Build your own hero's journey

What is your own hero's journey? What elements are in it?
Image credit: Made by Canva

If you were to plan a heroic journey, what elements do you think this heroic journey might need to have?

The following 12 editors provide the elements that I think of a hero's journey:
a. A beautiful story that made you decide to embark on this journey
b. A great devil who will eventually be defeated
c. On the way, you can let yourself fight monsters and upgrade monsters
d. Some related props that can assist you in leveling up, maintaining your health bar and completing tasks
e. Some relevant skills and information required
f. Can be a partner of allies
g. Rewards you can get after completing the task
h. Possible sequel development of Hero's Journey

Everyone is actually going through their own heroic journey, big or small

If we plan our journey as a game, in the process of the game, it will not only increase a lot of fun, but also allow ourselves to increase our experience value and see our growth in the step-by-step process.

Wish you 💕 have a nice day~

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