It's that light!

Raise your hand like I like to look at the sky and the sun!

I really like to look at the sky. It is no exaggeration to say that about half of the photos in the phone are the sky, and most of the rest are other landscape photos~~

I remember that it was the sky after the rain on Tuesday. The thunderstorm that afternoon was really long, heavy and thunderous. I secretly asked God not to rain when I was going to ride in the evening~~, the result~ ~ Aha really stopped the rain! Good luck!

Taken with cell phone

As soon as I went out, I encountered this strong light. Although it looked dazzling, I took out my camera and took a few pictures. It was really beautiful, right? ! The light in the photo radiates beautifully, as if that strong light drove all the darkness away, and then stopped on the road to take a picture of cloud ink on the blue sky =]

Taken with cell phone

If there is anything you want to know or need to add, please leave a message to let me know =] Of course, you can also come to raise the bar~~

This article was published on PotatoMedia on the same day

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CHAO YI我是一名物理治療師,會不定期跟大家分享,自己的想法跟一些治療上的經驗,還有些衛教!=]
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