on the web page to get the airdrop. The most important point is that to get the airdrop, you must have $SCRT on hand, because Shade Protocol is a project based on Secret Network, so take it Airdrop operations require $SCRT as a handling fee .

The above process is the operation process on my side. In fact, your operation may be slightly different from mine, but in general it should be similar.

If you don’t have a lot of $SHD airdropped, you can consider it. If you want to receive the $SHD airdrop, you can’t speak responsibly. I think Secret Network ($SCRT) can consider participating. Secret Network, like its name, focuses on To protect the "secrets" of the cryptocurrency market .

Just saw that $SHD is $79.95.


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小小斜槓工程師我是個味覺白癡,味蕾分辨不出100塊的澳牛和1000塊的和牛差在哪裡,希望不要再打鐵了。 「打鐵」是指投籃不進,球打在籃框上就會聽到「噹」的一聲,就像鐵匠打鐵的聲音,有點引申為作白工的意思。 有拍盡力回拍,也歡迎關注,歡樂共享。
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