"Hunting the Battlefield" --- Out of control AI, the battle of human nature!

The director of commercials, Mark. Mark Toia's first feature-length film debut, "Monsters of Man", handed over a brilliant report card, with a scene in the Golden Triangle poison cave jungle, out of control AI The accidental incident of killing by a military robot explores the confrontation between good and evil between humans, as well as the dialectics and reflections on life and death between humans and AI robots.

(This article was simultaneously published on the " SJKen's Glimpse of Light " blog. If you like my article, please help to click on the " SJKen's Glimpse of Light FB Fan Page ", thank you.)

<One Minute Movie Review>

The true meaning of life, the gaze of death!

The director of commercials, Mark. Mark Toia's first feature-length film debut, "Monsters of Man", handed over a brilliant report card, with a scene in the Golden Triangle poison cave jungle, out of control AI The accidental murder of a military robot explores the confrontation between good and evil between humans, as well as the dialectics and reflections on life and death between humans and AI robots. The whole film makes good use of high-tech remote control, terrain features and special makeup. It creates the tension and excitement of life-and-death struggle in the jungle, a dialogue about the meaning of life between the main character and the AI military robot, and leads the audience to calm down and think about the meaning of life while hunting for the sound and light effects.

The Pentagon, the CIA, arms dealers, SEAL officers, doctors, and local drug dealers in the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia,

Weapons testing action teams, AI military robots, programming remote controls, mines, drones, bomb detonators,

A group of young doctors who strayed into the jungle were inexplicably involved in the CIA's killing test battlefield, and became startled.

In order to survive, they have no choice but to use all their strength to run forward, to caves, tunnels, boulders, and to die in an instant.

Join hands with SEAL officers living in seclusion in the jungle and the family of the drug cave gang to fight against the AI military robots that kill without mercy.

In the confrontation between human beings and the continuous innovation of AI technology, who will die in the end? Who will be the final winner?

The American movie "Monsters of Man", which will be released on March 18, 2022, is directed by Mark Marc, who has shot many TV commercials. Directed by Mark Toia, it is his feature film debut. The film was completed in 2020 and just made its debut at a foreign film festival in November 2020. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 outbreak hit the world until This year, the epidemic has slowed down, so I was able to meet Taiwanese audiences in theaters. The story tells the story of a manufacturer of AI military robots. In order to win a military bid, an agent from the US CIA Central Intelligence Agency was selected in the Golden Triangle of Southeast Asia. Cave Jungle, dispatched a four-person remote remote control action team to arrive in the Golden Triangle jungle, intending to conduct an unauthorized illegal military test operation, they put four robot prototypes (BR1-4) into the Golden Triangle jungle from the air, want to see these The robot's killing ability, but did not expect this secret operation to be witnessed by a group of doctor members who strayed into the jungle, a SEAL officer living in the jungle, and members of the local drug trafficking family. In order to prevent the leakage of secrets, CIA CIA officials and the boss of the arms dealer ordered the members of the action team to carry out the extermination operation, which detonated a series of life-and-death hunting operations, but also attracted the Jedi counterattack of innocent members. In the battle, who will win the final victory?

The Chinese trailer for the movie "Monsters of Man" will be released in Taiwan on March 18, 2022. The movie is quoted from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iZbbuvXlxo

The film "Monsters of Man" (Monsters of Man) director Mark Toia is very good at moving the camera, shooting how humans use the terrain and features in the jungle, and escape from the dead after being hunted several times. The whole film Gunfire, landmines and close combat, the action scenes of several protagonists and villains are all hands-on, coupled with special effects and special makeup, a life-and-death struggle between an AI robot and a human is captured incisively and vividly. By Brett. Mason (Mason), a SEAL officer played by Thor (Brett Tutor), and Kelly. Kayli Tran plays Tien, a local mistress of the Golden Triangle jungle, and Ly Ty plays Tien's son Leap, through an electronic alarm clock that rings regularly, conveying the sincerity between different skin colors and races friendship.

Neil. Neal McDonough (Neal McDonough) plays the arms dealer Major, David Samartin plays CIA officers Foster (Foster) and Joss. Jose Rosete, who plays Boller, the leader of the remote control test operation team, is the representative of the vicious human nature in the film, showing the cruel and cold-blooded side of human nature to make people grit their teeth.

