I became a victim of plagiarism and misappropriation

My creative design was plagiarized and modified by a person in Guangzhou who claimed to be an "artist" and wrote a teaching text without authorization.

Angry and sad for him.

Here's how it goes...

I was out all day today, enjoying the Spring Festival holiday, and strolling around the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park with my boyfriend. At this time, I received a message from a friend:

Screenshot of the conversation

A friend said that she saw someone who was suspected of plagiarizing my illustration works on the Zanku website, and even derived teaching articles.

When I clicked on the article "The first step to start illustration creation - flat style head design ", my fire came up.

This guy first modified my avatar work, and then even stole another one of my creations, and finally mixed the two pictures... Thank you... You are so creative

Afraid that the comparison picture is not clear, simply explain in words:

October 16, 2018

I published on the Medium platform on October 16, 2018: The picture of the article " How to maintain stable output " is the cover image of the article

Cover image of the article "How to maintain stable output"

May 22, 2019

On May 22, 2019, I posted " Abstract Creation Picture " on Facebook

The avatar drawing I created on Facebook

June 13, 2019

I published on the Medium platform on June 13, 2019: The article " Creating Design. Avatar drawing process sharing >

Cover of this article

January 2, 2020

The plagiarist published on January 4, 2020: The article "The first step in starting illustration creation - flat style avatar design ", remade my avatar concept map, some materials are suspected to be PS and pasted on the back, and my avatar The visual image of the cover of the article " How to maintain stable output " is synthesized as the background image of the avatar

You can go back and compare my previous pictures, in terms of fineness and wording of the article, I will be mad when I see it!
Drawings made by plagiarists
Check out his disgusting compositing and color changing

If this self-proclaimed "art worker" I am a unicorn , he is so shameless to modify and copy, I think, I am a unicorn who can't even make such a simple content, which is quite shameful.

It's a pity that he is still the people who are called "Cotton Kingdom". Apart from not being surprised, he is also embarrassed by others. I don't want to fight the country, but these plagiarism incidents do often appear in some countries... Sorry for any offense.

A mouse feces ruined a pot of porridge

This makes me curious, whether I am a unicorn fairy 's other articles are also copied and modified.

Unsurprisingly, the content of my other articles was also stolen

Not only the pictures and designs, but also the words and concepts are copied and filled. I am afraid that the places that will be recognized will be slightly rewritten, but I still recognize them.

Altered and stolen content

Documenting the part I got screwed on, I think he must have done the same to other creators.

Remarks: I found this article "A Good Typesetting Guide ". I was a unicorn to ask me if I could reprint it. I agreed to reprint it, but he modified the pictures of the article without authorization.

This is reproduced as I understand it, but it is very different .

This is what he said to me at the time:

" Hello, I have learned a lot of relevant knowledge and gained a lot of inspiration from your article. Can I obtain the reprint authorization of your article and share this article on the Zhanku website in mainland China for everyone to read and learn? I The original link will be attached along with the original author. Thank you. "

Other articles are directly plagiarized, altered, or misappropriated without even asking! When I'm blind and can't recognize my own stuff?

Kind reminder? Forget it, it's faster to black directly

In the past, I would kindly remind each other first, but as a unicorn, I obviously knew what I was doing, so I decided to back it up first, and then call on others to report him.

Of course, I'm not holding out hope for the whistleblower to succeed, at least try it!

About plagiarism

Extract the content of the previous article " Learn to create painting from copying ":

By plagiarism, he can get various benefits (reputation, money, community attention), and even privately let people think he is original. There are also some people who say that it is pure practice, but they are distributed publicly, or put in their own collections. . .

Sometimes it is difficult for us to objectively identify, the more similarities, the more noticeable it is; in some cases, the essence of the original work is copied into one's own work, which is also considered to be plagiarism, although that part accounts for the original work. extremely small proportions.

Conversely, no one likes that their work is considered plagiarism by others.

People in different units have different standards for judging plagiarism. Coupled with the improvement of modern literacy and the concept of intellectual property rights, more and more people pay attention to originality.

Plagiarism and Tribute

The concept between the two is very different. In fact, the simplest distinction is whether to "respect" the original work.

  • Plagiarism: plagiarizing a creation without the consent of the original, with the intent to make the public believe that the work is original.
  • Tribute: Representing a classic creation in your own way that the public knows or will lead the public to understand.
Since it cannot be determined objectively, it is no wonder that some people ridiculed: "copying a dead person is called tribute, and copying a living person is called plagiarism."


Hard to guard against.

The earliest plagiarism was around high school; but I didn’t do much at that time, and I didn’t dare to tell the teacher about that classmate….

However, things are different now. I have to be hard on myself, whether it is to clarify or at least speak up for the rights and interests that have been violated.

Any creator is very heartbroken and angry to see their own things taken out of the bowl.

Once a plagiarist is found to be plagiarizing, his ability will also be denied, and all works will be copied, right?

In the face of this incident, in addition to recording, I decided to open source my design and open it to anyone to use and reproduce.

Link to original design file: https://gumroad.com/l/tAZff

Help boycott and take down " I am a Unicorn"

If you have a Zhanku account, you are also willing to help me boycott this plagiarism. Thank you first.

Report the following article link, you can also see if someone you know, or your own things have been stolen:

Reporting method

Below the text of the article, hover the mouse over the area marked by the color block at the bottom (to the left of the share button) to see the option to report.

It took us a long time to find out that the report button is here

Thanks to my friends and fans

There have been many similar incidents in the past, whether it is embezzlement, plagiarism, restructuring, or even impersonation, etc., a few of them were discovered by themselves, and most of them came to me to tell me, or they saw it by mistake.

Really thank you all! thank you all.

The article was first published on Medium , and the version I'm currently reading is the refined version.

Finally, thank you for your reading and support. If you have any questions, please feel free to email ( imjhanemi@gmail.com ).



Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

JhaneUI / UX 設計師&自由接案設計師&雜食設計師 不定期分享設計領域的相關經驗 〘 完整內容請展開介紹〙 | 所有文章:https://reurl.cc/N6Q2Kp 設計作品:https://deerlight.design/ 原創主題:https://reurl.cc/g84djN
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