The SPASC | Reminds me of the classroom layout of my student days

Before the end of each semester, the content of the original drawing board must be different from the original finished product. In addition to adding some new things to the board during the semester, many students will secretly add some new things in a small corner of the board. Their little ideas, masterpieces or pranks are really fun and hilarious!

Since the official launch of The SPAEC on 5/31, after seeing its creation for the first time, it is really amazing

How much manpower and time did it take to complete this masterpiece!

From "The SPACE", The Space Times

Looking at the details on the way, I can find a lot of small ideas, which are quite interesting. First of all, I will give the designer incomparable applause 👏👏👏

In the next few days, I went to watch from time to time, and saw that many people added their own paintings one after another.

The content of the painting may be to add the finishing touch, or to present the story you want to express in the way of drawing

But no matter what, it makes the whole creation map more exciting.

After watching it for a while, The SPACE times suddenly reminded me of the middle school stage, before the start of each semester.

All students have to do "classroom layout" work for the large board at the back of the classroom, and sometimes teachers or schools will give them

The themes of this period are then created by students, and sometimes they are completely left to the students to create their own ideas.

At this time, the head of Xueyi will call relevant interested students to take advantage of class or weekend time.

Let's work together to beautify this large drawing board.

However, in the three years of middle school, after the classroom layout is completed, and before the end of the semester, the content of the original drawing board will be changed.

It must be different from the original finished product. Except for adding some new things on the Kanban board during the semester,

There are also many students who will secretly add their little ideas, masterpieces or pranks in a small corner of the board.

Really fun and funny!

Think about it is not quite similar to the current creation diagram of The SPEAC 😄

From: Classroom layout of the art class in the High School Affiliated to Normal University

Of course, I have to add my own content to this picture to avoid affecting the abrupt feeling of other masterpieces.

It took some time to find the appropriate location, and I drew the avatar on my Matters,

Some people may ask what is this picture? In fact, I can't tell, but this picture seems to me,

It has a certain level of meaning, which is why I want to add it to the painting, I believe other painting creators

He also has his own thoughts and stories about his works👍

Should it be in the sky? In the cloud?

This painting took less than an hour, the cost of MATIC dropped from 4.8 to about 1, and a little SPACE coin

Just yesterday in The Space Discord discussion board, I saw The Space development team

I'm going to participate in the Consensus 2022 event, so I want to set up a "venue" on the canvas of The Space,

Showing Consensus 2022 and its logo.

So I thought about it and went a little to help fill in some black blocks until the MATIC left about 0.5.

At present, there are still some unfinished spaces, and those who are interested can also help together.

A lot of black blocks are missing
Spend 0.5 left and save it for other purposes

I am a Talf house, sharing my life experience, learning, reading and other experiences through text. Keep it for yourself and for those who are interested, thank you for reading.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

Talf宅Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。
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