The young actor who plays the doctor of the six-member group expresses the doctor's vocation and the helpless resentment at the juncture of life and death in a very sincere and appropriate way. It also makes people see the emotional entanglement between the couples at the critical moment of life and death, which makes people watch Can't bear to see it.

When it was released in Taiwan on March 18, 2022, at the same time as the war between Ukraine and Russia continued, the tug-of-war between positive and negative forces of good and evil can also be seen in the American movie "Monsters of Man". , not only filmed the ruthless blood and tears scenes of war, but also filmed the deeper human meaning of war movies, especially the meaning of life behind the battle between humans and AI military robots created by one hand, which makes people feel that the director is more Deep thinking.

<Film Skills>

In order to win a military bid, an AI robot maker bribed a CIA agent to conduct an unauthorized illegal armed military operation. They put four AI robot prototypes into the Asian Golden Triangle for testing. This illegal military operation was originally to test the stability of the AI robot, but the system went out of control and innocent residents were killed. The six doctors who originally came here for humanitarian missions, in addition to witnessing the brutal killing, have also become the hunting targets of armed robots. In this border jungle, they have become a battlefield between humans and machines. How can this group of residents survive in a desperate situation? Seek a lifeline! ?

Hunt the battlefield Monsters of Man

Movie Genre: Action/Sci-Fi/Suspense/Thriller

Release date: 2022-03-18

Duration: 02:02

Issuing company: Junlong International

IMDb score: 5.4

Film Producers: Pam Collis, Keri Grant & Mark Toia

Film director: Mark. Mark Toia

Screenwriters: Jeff Hand and Mark. Mark Toia

main character:

Bright. Brett Tutor as SEAL officer Mason

"The Rescue" Kelly. Kayli Tran as Tien, a local mistress of the Golden Triangle jungle

Trong Kam as Tien's Mr. Prak

Ly Ty as Tien's son Leap

"Evil Castle First Episode: Laquin City" by Neil. Neal McDonough as the arms dealer Major

David Samartin as Foster, a CIA officer

Jose. Jose Rosete as Boller, the leader of the remote-controlled test operations team

"Return to the Crime Scene" Jessica. Jessica Blackmore as Fielding, a member of the remote-controlled test operations team

David. Samartyn (David Haverty) as Kroger, a member of the remote control test operations team

Paul Haapaniemi as Jordan of the Doctor Six

Ryan Hough as Jantz, a member of the Doctor Six

Ma Rynet as Keala, a six-member Doctor Who

Jordy Tulleners as Dez, a member of the Doctor Six

Tatjana Marjanovic as Wendy, a six-member Doctor Who

Conrad K. Pratt as Bao and BR4

Taylor Leigh Edwards as Angie, a member of the Doctor Six

Music: Christopher Elves

Photography: Tony O'Loughlan & Mark Toia

Editing: Kram Aiot

Casting: Gabrielle Almagor, Emma Green, Shannon Makhanian & Ben Parkinson

Art Direction: Jessica Fish & Samnang Pak

Production Design: Patrick Stark

Visual Effects: Vardhika Iriawan, Raoul Teague, Henry Vasquez & Nguyen Anh Viet

Costume Design: Soryda Morm

Makeup: Jefferson Cabral

Production Company: MRT Films Pty Ltd, Hanuman Films & 11:11 Entertainment

FB fan page: Junlong International Co., Ltd.



1. The movie posters and stills introduced in this article are taken from the FB fan page album of Junlong International Co., Ltd. ( https://www.facebook.com/TONYJUNLONG/photos/?ref=page_internal ), the pictures are only for recommendation The purpose of the film is without any consideration of commercial interests. The copyright belongs to Junlong International. Please do not reproduce it arbitrarily, or transfer it for commercial use.

2. The movie-related videos introduced in this article, without any consideration of commercial interests, are quoted from Junlong International YouTube video and audio channel ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iZbbuvXlxo ), and the copyright belongs to Junlong International.

3. The copyright of this article is owned by SJKen. Please do not quote, share, reprint and download without my written consent. Piracy will be punished.


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