The Mid-Autumn Festival is full of moon and people are also round (Part 2)

Kaohsiung food recommendation 😋

Gangyuan Beef Noodles

I believe that friends in Kaohsiung must know this beef noodle shop with more than 60 years. My mother likes to eat their beef noodles, but I personally prefer soup noodles. I really like their soup head. , but there is really not much beef. The doors open at 10:30 and many guests have come to taste it. Friends who like to eat beef noodles can try it.

Introduction to Gangyuan Beef Noodles (with menu)

Mung bean Peng hand-made bean curd

Then there is the ancient flavored beancurd on Qinghai Road. The small stall has a very good business. The original flavored beancurd is 35 yuan. I like this ancient flavor of sugar water ❤️

Mung bean Peng introduction

King of Winter Noodles

This shop can be said to be the one that I grew up eating. It can be said to be a popular old shop in Yancheng District. Founded in 1970, it has expanded from a small store to a spacious one. Of course, the price has also risen. Many, I especially love kidney noodles. Although I feel that I can’t get enough of winter noodles every time, I still love this flavor. It is a must-eat food every time I go back to Kaohsiung.

Introduction to the King of Winter Noodles (with menu)

Finally, today's dinner (priceless), full of mother's love (except the ribs are bought from the buffet), and a whole pot of mushroom chicken soup 😋

Every time I go back to my hometown, it is not only a time to connect with my family, but also to eat my strong homesickness. What I eat is not only delicious but also a memory. It is also the heart of my mother who loves us. I hope my dear family members All are safe and healthy, looking forward to the next meeting ❤️


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